Can Anyone believe this?!


New Member
Oh and Speck... "unleashing my inner child"... You better put a leash back on it 'cuz if your "inner child" get's lost, I ain't gonna help... :animwink:


New Member
Speck... you are 100% correct. There are parents out there, probably too many, that act exactly how you described. I look at them and wonder what they are thinking. In your last post, you acknowledged that the vast majority of parents are not like that... that is the first time you did not stereotype all kids and parents... had you done that at first, I would not have had any problem with what you were saying. Too many parents out there are bad parents, and unfortunately that reflects on the kids. And it is really not the kids fault they act like they do... it is the parents.


Well-Known Member
brich said:
Really? Not the same Speck I've read in the past. There's really no need to respond further on this. You've dragged this thread down long enough. :D

Take time to read and understand a post before you post replies like this one. You really do not understand where Speck76 is coming from in his posts. If you did, then you would understand that he's not "dragging" down the thread at all.

Responsibility for kids is with the parents, not anyone else. Society is trying to influence parents that schools, malls, movie theatres or theme parks should be responsible for their kids, but that is not the case. They are only responsible in ASSISTING the parents and only when necessary. They are not providing day care services. The parents that drop off the kids at the malls or theatres drive me nuts. Those are the same parents that let their kids scream through a film, climb in the areas with "do not climb" signs, and throw their food everywhere when eating dinner.

Everyone can overlook the few problems that kids will have. But it's easy to spot those kids who haven't had the benefit of good parental guidance.


Well-Known Member
brich said:
Really? Not the same Speck I've read in the past. There's really no need to respond further on this. You've dragged this thread down long enough. :D

You don't like my opinion, so I should just not have one.....

hmmm....that does not seem right.


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Take time to read and understand a post before you post replies like this one. You really do not understand where Speck76 is coming from in his posts. If you did, then you would understand that he's not "dragging" down the thread at all.

Responsibility for kids is with the parents, not anyone else. Society is trying to influence parents that schools, malls, movie theatres or theme parks should be responsible for their kids, but that is not the case. They are only responsible in ASSISTING the parents and only when necessary. They are not providing day care services. The parents that drop off the kids at the malls or theatres drive me nuts. Those are the same parents that let their kids scream through a film, climb in the areas with "do not climb" signs, and throw their food everywhere when eating dinner.

Everyone can overlook the few problems that kids will have. But it's easy to spot those kids who haven't had the benefit of good parental guidance.
Ok, thank you. Then go read my posts. Then maybe you'll understand where I'm coming from. Better yet, read the original post. The one that mentions "Cecil's" actions and not about parenting skills. Speck makes some valid points, but maybe he should have started a thread about watching your kids ... :animwink:


Well-Known Member
brich said:
Ok, thank you. Then go read my posts. Then maybe you'll understand where I'm coming from. Better yet, read the original post. The one that mentions "Cecil's" actions and not about parenting skills. Speck makes some valid points, but maybe he should have started a thread about watching your kids ... :animwink:

Not trying to argue- but there wouldn't have been a post about "Cecil's" actions if the parents had been watching their child.....


Premium Member
I have 2 kids under the age of 4. And it's easy to keep track of them when there's 2 adults (1 adult per child), but when the number of children outweighs the number of adults it is not so easy. There's been times where I've taken my kids out to the toy store or whatever and they've been playing in the indoor playground and one kid will run one way and the other will run the other way. Kids can be amazing escape artists when they work together.

So while it is the fault of the parents that the child escaped, it is impossible to know how the child got away so I can't judge them as negligent so quickly.

So with that said, it breaks my heart that the poor kid was just standing there crying hysterically and the photographer made no effort to comfort the child. So what if it wasn't his "job", it's human decency to help a baby who is in trouble.


