Can they close Spaceship Earth?


New Member
Mousermerf, you offer a very interesting point. The 15-things-in-a-day idea is something I've never heard before, and it puts quite a few things in a different light. You're right, without SSE open there is a major hole in Epcot (a hole shaped like a giant geosphere with a Mickey Mouse hand holding a wand next to it :hammer: ). It could use a good rehab though. At least put cushions on the seats. Please.

Oh, and SoFlaDisneyFan, I really got a laugh out of that topic today. I really needed that. But I'm thanking you here instead so I don't get flamed too :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I also liked the other topic. Well played.

As for SSE. I think it provides the PERFECT oportunity for the "evolving attraction" concept. The majority of scenes are great, but some are lacking (as someone mentioned - the Caveman scene). I think scenes that are outdated or unnecessary could be gutted and redone. Take down, update, and improve the necessary scenes. Revamp the ride system. It can stand for a slightly smaller hourly capacity, so make something more fun and interactive. Then re-write the ending to make it more exciting. While the score is good, the story and everything falls apart for the finale, IMHO. It has HUGE potential to make a statement, and screen technology, etc. could make great use of the small space at the end. I also would love to see Earth Station/Global Neighborhood get rethemed. These product showcases work, but, especially without a sponsor, they are not that great. Giving it more of a centralized "Communicore" concept (going to Communication Core, not Community Core now) or something practical and useful for the park (which, in turn, would free up some space as well if you placed GR in there).

It is Epcot's Pirates/Mansion and deserves to be updated and treated as such. make the changes, but progress the attraction; don't replace it.


Active Member
I say gut it. Take everything completely out. Then refurbish it to death. To what? The same ride only updated. Different Animatronics, maybe some interactive ones as if you were really moving through time and they noticed you, and then when you get to the Future piece really go nuts and have the imagineers do something with it, flying cars, jetpacks whatever just really go to town with. The ride is great and needs to stay but it could use some serious TLC. :D


Well-Known Member
SSE and its current set up needs a rehab - no major changes (perhaps a sponsor would be good) and then leave it alone - its a classic just like COP.
The Geosphere (the big golf ball) is a classic park symbol and should always remain


Well-Known Member
Great idea for discussion!

I (of course) have some thoughts on this :lol:

So, people will want to do 15 "activities" each day, from eating, to watching shows, to riding rides......that sounds about right for the average person.

The park could be managed in a way that their are EXACTLY 15 activities to do, which is probably about the amount at DAK.....

But then we get down to taste, and options.

If a park has 15 activities, and the average guest is going to experience 15 activites, they all will be experiencing the same thing.

If the park adds 2 additional activites, the park has suddenly offered options. Still holding on to the premise that guest will do 15 activites, they are now "not doing everything"....they now have options on activites to skip an activity, or better, return another day to experience it.

I think there is probably a window of the number of attractions in a park to get the repeat visitation. If a guest will do 15 activities, and the park has 18, the guest may not return to "finish" the park. If the park has 25, the guest could almost spend 2 days in the park, unless the distinction between the activites to so large that the guests begin only to experience the "best 15" activites, and the others get little or no guests (like WoL when it is open)

Now, Can Epcot remove WoL, or SSE without replacing them......yeah, they can. Parts of Epcot are not operated to capacity. I would say a very small percentage of guests visit Innoventions, and not everyone rides JII or UoE, but by doing so, the guests may be "forced" to experience an activity that they do not want to, which could lead to lower guest satisfaction. If guests are choosing to ride SSE over UoE, it may be due to personal preference.


New Member
Can they close it for a major IASW-esque rehab? Yes, if they start in the fall season (and I don't think it will last quite as long as IASW's... maybe 10 months). There's no need to gut it, though. Making a change in scenery here and there and making everything look fresh is one thing; I'm fine with those kind of enhancements. In fact, they're needed. It's a great ride, though, I love it as-is and I think most people do too. I just don't think there's a huge desire among park-goers for an all-new attraction. You also have to take what Jim Hill says with an interesting grain of salt.



