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That attitude is exactly why Disney knows they can raise prices and cut back on services, because people will still come. Heck, why not !!! If I ran a business and knew that even if I continually raised prices and cut back on services and I wouldn't lose customers, then I would be stupid not too!!

If Disney reads these boards and sees people saying "I'll always go no matter what.", then their mouths must be watering.

It is only when people start to complain, either by words or actions, that they will step back and say "Hey, we may need to reconsider our policy."

How much longer before we see $100 a day ticket??? If Disney keeps reading that "Hey it's Disney, they can do whatever and we''ll still pay.", then it will be much sooner than anyone wants.

Something to think about anyway.


I was thinking the same thing. I hate to think of it like that, but it is a realistic point.


Well-Known Member
That attitude is exactly why Disney knows they can raise prices and cut back on services, because people will still come. Heck, why not !!! If I ran a business and knew that even if I continually raised prices and cut back on services and I wouldn't lose customers, then I would be stupid not too!!

If Disney reads these boards and sees people saying "I'll always go no matter what.", then their mouths must be watering.

It is only when people start to complain, either by words or actions, that they will step back and say "Hey, we may need to reconsider our policy."

How much longer before we see $100 a day ticket??? If Disney keeps reading that "Hey it's Disney, they can do whatever and we''ll still pay.", then it will be much sooner than anyone wants.

Something to think about anyway.


That's a good point, but I think what it all comes down to is how much we care about some of these things that are being changed. For me, I could care less if the McDonald's Fry Carts are there. I really don't give a hang if "4 For a Dollar" sings the preshow at BaTB. I like Fantasmic and am not overjoyed at having to plan my visit around 2 days of the week if I want to see the show, but ultimately, it's not all that important. We missed Wishes this time around and if we miss Fantasmic next time around, so what? I don't really care if characters are at Liberty Tree or not. I don't care that they are eliminating the bars at DTD, and I actually welcome that change. I don't think the bar scene has any place at WDW and I never feel any pity for those who whine about losing a place to go out and get drunk. The changes that really bothered me the most were the transition from "The Living Seas" to "The Seas with Nemo" and the elimination of El Rio to Grand Fiesta. To me, those were more horrendous than any of these changes that people are griping about now, but are they enough to keep me away? Certainly not. I'll just continue to go and continue to find things to enjoy, knowing that it's not gonna stay the same forever. Changes are inevitable. Now, we all have to decide for ourselves what is most important to us at WDW and which changes are unacceptable and determine for ourselves and our families when they cross that point of no return where we simply can't enjoy WDW anymore, or decide that it's not worth the money. Apparently, many of those who say they will continue to go anyway are those who may dislike certain changes, but not to the point that they can no longer go to WDW and have a blast. And if you boycott a place just to protest certain changes that you don't like, you're ultimately hurting no one but yourself. I'm not saying that there isn't a time to boycott, or a time to decide that it's no longer worth it to you to go...I'm just saying to choose your battles and use some judgement on when that time is. If you're going to quit going, then do so because you genuinely don't feel like you enjoy it anymore and not just because you want to send a message to the execs to bring Fantasmic back to 7 days a week.


Active Member
Sure, there have been some successes like E:E and Philhagic but they pail compared to so many things that have gone wrong like SGE, MILF, and SSE rehab and many others. And some of those things that have gone wrong were based on random guest interviews. If you want to build a good ride, just make something you would enjoy, and odds are, guests will love it too.

In my opinion, MILF and the SSE rehab have been successes. I think that MILF is pretty funny and interactive where it isn't like you have to really do something for it to be interactive. I thought that the choosing your future part of SSE is a good idea and I love emailing the pictures back to me!


Well-Known Member
Wallow in your misery naysayers, it's still the place to be. (really gets tired hearing the complaint department every freaking day)

I don't care so much about the cutbacks, but the fact that they raised prices for no logical reason...well, they raised the prices to make up for income they will lose.


Well-Known Member
I did think about it though, I have never been to PI

me neither...nor have I ever gotten McDonalds food at WDW...there's like a billion other things to chose from...why would you get McDonalds?

WOW, I am so thankful to read someone else I agree with! If people would read the book "Remembering Walt" (Favorite Memories of Walt Disney) it seems that everyone remembers how Walt was about everything, to be the best that it could. He even had his artist learn from Salvidor Dali, Frank Llyod Wright, etc That goes to show he did not feal that he was the best with out learning from all aspects.

Walt wanted it to be the best in the World, not just better.

If everyone agreed with each other there would be no need for this forum. And it's amazing how many of us on this forum have becomes experts on exactly what Walt wanted or what he would do simply because we've read a book or 2 about him.

