Calling all "RYANS"

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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
Not bad, a little bright for me.

Sorry, I'm a little distracted with something that's going on at the moment.

LoL..yeah..i figured ;)

and i agree..too bright...and not "professional" enough..i was going to try and stray from the corporate look for once....going back to my roots....but decided i like my clients too much


New Member
This time of year I can't see yellow and black together without thinking of school. I don't want school to start, I want to keep my daughter home :cry: Ok, sorry, I'll stop bawling like a baby :lookaroun maybe just a little more :cry:

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
It's really busy, don't you think? I'm a big fan of simple web sites because they load faster and are more accessable to those using text browsers. I also really hate orange, but that's just me. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah...oddly enough tho..that one is simpler than some of the other deisgns i had..hooooooooowever...the one im working on NOW is much easier on the eyes..and much more modern so far it takes 3 seconds to load on a 56k ;)


New Member
Originally posted by NowInc
Yeah...oddly enough tho..that one is simpler than some of the other deisgns i had..hooooooooowever...the one im working on NOW is much easier on the eyes..and much more modern so far it takes 3 seconds to load on a 56k ;)

I like fast loading, I hate my 56k


Well-Known Member
yes..even tho i am now on DSL...i still will ALWAYS design my page for 56ks...cuz i have felt your pain too often....besides..if your page takes more than 45 seconds to load..chances are you are losing a hit..cuz people get bored fast...


Well-Known Member
This just in::

The red octopuss is eating the starfish...

I repeat

The red octopuss is eating the starfish....


Well-Known Member
H.S. orintation was awesome.. We start next tues.. The stupid ppl at the H.S. STILL havent gaven us our schedueles.. What dumb@sses!!

This Also Just In:

My neck....

My back..

Lick my (*cat*) and my (* drug *).

Thankyou for your time and goodnight...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cac2889

That stuff is SOOOO good!!!:D And SOOOO addictive!!!!:D

Hell yeah it is!! but tastes like crap when warm....i guess the vanilla settles... pepsi sucks ;)


New Member
I drank ONE bottle of blue pepsi.....after that.....I decided that it tasted like crap and couldn't drink more than a sip at a time of it lol....I do enjoy Vanilla coke as well though :D
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