I did, but its not proof. Remember too not all beams are equal length. Pylons on the existing lines are spaced very differently.
I was skeptical at first too. There's also that quote from management back then who explains the rationale behind the decision to install those (or that) footer of avoiding "disruption to guests" future construction of that line would cause. I don't remember who said that but if you do some research you might find it. After seeing what footers look like from the construction photos, I was mostly convinced. After lining that blue print up with the satellite imagery and seeing a perfect match, for me, that was the icing on the cake and confirmation. If it didn't match, I would be here telling everyone that this was urban legend and a myth, regardless of how much I believed that it was a footer.
I have a different way of looking at the World than most people. I have an understanding that reality lies somewhere between what we are told and those whackos who believe that there's some kind of conspiracy theory out there with everything. We are told what is real by PR departments of big corporations, politicians telling us the "truth" according to their party's platform, and by the many powerful special interest groups out there. Their interest in you believing their "truths" is purely for the sake of the interests or agenda of these groups. They want you to believe the things they want you to believe or not believe.
Some examples. The US government has a secret program to perpetuate the UFO myth by suspiciously denying it. With the Phoenix Lights, for example, thousands of people saw what they saw only to be told by the government that there were no UFO's in the area that night and what they saw were flares being dropped by F16 fighter planes doing an exercise over Phoenix that night. Anyone who saw what they saw in the sky that night will tell you the government's official line is an insult to their intelligence and can swear what they saw moved around intelligently and was definitely not the light produced from free falling flares being dropped by F16 fighter jets. Without any logical explanation, the majority of these people have concluded that what they saw was alien and the government is covering it up.
That's exactly what the government want you believe. And, no, they're not covering up any extraterrestrial intelligence. They are covering up, however, secret aircraft with amazing technology that has been funded under black budgets in the trillions of dollars over the past half-century. Some of these are eventually made public, like the B2 stealth bomber and the F117 stealth fighter. In the 80's a black project code named Aurora accidentally wasn't blacked out in copies of the budget that year. Whatever Aurora is, something like $30 billion was spent on it that year alone. With these kinds of budgets and secrecy, I would be shocked if we didn't have technology that looked like it came from another world. By the way, only a handful of senators, not including the President know the items in the black budget and vote on it. The rest of Congress must approve whatever is in it with blind faith.
Big corporations also try to tell us what to believe is real or not. For example, oil companies do not want people thinking that there's Global Warming, or at least that people had anything to do with, or could do anything about it. The food industry wants you to believe that you're health is their number one priority. They're certainly not going to tell you how the process the meat you eat, how the cows, chickens, or pigs lived their short lives - not only the inhumanity that's involved but also the health hazards involved in stuffing living chickens in packed room with no empty space between them so that they are literally on top of one another and covered with feces never seeing sunlight before they are tortuously slaughtered.
The food industry is a worse case scenario. See Food Inc., if you haven't yet seen it. The extreme left may see it as "evil capitalism". The truth is what has happened in most of the food industry sector isn't capitalism you see. It is most of an entire industry turned from a capitalistic economy (which it needs to go back to) into a fascist one, which is very scary seeing how other sectors are pulling in that direction, such as the Monsanto Corporation, a company who's operations follow fascism to the letter. Neo fascists don't call themselves fascists. They label themselves as capitalist purists (which they are anything but). They preach such lies like corporate taxation and regulation is a form of socialism. Capitalism in its purest form is free market with regulation to protect the public and regulations that protect the capital system itself (such as anti-trust laws).
There are many big corporations that demonstrate capitalism at its best and haven't been corrupted by fascism. Apple and Google are examples of these. Disney still is, but there are forces that keep tugging on it, trying to corrupt it. Even though Disney hasn't been corrupted yet, they haven't escaped what I began this message on - engineered reality based on PR. Let's say that is a real monorail footer. Disney's PR engine would go out of its way to tell you it was an urban legend and a myth. If it was, why would it be so important that they repeat that talking point over and over again? Why would they care if their fans believed something that wasn't true about the company that no harm could be caused whether you believed it or not? Because its true and they don't want people believing it. Why wouldn't they want people believing it? What does it matter to them? Because as long as they could deny it, they are free from any responsibility that acknowledging its existence may bring, such as an expectation by the public to one day make use of it. Free of that expectation, they can use it some day if they want to or not without public expectations of anything - which by itself is a powerful thing.
Most big companies do this and this wouldn't be the first time Disney has lied and tried to shape perception of reality. During the 70's, the company's PR engine was out in full force trying to rewrite history by telling everyone that EPCOT Center was Walt Disney's last dream, while hiding away under lock and key any evidence of the real EPCOT, hoping that those who were lucking enough to see the EPCOT movie he made which aired on TV would have their memories erased and replaced by the new "reality" their PR engine made as a talking point and repeated for YEARS over and over again until the truth was no longer able to hide and deny. In which point, the truth became the new talking point, but there was now a new lie - that there was never an attempt to reconstruct history!
Whether or not I convinced you that the footer is real, I hope you got something out of this. It was fun writing it.