New Member
speck76 said:
You don't like my opinion, so I should just not have one.....

hmmm....that does not seem right.
Speck, I enjoy your opinions. I really do. I really don't have a problem with you voicing an opinion. It just seems like this thread has turned into a parent bash, and although, many times warranted, I still do not understand how or why this thread went in this direction. I have no ill feelings towards you. If I had a problem with people stating their opinions, why would I even spend a minute on this board? :wave:


New Member
It is Disneys problem

World class customer service is one of the things that seperates Disney from Six Flags. The situation described here is something I would have never thought would happen in Disney. When I went through the training (many years ago) we were instructed to take responsibility for the child until the parents are found. Regardless of whether a parent is good or not, children (and adults for that matter) are going to get lost. You can complain all you want about all those bad parents in the parks, but at the end of the day it is those bad parents that enable the parks to be so special. If those bad parents wanted until there children where 4 or 5 to start taking their families, Disney would not have the resources to do all the wonderful things they do.


Well-Known Member
brich said:
Oh and Speck... "unleashing my inner child"... You better put a leash back on it 'cuz if your "inner child" get's lost, I ain't gonna help... :animwink:

*high fives*

Ok, I'm going to say something and Brad if I'm out of line just let me know.

speck is a decent human being, he has a passion for debate and loves to make people think; playing the Devil's advocate is something he does very well.

Now I may not have (ok, I would not have) used the same phrases as he did, but I agree with many of his points (and yes I am really a mom as somebody asked.. I have 2 girls). Parents need to take responsibility for their children. When my kids were small we let them pick what rides to go on, we never forced them. If the choice was not age appropriate we did not let them on. When the acted up we left the shows and we built rest periods into our day. Unfortunately, there are people out there who do not paractice these strategies and yes, I would complain about them too.

It is not right, parent or not, to destroy another patron's visit. An apology goes a long way when this happens. We once came across a mom who was having a meltdown due to her kid's meltdown, but they were not leaving the park. My hubby who speaks french started talking to the child in a calm voice (they were speaking french also), just passing the time. The child relaxed as did the mom. Everyone else on line was able to calm down as well. We saw them later in the day, the kid still screaming the mom still upset... I felt sorry for all of them.

The subject of children will always stir passion. Please, let us move on.


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
*high fives*

Ok, I'm going to say something and Brad if I'm out of line just let me know.

speck is a decent human being, he has a passion for debate and loves to make people think; playing the Devil's advocate is something he does very well.

Now I may not have (ok, I would not have) used the same phrases as he did, but I agree with many of his points (and yes I am really a mom as somebody asked.. I have 2 girls). Parents need to take responsibility for their children. When my kids were small we let them pick what rides to go on, we never forced them. If the choice was not age appropriate we did not let them on. When the acted up we left the shows and we built rest periods into our day. Unfortunately, there are people out there who do not paractice these strategies and yes, I would complain about them too.

It is not right, parent or not, to destroy another patron's visit. An apology goes a long way when this happens. We once came across a mom who was having a meltdown due to her kid's meltdown, but they were not leaving the park. My hubby who speaks french started talking to the child in a calm voice (they were speaking french also), just passing the time. The child relaxed as did the mom. Everyone else on line was able to calm down as well. We saw them later in the day, the kid still screaming the mom still upset... I felt sorry for all of them.

The subject of children will always stir passion. Please, let us move on.

100 % agree with you Mad :sohappy:


New Member
I do feel sorry for the little one being scared....but I just don't buy this whole story. There are facts that really are missing, or information blown out of perspective to make this more of a topic to discuss. Originally he had the toddler by the shirt...could he have been trying to catch him along with holding camera equipment....and the person who came up and took the child....maybe they were in the area and saw the WHOLE scene .... I know as a parent, if my two year old had wondered off, I would be screaming their name...heck I do that now and our girls are 21 and 23 now. No where does this poster say he even witnessed a FRANTIC mom or dad anywhere near this scene.


Well-Known Member
brich said:
Ok, thank you. Then go read my posts. Then maybe you'll understand where I'm coming from. Better yet, read the original post. The one that mentions "Cecil's" actions and not about parenting skills. Speck makes some valid points, but maybe he should have started a thread about watching your kids ... :animwink:

The original post was made by someone upset at the perceived lack of interest in a child by a "CM" or "Employee" that was not his. Why should we be so upset with that person when there are many parents that seem to have the same lack of interest in their OWN kids? In my view, that's the direction the thread took.

Brad posed questions that seem to upset some people. They are upset because they know it to be the truth. Too many parents today don't want responsibility for their own kids, they want someone else (theme park, mall, school, church, government) to be responsible so they can play more. I see it all the time and agree it's time for a change in society.


