Cut scenes are not part of the cinematic text! You seem to be really struggling to make this Marvel’s fault. I suspect you thought it happened because people who complain about the M-She-U pretend it did because the actual text of the films provides very little support for thier arguments. Now, I’m NOT saying you’re one of those people, but it’s very easy for anyone to accept bad faith arguments when they’re so prevalent in the discourse. That’s why clarity and demanding specific examples is so important.
I had a
very long reply for you - even by my standards.
To be frank, though, I've gotten drawn into a discussion I never even wanted to have.
I don't even know what cinematic text is. I tried to google it to be sure I understood what you were getting at and all I could find were tutorials on how to do special effects for the titles of movies in Premier and After Effects.
Things I've said have been picked apart and I've found myself having to defend myself on things I don't even care about because others feel it's important and it matters and for
me it isn't and it doesn't.
I'm that way about Disney proper so I get it but I don't feel anything one way or the other for Marvel. I'm not interested in attacking this corporate subsidy or blaming this souless business divisoin of Disney for a position that as a business, I doubt Marvel, collectively even has nor am I interested in defending its honor or the whole of its ouput, either.
I simply don't care.
To that end, I apprecate you extending me the grace of stating you were talking about how easially the issues of things get muddied and being clear you weren't trying to implicate
me as being the problem or even intentially on the side of the problem, as you see it.
For this movie, I liked the early trailers when people were finding fault. The boxoffice predictions and Disney's hail mary trailer killed my expectations.
My personal stake in all of this was non-existant so I went anyway becuse it's not like I've never paid to see a movie I ended up thinking was bad before.
I liked the movie. It wasn't Skakespear-in-spadex but I wasn't expecting it to be.
I didn't care for the first movie* but my sensebilities were not trampled by it the way they apparently were for a lot of other people. I was simply making a point that I think it would be hard to find
that kind of fault with this one.
Some of the people involved in the first one seemed to want to send a message. The public at large had a
lot to say about that. It seems like they listened to all sides of the fallout when making this one.
It's a shame this one seems likely destined to fail.
I don't think that's going to be due to a single factor and movies that I thought were far worse have done way better than this is shaping up to.
I think I've said everything I want to in this discussion. I realize saying to people "It was fun - you should give it a chance and see instead of just grumping about how it's a flop - see it and then tell us if you thought it was bad" probably isn't going to change anyone's mind but as someone who was back and forth in the discussion before it came out, I thought providing my opinion after, especially having expressed doubt before going into it, might be a different perspective from the usual crowd that most people who've been here for a while could have predicted the opinions of six months ago in one direction or the other.
Have you seen it yet?
I'd be interested in a detailed review about what did and didn't work in it for you as a more passionate fan who concerns themselves with the source material.
Oh, and for anyone curious about the clip we were talking about,
here it is for your own context. To be clear, it was released as a deleted/extended scene.
EDIT: I gather from comments you've made after your response to me now that you've seen it so if there's a review in there somewhere and I missed it, I'd appreciate a point to it.
*I didn't like Thor Dark World, either. I didn't like Quantimania or Eternals. Wasn't a fan of Multiverse of Madness. Black Widow was a let-down but I think that's because I had to wait for another year and a half to finally see it and it was part of the first wave of movies going back to theaters so there was a degree of hype in my own mind for going to see it that it couldn't live up to. If I'm being honest, I really didn't think the first Thor movie was that awesome, either... I feel like I have to point all of that out because when I just say I didn't like Captain Marvel by itself, further discussion always has people trying to brand me as a misogynist either directly or indirectly - I know you're not saying that and have gone out of your way to be clear there but that doesn't mean someone isn't going to come along after and try to, here.