Following the great success of The Year(s) of a Million(s of) Dreams promotion. Disney has decided to promote the all new, wish inspired: The Year of a Million Cutbacks. You'll be amazed as we destroy Pleasure Island, remove the Pocohontas show, fire 4 for a Dollar, cut Fantasmic back to two totally cram packed nights, and take away the Chicken fingers and McDonalds stand. Don't worry, we've been thinking of your needs, so we raised the prices on tickets, cut out those unecessary tips and appetizers on the dining plans. built many more DVC units and added some Nemo sheets to some rooms. Don't worry about tripping over characters scattered throughout the parks. We promise not to clutter your walk ways with new attractions being built either. Join us in 2009 for the Year of a Million Cutbacks!
Whew, feel so much better now.
Kenny: Very funny even if it all is so true!