Calling all "RYANS"

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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by DisneyWorldGuru

Thanks. I still have a lot of work to do on it. When I get back from my trip I will finish the site.

Very nice start:sohappy:

Let us know as you add things so we can check back:wave:


New Member
I just want to post a public apology to anyone I offended !!!!!something was brought to my attention that I said worded something about the thirty questions . I worded it wrong and anyone and I mean anyone can post on anythread and can be welcomed with opened arms . I have trouble some times expressing what I really mean and put my foot in my mouth at times so I hope this clears everything up and we all can be friends again


New Member
Still trying to catch up on all this, but...

Yeah, 30 Questions has always been an open game and a fun one at that. Everyone is welcome to play. No one is in charge of the game either as I have heard, the rules are at the beginning and examples are thoughout the thread. Play anytime. The only thing mentioned at all is that if you want help or guidance to begin with then there are a few of us who know how to play and can help.

Again, I'm not sure what all was said, but we would never have a closed thread or alternate motives for opening a thread. Many of us already have fun in there and the more the better. There are about 8 regulars right now. We want people to pick it up and play, it's addicting.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Still trying to catch up on all this, but...

Yeah, 30 Questions has always been an open game and a fun one at that. Everyone is welcome to play. No one is in charge of the game either as I have heard, the rules are at the beginning and examples are thoughout the thread. Play anytime. The only thing mentioned at all is that if you want help or guidance to begin with then there are a few of us who know how to play and can help.

Again, I'm not sure what all was said, but we would never have a closed thread or alternate motives for opening a thread. Many of us already have fun in there and the more the better. There are about 8 regulars right now. We want people to pick it up and play, it's addicting.

Agreed. I am also one of the regulars and we WANT MORE people to play...the more players, the more fun! Plus, you get to see people's different levels of knowledge of the parks, resorts, etc.

The game is actually a tribute, in a way, to the amount of detail that WDI puts into the WORLD. WDI puts a lot of detail into the resorts, attractions, parks, etc. and a lot of those minute details just get'd be AMAZED at some of the little tidbits of details that some people actually notice.

PLEASE, the more the better!


Trophy Husband
Well, it could be worse.

When you get to be my age, you'll likely have to work all year long(but as you can tell I'm not working all that hard):D


New Member
Original Poster
We used to start school in September 2nd when I was in school... and to my luck, all my school life! yeay!
Classes started yesterday this year... :rolleyes: Poor schoolars! :(

Big Pooh

New Member
I can't believe I READ THE WHOLE THING....I need to get a

It's amazing that I've been around here for a couple of months and I've never seen this thread until a couple of days ago. 202 pages and over 4000 posts. Now to answer a few questions that have been asked:

1. Fave Color...the blue in my daughters eyes
2. Work....Red Lobster
3. Fave Food...Rocky Road Ice Cream, a big juicy steak, and anything at WDW, just because it's AT WDW!!!!
4. I like this thread because...well, I don't know, I just do.

As for the cell phone question, I don't own one, and I don't want one. I'm easy enough to find now. As a side note, as a waiter, few things in the world bother me more than greeting a table with some IDIOT babbling away on their cell phone. That's a good way to make you're waiter disappear for awhile. I walked up to greet a table a few days ago, and all 3 people were carrying on seperate conversations on their cells and they all put their hands up to tell me to wait at the exact same time. It looked like a synchronized swimming move, like they had practised it. When I went back to the table 15 minutes later, they wanted to know where I had been, and that they were in a hurry, and why had'nt I taken they're order yet. It was all I could do to control myself. :animwink:

Sorry for getting off course there, and yes I do know a few people named Ryan.


Big Pooh

New Member
Oh, and one more thing, in SE Texas we've always started school in August. It seem like we're getting earlier in August every year though.



New Member
Holy Guacamole, Batman!

Hey Maria,

When you started this thread, did you even DREAM it would grow to over 269 pages, and 4030 replies??!! :lol:




Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Big Pooh
I can't believe I READ THE WHOLE THING....I need to get a

It's amazing that I've been around here for a couple of months and I've never seen this thread until a couple of days ago. 202 pages and over 4000 posts. Now to answer a few questions that have been asked:

1. Fave Color...the blue in my daughters eyes
2. Work....Red Lobster
3. Fave Food...Rocky Road Ice Cream, a big juicy steak, and anything at WDW, just because it's AT WDW!!!!
4. I like this thread because...well, I don't know, I just do.

