I hate people who keep going "they're keeping it because it's a classic"...
Wow...didn't you say that HORIZONS was a classic? How 'bout JOURNEY INTO IMAGINATION? Hmmm...the WORLD OF MOTION, perhaps? Howzabout KITCHEN KABARET? Let's see, the ORIGINAL UNIVERSE OF ENERGY? (actually, I never minded Ellen moving in) And, if the current times are correctly telling, what about WONDERS OF LIFE?
Face it, here's the dilemna: It's you vs. the general public.
Sorry, kids. These attractions are wonderful, but the general, thrill-seeking public says "Yawn! Gimmie something else Disney, because I'm leaving." Most people
don't want to ride in omnimovers, sightseeing over a omnisphere screen, or careening through time, and looking at the past of transportation thru animatronic technology. And slowly doing it as well. They want to be thrust into high speeds, experience jolting moments and as well as laugh...not be inspired. Sorry...tourists are seemingly UNIMAGINATIVE and UNINTELLIGENT.
(Yes, I do realize that half of the attractions above have to do with their damn sponsors not realizing anything about classic attractions, they just saw their's as a "temporary company product placement", but hey, do THEY manage theme parks? But, the removal of the attraction for something new was fueled by the Eisner excuse of "people want something more exciting and less inspiring".)
When you see that Wonders of Life (which has to be on its last legs, I mean, come on, it's following in the footsteps of Horizons now...and the Land rehab, umm, yeah, it's over. WoL has about a year to live, I'd say [ahem! Tribute videos, start your taping please!

) is about to close...hey, this IS the thrill ride addition and some more mainsteam and fun stuff, I mean, people don't exactly look bored in Body Wars, Cranium Command, and Making of Me, and the pavillion's bright and colorful. This brings to the second point: outdatedness.
When something is outdated, it's canned. Or people will start complaning about it being outdated. Now, HERE's when attraction replacement comes correctly into play. Come on, Epcot isn't a mueseum, yes it's sad, but didn't Walt Disney say that "Disneyland will never be complete as long as there's imagination left in the world?", same goes for Epcot. Trust me, if you feel bad for these attractions, just wait!
My example: Food Rocks. Replacing Kitchen Kabaret with something of this caliber seemed like torture. The first victim of the Epcot remodeling, this hit home hard. But, hey, look at earlier this year when Food Rocks CLOSED and you guys were boo-hooing about it...but, some people were celebrating...the revenge has gone.
So, yes! Even the new attractions that the old attractions are being replaced with are being tossed out the window eventually. It's a cycle that we all have to live with.
Back on topic, SSE might be safe...then again, with the topic of all the now extinct attractions...is any attraction safe?
(BTW- I really think Disney should open up an Extinct Attractions pavillion in Epcot, maybe just a small one, to appease all of the theme park fans, including the guys at D-Troops. Seeing has how old Epcot attractions will have a large influence, you can see old artifacts from old attractions (hmm, it's already happened, Pirates has WoM figures and the dragon from the attraction is also laying around DCA's Hollywood district!) and old animatronics (Dreamfinder, anyone?) put to good use...