Calling all "RYANS"

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New Member
it sucks more cuz tomorrow night i get off at 10, I come home all wired and stuff, and then end up going to bed at like 11 or 12 and then, I have to get up at 5:30 to shower and stuff

that was an adventure on venitian weekend. My friend and I went to one of the concerts after getting off of work at 9 and then we stayed at venitian festival until like 12 and then we walked back to her car (which was about 10 miles away I swear cuz we didn't feel like waiting for the shuttle) and I got home at almost 2 only to be at work in 4 more hours.....


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CDS knows where to put us when we show up in the morning, when to "trade out" people for breaks, and then sends a command at the end of the night before the last person before closing leaves saying "Put everyone in their closing position."


Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
Woo hoo, I'm a Cast Member now! Too bad that thread in Coming Soon (or maybe the entire Coming Soon forum) will probably get deleted when Steve wakes up, reducing my post count back under the threshold. :(


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Aww, sorry Lime.

Here.. you have my piles of CDS papers, just do what they say like "Please Please make our Guests feel extra special until 17:35" and you'll be a CM.



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CDS: Cast Deployment System

You log in with your social security number, and then it tell you what to do.

Like: "Please sweep Pre-show and Post-show until 16:53"


"Please select a group of guests from the queue and give them a tour of the diorama until 13:42"

and my favorite

"You are still assigned to task "Rotational Bump" please finish that task and return or contact your supervisor"

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