As for the cell phone question, I don't own one, and I don't want one. I'm easy enough to find now. As a side note, as a waiter, few things in the world bother me more than greeting a table with some IDIOT babbling away on their cell phone. That's a good way to make you're waiter disappear for awhile. I walked up to greet a table a few days ago, and all 3 people were carrying on seperate conversations on their cells and they all put their hands up to tell me to wait at the exact same time. It looked like a synchronized swimming move, like they had practised it. When I went back to the table 15 minutes later, they wanted to know where I had been, and that they were in a hurry, and why had'nt I taken they're order yet. It was all I could do to control myself. :animwink:

Sorry for getting off course there, and yes I do know a few people named Ryan.



I must say though, i don't tell people i have a phone though. Only 2 people ever contact me on it. :animwink:

Pssst, it's a secret, i could tell you but I'd have to kill you.... wait a minute, I think i just told you......hmmm..... ok, i'll let you off with it this time, but just watch it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
School starting in August!?!?:eek:

That's too early.

Your school year is just messed up... I don't know how you guys can have so many breaks and vacations and still finish everything! :lol:

Ours start in February. When I was in school, it used to start in March, and college still does. Then it goes all the way to July, and it stops for two weeks. Again in the old days we had the whole month, it stopped by the end of June. It picks up again in August and goes all the way to November, and we have December and January off. No Spring Break and Fall Break and Thanksgiving and whatnot... :lol: I know, it's not all that, we don't have Thanksgiving but we do have our share of holidays, like Carnaval and Holy Week, and stuff...


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Big Pooh
I can't believe I READ THE WHOLE THING....I need to get a

It's amazing that I've been around here for a couple of months and I've never seen this thread until a couple of days ago. 202 pages and over 4000 posts. Now to answer a few questions that have been asked:

1. Fave Color...the blue in my daughters eyes
2. Work....Red Lobster
3. Fave Food...Rocky Road Ice Cream, a big juicy steak, and anything at WDW, just because it's AT WDW!!!!
4. I like this thread because...well, I don't know, I just do.

As for the cell phone question, I don't own one, and I don't want one. I'm easy enough to find now. As a side note, as a waiter, few things in the world bother me more than greeting a table with some IDIOT babbling away on their cell phone. That's a good way to make you're waiter disappear for awhile. I walked up to greet a table a few days ago, and all 3 people were carrying on seperate conversations on their cells and they all put their hands up to tell me to wait at the exact same time. It looked like a synchronized swimming move, like they had practised it. When I went back to the table 15 minutes later, they wanted to know where I had been, and that they were in a hurry, and why had'nt I taken they're order yet. It was all I could do to control myself. :animwink:

Sorry for getting off course there, and yes I do know a few people named Ryan.


My God Barry!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can´t believe you read it either! :sohappy: :sohappy:

Yes, I hate when people get on the cell phone for hours... I own one, but only use it to receive calls (as it is expensive to call on it) and they are always short because of the cost. I only use it for emergencies, like when I crashed the car and had to call the insurance company... :rolleyes:

That was so sweet of you! "The blue in my daughter´s eyes" Aawwwweee :)
Rocky road is my favorite ice cream too... when I can´t decide of which other flavor to get, I find myself always asking for Rocky Road :slurp:

Welcome to the Ryan Family! :king: :sohappy:


New Member
Original Poster
Re: Holy Guacamole, Batman!

Originally posted by GRUD
Hey Maria,

When you started this thread, did you even DREAM it would grow to over 269 pages, and 4030 replies??!! :lol:



Nope. I never imagined it could get this long and still running!
As Tenchu says: Vive la Ryan! :king:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tenchu

I've got a Nokia 8210, but I'd probably be better with one of your ones, cause i only ever send messages from it!

yeah - same here, and too many :lookaroun

i once sorry i cant say :D

Its just that when i get a msg its like " would be rude not to reply" :D

:) :D


New Member
1. Fave Color...purple
2. Work....None at the moment
3. Fave Food...Italian food
4. I like this thread amuses me
5. Yes I know a ryan and there are pictures of him on my website as Maria pointed out last night *hehe*
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