Budget to Remove Wand Approved for this Fall


Eeyore, even though I do feel your last post was a touch on the condescending side, I will certainly do my best to consider. It certainly is food for thought. Thank you!


Premium Member
Go read the reimagineering blog, especially their latest entry about the nature of the business for an eye opening insight into how things have been for a long time in WDI. None of the imagineers had any clout for major decisions at that point in time.

I wouldnt believe everything you read on there.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Trying to avoid all the philosophical debate and just stick to the actual Wand removal...so uh...construction walls yet? hahaha


Account Suspended
I wouldnt believe everything you read on there.

No offense to you, but I would believe what you read there. I am a familar with some of the people that post on that site and let me just say they are VERY "in the know".

And John Hench only created an early concept to redo the entry way to Epcot but that concept was changed significantly by marketing VP's and what have you. While I haven't seen his concept I doubt very seriously it featured the wand and the barren entry way with the tombstones. There was probably alot more flora and shade and water that was just deemed an "unnecessary expense" by the previous management.


Well-Known Member
Editing to remove my previous comments. Seems its already been handled.

The hat is a nice looking structure...its built to be there for a long time. I can see how others view the wand as temporary. Had it been permanent, part of me thinks it would have been and actual arm and hand with a huge wand (3D etc), instead of flat paneling on a visible steel superstructure.


Active Member
No offense to you, but I would believe what you read there. I am a familar with some of the people that post on that site and let me just say they are VERY "in the know".

And John Hench only created an early concept to redo the entry way to Epcot but that concept was changed significantly by marketing VP's and what have you. While I haven't seen his concept I doubt very seriously it featured the wand and the barren entry way with the tombstones. There was probably alot more flora and shade and water that was just deemed an "unnecessary expense" by the previous management.
I am certain that Steve falls into the category of "In the Know", however I do not know if the people on that site are.
I really wish we could have some of the original engineers that created the Wand post here. It would be interesting to see how they reached their final design, and the process they went through to get there. The Wand is like some of Frank Gehry's work, some people like it some don't. Just like the pyramid structure at the Louvre. I personally don't think it fits in with the 18th century architecture, but I find the pyramid stunning by itself. Art, and architecture will always be a matter of personal choice, and personal opinion. I just hope they relocate the Wand to another spot. Remember it still means Epcot to millions of guest. If it goes completely I think it will be a waste of what some consider, myself included, a beautiful structure.


Account Suspended
The wand was originally designed to say "2000" and that's it.

The "Epcot" was added later and is almost half the height of the 2000 in the letters/numbers. It deviated from it's original purpose, was forceably unbalanced, and now serves no purpose - functional nor aestethic.


I'm being completely honest here, but I'm going to be really sad to see the wand go. I have a personal attachment to seeing it because I was last there in WDW in 2000. It's going to take a lot getting used to seeing Spaceship Earth "naked" again without it.

But I will be really sad once I see it is beginning to be taken down. :(

(Sorry wand haters, it's just how I feel. Please respect my thoughts/opinions.)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The wand was originally designed to say "2000" and that's it.

The "Epcot" was added later and is almost half the height of the 2000 in the letters/numbers. It deviated from it's original purpose, was forceably unbalanced, and now serves no purpose - functional nor aestethic.

thats what we in the trade call utter bollox.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
The wand ... serves no purpose - functional nor aestethic.

Someone earlier posted that the wand has caused some people to realize that that big ball over there in the distance is Epcot...there's a function.

And anytime anyone ever looks at it and goes "oooh, sparkly" then there's your aesthetics.

We're firmly in the realm of oh-pin-yun here, folks. Nothing wrong with that, as long as we acknowledge that's what it is. :shrug:


Account Suspended
Well, opinion or not, Disney sides with me and the darn thing is coming down.

Yay! Lest we forget to revel and all amid this bickering.


I would just reread what I stated ...here it is for your convenience:

There are no "What-Ifs". These things are they way they are because somebody had the vision to make it so, and they are generally well versed in their chosen field.

In no part of that statement did I say "John Hench was not well versed in his field." In fact, I said the opposite, and I highlighted it for you.

Read, think then react.

You know, your pompous comments will win you no friends here. Eeyore and others are correct, your tone is unnecessary whether it is directed toward administrator, a newbie or a veteran.

Your attempts to equate different tastes to "ignorance" smacks of arrogance on your part.
Art is subjective. Art is not fact. 1+1=2 is a fact.
That the Mona Lisa exists is a fact. The Beauty of the Mona Lisa is opinion. Whether the Mona Lisa would look better with a mustache is opinion.
It is irrelevant as to how well versed someone is in a field; the appeal of their work is independent of that.
An amateur sculpture could create an item of great beauty in many people's minds while an established, well know sculpture could create a piece seen by the majority as junk.
George Lucas (well versed in his field I would say) created phenomenally successful movies. He later added to them. Some people loved it, some decried it, some did not care. Neither of those 3 groups are necessarily ignorant; they just have an opinion on a subjective piece of work.


Active Member
The wand was originally designed to say "2000" and that's it.

The "Epcot" was added later and is almost half the height of the 2000 in the letters/numbers. It deviated from it's original purpose, was forceably unbalanced, and now serves no purpose - functional nor aestethic.
That's the beauty of a discussion forum. We can both see the same thing, and disagree on it's appearance.


Account Suspended
*fingers in ears*

La la la la! LA! Can't hear any bickering, the sound of the wand coming down is too much beautiful music for my ears!


That's the beauty of a discussion forum. We can both see the same thing, and disagree on it's appearance.

I am lucky enough to have seen SSE in the original and now with the wand. I am somewhat ambivalent as to whether or not they take the wand down. I am OK with taking it down because the old becomes new again, but it is just not that bog of a deal to me.:veryconfu

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