Well-Known Member
brich said:
I give up.... :lol:

LOL- Sorry I just had a little bit of "the Devil's Advocate" come into me when I posted that one..... :D I just can't help myself at times.....(and I do have 2 kids- they keep me on my toes....)


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
speck is a decent human being, he has a passion for debate and loves to make people think; playing the Devil's advocate is something he does very well.

:animwink: :goodnevil


New Member
Aurora_25 said:
LOL- Sorry I just had a little bit of "the Devil's Advocate" come into me when I posted that one..... :D I just can't help myself at times.....(and I do have 2 kids- they keep me on my toes....)
:D I also have 2. Which I don't even trust alone with anyone, aside from my wife. I'm of the extreme, over-protective, fully responsible, stop whistling cuz you might annoy someone, ssshhhh, sit still kind of parenting. In fact, we are all surgically attached at the hands... :lol:


New Member
Gucci65 said:
I expected a better post from you :veryconfu

You came off sounding like the typical person who does not have kids. You can't possibly know anything about them unless you have them.

That said, all is takes is a split second. How do you know the woman didn't bend down to tie her shoe - let go of her kids hand for a second and bam he was gone. In a throng of people it would not be hard to happen.

Now behave and post intelligently like you normally do!! :wave:

PS - I posted this BEFORE reading the 8 pgs behind it - will catch up soon.

It's true though it's really easy to happen. ESPECIALLY in those crowds. I don't think we should be so hard on the parent. They're probably hard enough on theirselves about it. I mean, I'm 25, with no kids. But I have taken my little cousins places ever since they were babies (my mom has 9 brothers and sisters and my dad has 5 so I have a lot of little cousins.) I remember one time I was at an amusement park (I can't remember if it was Cedar Point or King's island now) and I was watching my 2 twin cousins (they were about 5 at the time) while my aunt went to the bathroom. we were sitting on a bench. I just turned to the girl to say something and didn't even notice the boy on my right get up and run to one of the game stands. The stand was only like 10 or 15 feet away, but with all the people I couldn't see him and I panicked and was calling him but he didn't even hear me because it was so loud. then I was running around looking in the immediate vicinity, and ended up losing track of the girl. Then was really panicking. Then she found ME, and ran over and got me and told me her brother was at the game stand watching people play. So I grabbed both their hands in relief. I'd say the whole thing was about 5 minutes but it was really stressful, and either of the kids could have just as easily wandered in a different direction looking for me and i go the opposite direction from them, then it's REALLY a mess. Just showing how easily that can happen.


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Take time to read and understand a post before you post replies like this one. You really do not understand where Speck76 is coming from in his posts. If you did, then you would understand that he's not "dragging" down the thread at all.

Responsibility for kids is with the parents, not anyone else. Society is trying to influence parents that schools, malls, movie theatres or theme parks should be responsible for their kids, but that is not the case. They are only responsible in ASSISTING the parents and only when necessary. They are not providing day care services. The parents that drop off the kids at the malls or theatres drive me nuts. Those are the same parents that let their kids scream through a film, climb in the areas with "do not climb" signs, and throw their food everywhere when eating dinner.

Everyone can overlook the few problems that kids will have. But it's easy to spot those kids who haven't had the benefit of good parental guidance.

I think someone else said it best - the parents have responsibility, yes. but once someone else steps in and takes responsibility, they need to follow through. Why was "Cecil" holding onto the child if he wasn't going to resolve the situation? I mean think about it, let's say I'm in the mall and see a child who appears lost. I ask the child where her mommy is and she says she doesn't know. So I start walking her towards the information desk. I've started taking responsibility at this point. So would it make sense for me to walk the child to another location and leave her before making it to the info desk, taking her further away from where she last saw her parent(s)? Or get half way there and hand the child off to someone else? No it makes no sense at all. Since Cecil "had" the child, he should have just taken her to the appropriate place. That was the point of the thread in my opinion. I don't think anyone was saying the parents are not to blame at all.


Well-Known Member
jozzmenia said:
Just showing how easily that can happen.

Yeah, it can happy quickly and easily......but does that make it acceptable? Should that be an acceptable excuse for a parent? Should that make the park or others responsible for helping you locate the child?

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