Calling all "RYANS"

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CDS also knows when to give you your schedualed breaks...

You either return to the computer from a task or the end of the rotation and it says "You are scheduled for a break!" and give it you, or tells someone else "ROBERT is scheduled for a break, please relieve this cast member at position: PRE SHOW" It only gives you your breaks when you're supposed to have them, every 2 hours accordingly.



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yes, an awful one that I tried to change with a great idea, and got in trouble with a stupid manager!


New Member
Even though I haven't posted for many pages, just wanted to tell you all goodnight. I'm actually going to bed early for me, just hope I can :snore: and not lay tossing and turning.

Have Fun!!!


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Well, essentially CDS is a little computer that sits in the Operations Office at your location with a little printer.

You "sign in" and click "Get Assignment" and it tells you where to go, and what to do.

It can either put a rotational bump through, have you give someone in the rotation a break by taking over that position, or assigning you one of many various "Tasks."

People like tasks because they're like mini-breaks.

Tasks and Breaks are given return times, at the end of which a CM would log back in and get a new assignment.

The computer tells you your assignment on the screen, and also gives you a printout. If it's a rotational, you hand it to the next person in line as you go through. Like a relay-race. Similar thing is done for breaks so the person knows when they're supposed to be back.

The computer tracks when people log in. It compares when you were supposed to have logged in, and when you did log in. It shows this information in bar graphs for your managers.

Tasks have "tolerance" setting. Some tasks can take longer without you getting in trouble, like tours. Some tasks you can log in early if you finish before the assigned time. If you're in rotation, the computer will not give you a new assignment unless you are bumped out by it.



New Member
*yawns* it's almost this little girls bedtime as mom gets up in 2 hours, she'd kill me if she saw I was still up

I'll stay on for a few more though


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PrincessAli
*yawns* it's almost this little girls bedtime as mom gets up in 2 hours, she'd kill me if she saw I was still up

I'll stay on for a few more though

*Ties you to a chair*


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The computer knows where everyone is at any given time. This way managers dont have to call every position to find one of us.

It is also networked, so the managers can change thing from a different location and people from other locations may be sent over to cover positions.

That's when you get fun printouts like "You're still assigned to task: "WALK TIME" until 13:21, please return to your task or contact your supervisor."



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I don´t think I would like a computer ruling my life....even my walking time!! That´s scary! A big Brother! :eek:


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Originally posted by Maria
Thanks Rob! It sounds complicated though! I bet it is requiring a lot of training, no?

For the people who have to program the tasks and such into it.. yes.

For us? No, we just do whatever it says. If it breaks down, which happens, we go back to our old rotation and the manager can reassign us to the positions we are in when it comes back up.

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