In my opinion, MILF and the SSE rehab have been successes. I think that MILF is pretty funny and interactive where it isn't like you have to really do something for it to be interactive. I thought that the choosing your future part of SSE is a good idea and I love emailing the pictures back to me!

I like MILF too! Great interaction! It's the way the park guests interact with the attraction that truly make that attraction great! I've loved every experience on it! and even though I miss the decent scene of SSE when AT&T was still the sponsor, I love love LOVE SSE! Esp with Judy Dench!

And lets not forget about the the success of HM Refurb! we failed to mention that one!


Well-Known Member
As long as they add a section for people to complain about the complainers.

And while they are at it, a section to complain about the complainers that are complaining about the complainers.


I think there are a lot of folks here, me included, that have probably had their fill of what Disney can offer them at the moment, whether they realize it or not. In the mean time, there are probably a ton of families who have yet to even experience WDW who will love seeing all the current attractions for the first time. Nature will take its course, and eventually Disney will start making more than they are cutting. Such is the way things are.

Maybe it should be the Year of a Million Complaints then? :lookaroun

I am sad to see some things go (LTT changes for one) but I doubt very seriously that when I am there I won't be jumping for joy the entire time. I don't think I will be concentrating on what is missing because I will be enjoying myself too much.
I don't think I could ever get my fill of Disney. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad--I just did the same thing only a little worse. I just dropped $1800. on annual passes for the whole family.

Wouldn't change it for anything though:D

Passes for the two kids come up in a month. Mine is in Feb.

I'll be renewing :)

If everyone agreed with each other there would be no need for this forum. And it's amazing how many of us on this forum have becomes experts on exactly what Walt wanted or what he would do simply because we've read a book or 2 about him.
I guess that being I have read just about every book there is and watch every video and even know someone that spent a lot of time with Walt at his Chicago office, yes I do feel that I have a great advantage to some of the understanding the man and the mouse!:eek:


Well-Known Member
I guess that being I have read just about every book there is and watch every video and even know someone that spent a lot of time with Walt at his Chicago office, yes I do feel that I have a great advantage to some of the understanding the man and the mouse!:eek:
And yet you are still not the man yourself and there for cannot pretend to know what Walt would do in these situations. You can make an educated guess but you will never truly know what Walt would have wanted.


Well-Known Member
I guess that being I have read just about every book there is and watch every video and even know someone that spent a lot of time with Walt at his Chicago office, yes I do feel that I have a great advantage to some of the understanding the man and the mouse!:eek:

Books/videos are usually biased to relect whatever image the author/producer want to portray of the man. You can't believe everything you read in books as absolute fact...just look at american history books for that matter. And people often "plus" their memories...

That's like saying I've played lots of Flight Simulator and have some friends who are pilots so I could fly a plane no problem! :lookaroun

And yet you are still not the man yourself and there for cannot pretend to know what Walt would do in these situations. You can make an educated guess but you will never truly know what Walt would have wanted.

I didn't think my first comment would get such a nieve response. Did you realize we shared the boards with an ACTUAL Walt expert!?!?!

So many people on here say "I doubt Walt would like this" or "Walt would have wanted something to be done that way" but none of us actually know. The world isn't exactly the same place it was in the 50s and 60s. If Walt had lived longer we would have probably seen his real version of utopian EPCOT take shape. It would have either been a great success or a huge failure and that would probably have greatly effected/consumed the way he shaped his business.

So who knows how WDW would be run now? For all we know the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow could have failed and we wouldnt have had an AK and DHS, Water Parks and 22 hotels. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Books/videos are usually biased to relect whatever image the author/producer want to portray of the man. You can't believe everything you read in books as absolute fact...just look at american history books for that matter. And people often "plus" their memories...

That's like saying I've played lots of Flight Simulator and have some friends who are pilots so I could fly a plane no problem! :lookaroun

I didn't think my first comment would get such a nieve response. Did you realize we shared the boards with an ACTUAL Walt expert!?!?!

So many people on here say "I doubt Walt would like this" or "Walt would have wanted something to be done that way" but none of us actually know. The world isn't exactly the same place it was in the 50s and 60s. If Walt had lived longer we would have probably seen his real version of utopian EPCOT take shape. It would have either been a great success or a huge failure and that would probably have greatly effected/consumed the way he shaped his business.

So who knows how WDW would be run now? For all we know the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow could have failed and we wouldnt have had an AK and DHS, Water Parks and 22 hotels. :shrug:

That's a scary thought.

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