I could be wrong, but this is still TDO we're dealing with right? There's been no spirited change at WDW management, has there? The same TDO who have not shown any desire to add to their parks outside RSR.
The same company who's had the ability to expand Lucasfilms in their parks all these years but haven't. I'm not saying there won't be something, but what people seem to be thinking here is far beyond anything based in reality, that I can see.
Wasn't Iger's #1 goal for purchasing Marvel the films and merch, correct? Not specifically for a bunch of attractions for the theme parks. How is this different? Outside a single attraction, how far off and how certain is a huge Marvel expansion?
Didnt Spirit, just what? A week ago, say Disney was not interested in expanding Indy's presence (attractions) at WDW?
I'm just not buying that this translates into some mega theme park expansion in WDW. I also don't understand how SW's canceling out either Carsland or Avland is a good thing, outside some obsessive (or semi-obsessive) Avatar haters wishes. If this is the case I would be legitimately concerned. If you have a chance at Carsland for DHS take it. Nothing would stop them from adding something to an already existing Lucasland. And, if this is the case, diverting funds from Avland to anything star wars related is an absolute awful thing for AK. A park that needs some kind of big expansion, besides some (sorry) ridiculous Indy and Endor suggestions.