Camcorder worth it?


New Member
Hi all!

Our trip to Disney is less than three weeks away, and I'm debating on whether or not to bring the camcorder. We're a young couple, and this is our second time visiting (although first time on Disney property). I always felt like the camcorder was really something you'd bring when you're going with kids since it's great to record them experiencing Disney for the first time, but I'm worried I'm going to miss out on something or not enjoy the Disney experience as much if I'm constantly recording (or even recording shows/parades).

For those of you who have gone w/o kids (and those with kids - your thoughts are definitely welcome as well!), what's your opinion? Did you find that the camcorder sort of dampened the experience a bit? I'd like this to be a romantic/fun/exciting experience, and I have a feeling recording stuff is going to ruin that.

Thoughts? :)


I brought our camcorder the last time two times (and we have two kids), and I barely used it at all (maybe 1 hour of video from both trips). I found myself enjoying the experience so much that I didn't take myself out of it by recording it. Most of the rides and shows are available as downloadable videos from a couple of different websites, so I have wonderful videos of the shows and parades better than I could have recorded when I want to relive the experience.

Despite this, my advice would be take it in case, but don't feel obligated to use it or disappointed if you don't. I am a better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it type of person, but I don't regret that my video-taping was limited. I have some nice shots of my kids meeting the princesses which I love, but otherwise left it in the bag.

I am headed back in July, and I imagine I will have my camera with me; I just might not use it that much...
I just put together an iMovie from our '05 trip and realized that what I taped was senseless for the most part. There were a few things I was so glad to have on tape - such as meeting the characters, because they can be so funny! But, I agree with the poster, I found online much better versions of parades, fireworks, and rides online than I had taken my self.

So take it? Yeah I would - but as someone else said don't feel as though you 'have to' tape it all. This time I am taking the video camera, but made some notes of what I want to tape: my niece meeting the princesses, the boys at the waterpark, my parents meeting a character for the first time - special personal experiences.
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New Member
We are a couple in our 40's no children. We take the camcorder every year. I LOVE watching my videos over and over again. Some years we only have an hour or so others we have four.

I've been know to just have it running in the background while I do chores. Just hearing the music or sounds makes me feel good.
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Well-Known Member
Please tell me how to do this! I have been dying to transfer my videos to DVD but I don't have a clue how to do it since I'm very technologically challenged.

This depends on your equipment. If your Camcorder supports a USB or FireWire connection then it should be a relativly straight forward case of installing the drivers and software that came with the camera. Once installed you just need to plug it in and open Movie Maker. There is an option to import the video from a device and the rest is fairly self explanatory (sorry if this is a bit vague, I dont use Movie Maker too often).

If your camera doesn't support a computer connection then you need to get yourself a Analogue to Digial video input card / dongle. They cost about £60 upwards in the UK. This will let you plug in a video player or camera and you can then capture the movie stream using Movie Maker. This way is a little more complex but still manageable.

Once your film is edited and ready to be put onto DVD you will need to get yourself some DVD creator software (I think Vista has this built in???) and insert your movie files (watch out, the default wmv movie files produced by Movie Maker don't work with all software).

Another option is to get yourself a set-top DVD recorder and setup your system so that your video player or camera feeds right into the recorder. My dad took this option. The set-top DVD recorder cost about £100 but it if your not familiar with computers then this might be easier (although you still need to figure out the wiring!).

Finally, you can take your videos to a place which will convert them for you. They will cost you but it might be worth it for the saved time - especially if you need to buy any extra equipment. I couldn't name anywhere US that does this but I know it can be done.
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Well-Known Member
I must say that I'm shocked :eek: by the negative responses - those against taking a camcorder to WDW.

Our first trip was camcorderless (we didn't own one) - our second trip we borrowed one from a neighbour and i was hooked (pardon the pun) :ROFLOL: Purchased my own since then and looking at going HD Digital for the upcoming Christmas trip

OK - so there is the disadvantage of living your WDW trip watching all the parades, fireworks and shows through a video screen - but when you get home those memories spring back - its like reliving your trip again.

And there's videos on the internet - great............. BUT they're somebody else's memories NOT mine.

The size and current prices of camcorders is minimal - you're hardly "lugging" anything around the parks.

I'd NEVER do WDW without a camcorder again
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Definitley take the camcorder!! We are a couple without kids (not so young though:eek:) and take ours every year. There is nothing better than after you have returned home sitting down and watching the footage and having a really good laugh at the things you have done.

We have filmed parades and fireworks, charachter meet and greets and us just walking round the parks........

When you are having a miserbale time at home or work is getting to you you can put on the film and laugh and think what your boring job pays for you to do!!

We dont tend to take it to other theme parks in the area ( you know where I mean) with larger rides that would mean you would have to store it every two minutes. But Disney is a must with a camcorder.

Think about all the family members and freinds you can bore when you get back.......
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Missing my mind...
Premium Member
I refused to carry around even a small camcorder for years. I just didn't want the extra bulk and the hassle of turning in on, taking the lens cover off, open the LCD screen and making sure you have enough tape. Not to mention the battery would always die at the worst time.

That was until I found this little beauty!
It uses AA batteries, no lens cover, you don't have to open a LCD screen and it has a built in arm with a USB plug built in so when you get back to your room you just extend the arm and plug it your laptop and download the video. No cables needed. And, it's smaller than my camera.
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Active Member
We're a young couple with no kids and have taken a camcorder with us on all of our trips to WDW together. Each time we take less video, but we find it's still nice to have to catch something new or just us goofing around. Although I admit it can be a pain trying to take video of shows/parades, I've personally seen them so many times, that I don't mind watching it once through the video screen. Our camera is pretty small, so it fits in the backpack and isn't much of a hastle carrying through the parks. PLUS, we like having those videos to watch during a cold, snowy central-Illinois winter so we can think about our next trip! :lol:

Have fun!
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I'm 24, my DH is 26 and we have no kids and we always take our camcorder to Disney. I like to film the parades and fireworks so I can watch them at home when I have my Disney blues (still 16 months of my next trip :cry:) and yeah, it's hard to watch the shows when you're filming. But then, we make a point of seeing each one more than once and we make sure that we have no cameras or any distractions when we see it for the last time.