New Member
I LUV SSE, but the ride mechanism is killing me slowly. I now make sure I have a jacket or something with me to put behind my head/neck as we start clacking along...especially the backwards bit. No need to change the scenery, but the cars themselves I'd love to see changed out for comfort :)


Well-Known Member
The Disney company will have truly lost it if they gut or remove SSE into a thrill ride of any type or gift shop or meet n' greet.

The ride needs some TLC no doubt. I am all in favor of closing it down to give it technological updates/upgrades and hopefully a new sponsor and new Earth Station.

Somehow a tacky wand and sprinkled stars over the sphere and a boring entrance into Epcot makes SSE look even worse. Not the grand ride and sphere we once knew.


Well-Known Member
SE needs a good long rehab, updated ending, a few souped up AA' and it will be fine. I took NON DISNEY type friends on this ride 2 weeks ago and they loved it. And let me say I had to wait 15 minutes to get on the ride at 1pm on a Thursday. The ride is still popular and viable. Just needs a little TLC.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and in responce to EXPO SEEKER40's post above, I don't mind the Leave a Legacy Cemetary. It's the silly cartoonish wand that seems to "dumb down" this stately landmark that bothers me.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
If/when they do update SSE, they need to create an ending to the ride that can be updated frequently to stay timely. That will always be SSE's cross to bear, as well as most of Future World-creating a vision of the future that doesn't quickly become nostalgia.

If TWDC were to ask me (and honestly I can't imagine why they wouldn't), I'd say create some sort of multi-camera film experience for the end of SSE that shows people working on the latest trends in communication/media, while also focusing on the human element in communication (ie, people who obviously care about each other, who are talking to each other, all that happy crappy). I mean the real heartwarming "oh my God the future is now!" stuff-working on means for the deaf & mute to talk in "real time," the work being done to communicate with primates & dolphins, robots who are learning to respond to commands and interact with humans, etc. And combine it with a different sort of "what if" section. Right now the end of the ride is an adult's concept of what commuication will be like dot dot dot IN THE FUTURE! Seeing the American White Boy being told he's "one cool dude" by the young Asian girl as they converse twixt their videola movie phones...come on, it's a setting & dialogue that'd make George Lucas giggle & roll his eyes. Have kids talk about what they THINK the next big thing will be, and have it represented by their own drawings rather than spending millions of dollars on an Audio-Animatronic scene that will seem antiquated in 2 or 3 years' time. And when these pieces become outdated, it will be quicker & easier to revise it, without diminshing or trvializing the original vision of SSE.


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
If/when they do update SSE, they need to create an ending to the ride that can be updated frequently to stay timely. That will always be SSE's cross to bear, as well as most of Future World-creating a vision of the future that doesn't quickly become nostalgia.

If TWDC were to ask me (and honestly I can't imagine why they wouldn't), I'd say create some sort of multi-camera film experience for the end of SSE that shows people working on the latest trends in communication/media, while also focusing on the human element in communication (ie, people who obviously care about each other, who are talking to each other, all that happy crappy). I mean the real heartwarming "oh my God the future is now!" stuff-working on means for the deaf & mute to talk in "real time," the work being done to communicate with primates & dolphins, robots who are learning to respond to commands and interact with humans, etc. And combine it with a different sort of "what if" section. Right now the end of the ride is an adult's concept of what commuication will be like dot dot dot IN THE FUTURE! Seeing the American White Boy being told he's "one cool dude" by the young Asian girl as they converse twixt their videola movie phones...come on, it's a setting & dialogue that'd make George Lucas giggle & roll his eyes. Have kids talk about what they THINK the next big thing will be, and have it represented by their own drawings rather than spending millions of dollars on an Audio-Animatronic scene that will seem antiquated in 2 or 3 years' time. And when these pieces become outdated, it will be quicker & easier to revise it, without diminshing or trvializing the original vision of SSE.

