BTMRR Next Gen Effects Being Installed


Well-Known Member
Overreact much? He couldn't have put it gentler
Actually, he should have thanked me for giving him info he may not have been aware of. He didn't. I personally would have been overjoyed that I got some info I didn't know about of the theming of the Disney parks. I am that much a fan and geek. I'm not overreacting, I'm dismissing an ill informed fellow Disney park fan that challenges those of us that have the answers to why certain attractions are placed where they are placed, and why they are a perfect fit.
I come to this website, because most of the informed posters know much more than I do. I love learning what I never knew before. Every now and then I have info that not every one has read, or heard. Such is the case with the LM facade at DCA. There is a history as to why LM is a perfect fit to it's location, facade, and queue. I would venture to say that it's location in FLE is also a perfect fit. I haven't seen it in person, but understand why it fits that location. Two totally different locations of the same attraction, that in my opinion are a perfect fit for the locations they are in. One is not better than the other, they are equal.
I have no patience for my park is better than your park mentality.


Well-Known Member

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Goodness me. There you are, having a most pleasant discussion about thematic design, a Disney princess, and DCA's SF waterfront area. Only to be subjected to all sorts of unpleasantries over it. Oh well, only on the internets.

Life's too short, and this website too much fun to dwell on this too long, so here's fun with Ariel instead.




Genie of the Lamp

Well-Known Member
I posted this in the Splash falling apart thread, but Dirk Wallen from posted his February 23rd photo report from WDW up and includes some nice pics of the BTMR NG/interactive props/effects. Just in case anyone wants to look it up be my guest.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Oh my god... @The Empress Lilly is a he! I've been deceived this whole time by the word "Empress"!

It's a paddlewheel steamboat. The greatest boat Disney ever build. You'll find almost all lovers of steamships and steamtrains are male.
The name is a continuing protest against the vandalisation of the ship, the pinnacle of classic WDW elegance and historical sophistication.

Sadly, so many years having passed since the destruction of the ship, by now my name only makes sense to those over 30, or people acutely aware of WDW-history. :(

I guess that girl who named herself Mr. Toad regretted her name for the same reason - not everybody associates it with the ride, and mistook her for a he, or an amphibian.



Well-Known Member
It's a paddlewheel steamboat. The greatest boat Disney ever build. You'll find almost all lovers of steamships and steamtrains are male.
The name is a continuing protest against the vandalisation of it, the pinnacle of classic WDW sophistication and elegance.

Sadly, my name makes more sense to those over 30, or people acutely aware of WDW-history. :(

I guess that girl who named herself Mr. Toad regretted her name for the same reason - not everybody associates it with the ride, and mistook her for a he, or an amphibian.
Yes, it wasn't so much the actual "Empress Lilly" boat that threw me off, it was just the connotation of the word "Empress" that did, haha.


Beta Return
It's a paddlewheel steamboat. The greatest boat Disney ever build. You'll find almost all lovers of steamships and steamtrains are male.
The name is a continuing protest against the vandalisation of the ship, the pinnacle of classic WDW elegance and historical sophistication.

Sadly, so many years having passed since the destruction of the ship, by now my name only makes sense to those over 30, or people acutely aware of WDW-history. :(

I guess that girl who named herself Mr. Toad regretted her name for the same reason - not everybody associates it with the ride, and mistook her for a he, or an amphibian.


Ah yes....I remember character meals on the good ship!

<---- over 30


Well-Known Member
These appear to be some nice additions. How come people aren't talking about this more? How many new explosions have been added?


Well-Known Member
No, what I was trying to say is that it looks good/different considering I usually dislike interactive queue lines as they just hold everyone up eg Space Mountain.

No matter how interactive the line is, I think people in line still have the ultimate goal of getting on the ride sooner. Interactivity is really valuable when you're in a TSM line that's 2 hours long.


I mean, if the company spends $100 million on an attraction, they might as well spend an additional $50 million to make sure it has the things that makes it worth spending $100 million plus on; otherwise, they're just throwing money in the air, wasting $100 million, rather than saving $50 million!

I like to call that "taking so many shortcuts to get ahead they fall behind"


Well-Known Member
This clip is 6 days old, so someone must have posted it by now. Right? I just can't find it. :) Sorry if old news.

That's the one element that I am going to take issue with. The Birds are too cartoony for the photo-realistic BTM experience but it's not something I am going to lose sleep over. I would hope that the reason the new BTM Queue is so reasonably well done is because of the backlash against the Haunted Mansion PLQ.

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