I also use it to get interactions with characters on tape, something that a camera just wouldn't pick up! And it's great for a walk around tour of your hotel!
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Ella's Mommy

Active Member
My video camara is a MUST on every trip. I dont tape every single moment but I do try to get some good footage. I always tape before take off in the plane when everyone is super excited, then I have some tape the welcome sign when coming in as well as when we pull into whatever resort we're staying at. Then after that I just get random footage of everyone having fun. My Aunt also shares in the taping so I am on camara once in awhile. This trip I'm gonna take 4 hours of tape. Its my DD first trip and my husbands second trip since he was 6!! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I must say that I'm shocked :eek: by the negative responses - those against taking a camcorder to WDW.
I was also surprised by this. Mine is fairly small. I don't take it with me every day. My plan on every trip is to visit each park at least twice. I take the video camera only once per park. I have some priceless things on tape that pictures wouldn't do it justice. I have video of DS playing in a fountain outside of Kali that makes me laugh every time I watch it. I also have him recorded overly excited about seeing dino footprints (next to Gertie @ DHS) that he cannot stop jumping up and down yelling "footprints, footprints" for about 5 minutes. I have portions of a few shows and rides like Playhouse, Pirates, Crush, Small World, etc. I have a few character meets and a little from character dining. I have all of Fantasmic and Spectromagic. I have about 2 hours worth of stuff from our 2006 vacation and we watch it about 1ce a month so we don't forget and to get us excited about our next trip.
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I always take my video camera and picture camera. Nothing is better than watching those home made disney videos espaecially before you go back. It makes me excited. I also see where people are coming from when they say they enjoy the parks better without it.
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New Member
I think it's whatever people are comfortable with for recording memories.

For the great majority of visitors to WDW, what works best is a small digital camera that can also do video.

I find few things at WDW that seem to be suited for a cam corder video sequence. Maybe a parade or the Lights Motor Action stunt show - but just once.
For the most part, what is wanted is a snapshot of a particular area, or attraction, or family members. A quick single picture and then move on.

Toward the end of the trip I ususally have a day where I say "I'm leaving the camera in the room today and just enjoy the parks without it".
I do, however, enjoy digital photography and come home each time with more and more pictures since there is no developing costs with memory cards and the memory cards are getting cheaper.

Good luck.
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New Member
Having taken it and also not taken it, I say leave it at home, or at best if you take it, only use it occassionally.
If you're walking around taping everything, you miss out on the experience that is Disney. Even when you tape on a ride, or show, the recording can't really show the whole experience. If you are looking thru a little viewfinder all the time, then you WILL miss out.
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Premium Member
I don't really see the point in bringing a camcorder. Get a digital camera with a video clip function. There's already plenty of recordings of the shows and rides on Youtube and other sites. Use the video clip function on a digital camera to capture those little personal moments.

I've always found it very boring to watch a vacation on video.
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Well-Known Member
We take our camcorder with us. We have on every trip we have taken. We don't use it everyday, but its fun to have when you want it. We always stake curb spots early for the parade we might video a bit of our wait time..the kids devouring a Mickey bar, or excitedly sharing that fresh off Space Mountain feeling. We don't video every ride or show.

If you know you won't want to sit through those videos years from now then don't bring it. However, it has been so much fun watching our girls grow up at Disney. Hearing how their little voices changed over the years. Hearing and seeing them get excited driving onto the Disney property for the first time. Splashing in the pool or slipping down the slide at CSR. It is a matter of opinion, but we always bring it no matter how little we use it.
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Well-Known Member
My digital camera (which is very very small :) ) takes video, and thats all I need.

With or without kids I have never wished I had a full fledged video camera with me. I also find that I look at pictures I take quite a bit, but I dont look at video footage that much at all.

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We need time for things to happen.
Here's the thing..

If I didn't have kids, I don't think I would bother.
We've gone every May for the last 3 years, and I've used it progressively less and less....7 tapes the first year...5 the next and this past trip...4 tapes...

I love video editing and I've created a couple of amazing DVDs that my kids watch over and over again.

It is a pain carrying it around no doubt. But to relive those memories of my children being a certain age, enjoying those special moments....worth everything!

I would absolutely LOVE to have my first couple of trips with my parents to Disney on video....I think my children will enjoy reliving these moments when they get older too.
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Well-Known Member
We took one for the very first time this past Sept and I must say I am glad that I did. I just videoed in clips but I did capture most of the parade. We all love looking back at the movie for a little Disney fix every now and then, so I say take it!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
My hubby is the videographer on our trips. He feels that he does miss some of the experience, but for some reason he still wants to do it. On our last vacation I had 11 hours to wade through and make dvds out of. I got a new editing program that I really love and I made movies with my pictures and songs included. My little one watches them over and over again. They are very worth it- and not the slightest bit boring. At least not to us. My hubby takes a lot of scenery shots and the kids talking, etc. :)
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Well-Known Member
My hubby is the videographer on our trips. He feels that he does miss some of the experience, but for some reason he still wants to do it.

That's my role at Disney - videographer and photographer - and I love it. OK, so I do miss out on a bit of the experience but when we get home and the Video and Photos are sorted it really makes it worth while.

I'd never do a Disney trip without either
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