Well-Known Member
Now I see why the maid threw all my new clothes away. I had been there 4 of my 9 days last Dec and every night would take my clothes and fold them up in a square every day and place them in the cormer of the bathroom. REASON so that it would be easier to go to the laundry with them.Our first 4 full days the maid we had never touched them. The 5th day maid change and she threw out all my new clothes all were new... 4 shirts 54 pair shorts 1 pair of jeans it got cold one half a day.underware and a new pair of PJ's. I thought where did I out that stuff tore up the room drawers etc. Finally, I called housekeeping the next morning it was midnight when we got in the night before. She checked into it and said the maid that was in there in that day was a fill in while our reg was off that day. She SAYS she threw them away, but bets on she took them home. I also had $60.00 in one of the pockets I forgot to take out the morning we left. I was livid. The old maid the next day backed me up and described my clothes to a T. The only gave me 250.00 and I was down to 3 outfits for 5 more days. Plus 2 days travel time. I still cannot get over this. It did not look like I threw them out and the first maid agreed with me. They told me that I would be suprised at the things that are throw away. Now I see. I bet all these things go home and not in the trash.