Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria
hhmm.....:veryconfu I don´t see what the problem is when you "sponsor" too well..... the problem is for the girl who left you then! You see... it´s not easy to start paying your own again after a guy got you used to expensive dates (unless you find a better sponsor, of course) ... experience speaking here! haha :lol: j/k :animwink:
.... maybe all your gf´s were blonde?... try brunettes!! We rock! :animwink:
LoL..time for some stats::
Girls I have dated:: 14 (cant wait to hear what the peanut gallery has to say bout THAT)
Number of them that were blonde:: 2
Number of them that cheated on me :: 8
Number of times I was giving a GOOD reason for them cheating on me:: 0
Number of times I have ever ended a relationship:: 0
so that means I am always the dumped...go figure... I still cant figure it out.