Originally posted by garyhoov
Thanks! That's got some good info. maybe I can even do one around here.
I came this close (holding up thumb and forefinger in close proximity) to getting a ride on Ferrari's track last time I was in Italy. I was working on a motorcycle project, and the engineer was an ex Ferrari guy who still does projects for them. He told a funny story in which he got in an F-50 with one of their drivers and started to put his seat belt on. The drive just shook his head and said "you won't need that". The engineer got the feeling he would really be insulting the driver, so he just held on as they screamed around the track at speeds in the range of 200 mph.
The engineer took us to the factory hoping to get us on the track, but we got there late and all the people he knew were gone for the day. I may be going back in September, so I'll try again.