I think you might be on to something. How interesting would it be to have AA kids basically surrounding you with note pads. Then above them, screen technology showing their concepts come to life. Make them actualy innovations that are being worked on. I could see handheld computer technology, international communication mechanisms, CAD programs designing cities, lots of things. Then, every child's "idea" could be changed easily and whenever Disney wanted to. it could be ever updated. Then remake the city finale into a truly grand version of EPCOT and make the very end a bit more. The fiberoptics around SSE are great, but the last shot needs more punch.


New Member
Epcot82Guy said:
I think you might be on to something. How interesting would it be to have AA kids basically surrounding you with note pads. Then above them, screen technology showing their concepts come to life. Make them actualy innovations that are being worked on. I could see handheld computer technology, international communication mechanisms, CAD programs designing cities, lots of things. Then, every child's "idea" could be changed easily and whenever Disney wanted to. it could be ever updated. Then remake the city finale into a truly grand version of EPCOT and make the very end a bit more. The fiberoptics around SSE are great, but the last shot needs more punch.

Very innovative. I could see it. Maybe at the end when you're going down the tunnel they can come up with a new song to inspire the future. Something like:

Dreaming of tomorrow,
Planning it today,
Ideas and dreams we follow,
From those of yesterday.

Ok i'll give up the song writing. lol:hammer:


New Member
Well it as least physically possible to say that epcot can exist without SE being an attraction....the icons of MK and MGM are not attractions...but to more of a solid point...SE is sort of the 'anchor' of epcot, it is the attraction that sort of acts like the 'mission statement' of the park, introduces its guests to what the place is all about. In short, I think a total re-design of SE would be a failure, although a nice, expensive cleaning and re-furbishment would be long waited for and much appreciated. :-D


New Member
-I agree with all those who have said keep the ride but make some minor fixes (namely the ride system itself) I'm all for keeping the dark ride omnimover, but seriously the track and cars are currently in desperate need of some TLC.

-Then again, what if they converted to a (origional)JII type of system; having "trains" with several cars rather than one continuous "train" of cars. This could reduce or possibly even eliminate the need for those frequent stops we've become so accustomed to over the years. That way, they could keep the continuous boarding set-up that currently exists while still giving the other trains freedom to move if boarding had to slow down or stop..? I don't know, I'm just brainstorming here.

-Finally, While I enjoy most of the ride as is, I don't quite... understand the "finale" of the ride. The entire climb is perfect, and I love the wonderfully detailed show scenes outlining the history of communication... that part is perfect. What i never quite felt fit in was the ending; we go from the begining of time, through present day... and then... we're in space! LoL, it just always kind of threw me off.. then we go through a tunnel of lights... then a quick glimpse here and there at "future methods of communication" but for the most part its just this tripsy light show. I suppose the space element puts the space in spaceship earth... but then again where did the spaceship theme ever come from for a ride concerning the history, evolution, and future of communication? Maybe a time machine would have been more appropiate? But honestly--- I'll be the first to admit "spaceship earth" is MUCH catchier than "time machine earth." :lol:

-All in all, I vote they give this thing a major update and face lift. Keep most of the climb practically as-is... but give us a "finale" with some real -substance- to replace the current "here are some pretty colors to look at while you quickly descend backwards."

*thats my 2 cents* :)


New Member
Disneyfan1981 said:
....The same ride only updated. Different Animatronics, maybe some interactive ones as if you were really moving through time and they noticed you, and then when you get to the Future piece really go nuts and have the imagineers do something with it, flying cars, jetpacks whatever just really go to town with. The ride is great and needs to stay but it could use some serious TLC. :D

What a GREAT idea!!!:sohappy: YOU need to work for imagineering! I LOVE the ride and would never want to go to WDW and not ride it. It is one of my favorites. But it does need updating. The "future" part is now the "right now" part. I love your ideas. Especially the interactive animatronics! That would be so cool!

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