Brazilian Tour Groups


Every trip we've ever been on we've seen them. We've been in Jan, Feb, Mar, April, May, Nov and Dec and they are always there. I hate it when they surround you and you seem to get lost in translation and a sea of the same colored shirts!
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Well-Known Member
I only had one encounter with a Brazillian group of teens.
We were behind a huge group in line for Splash mountain, and ended up riding the same log with a few.
They kept constantly standing up on the ride, snapping pictires and throwing paper at the AAs and laughing.

It was the longest SM ride I have ever been on, because they had to keep stopping the ride to tell them to sit down.

I certainly don't hate them,(I don't hate anybody!) but I was incredibly annoyed at their behavior.
But understanding too...I suppose it's like any kids away from their parents long enough will stop remembering to have manners.

The problem is that they DON'T have chaperones - they have tour guides, who make no attempt to control their behavior. A few designated chaperones could possibly make all the difference. Perhaps this is an issue Disney could address when making their hotel reservations.

Our own two kids toured Europe playing in an honor band one July when they were in high school. The chaperones sat the kids - AND us parents - down and made it crystal clear that the kids were representing their country, and NO misbehavior would be tolerated. Anyone choosing to ignore the rules would be sent home on the next flight, at the parents' expense.

Guess what? There were NO incidents of misbehavior, and our kids both remember that trip as one of the highlights of their high school years.
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New Member
Those dammed Brazilians

We have always found the summer months the worst they are everwhere with there favourite saying "my group" as they cut inline.
Mind you in Febuary we did not see any hooray.
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We usually go in September, and I haven't really noticed a strong presence of foreign tour groups- or if I have, the groups haven't bothered us.

But, what seems alarming here is how many people react so negatively to the groups. Some of it seems like harmless fun (doing the wave before Phatasmic), but other stuff seems to interfere with the overall guest experience. Does anyone know why CM's are so hands-off about the line-cutting, noise pollution, etc.? Are they afraid they'll be accused of racism? Would they let a group of "gang-bangers" come in and upset other guests? Where would they draw the line?

Also, are there any members here on the boards that are part of such a tour group? I'd love to hear a different perspective.
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Well-Known Member
They are here now, and in droves. Luckily, I have not seen any chanting/hand holding chains. Just big groups with disregard for everyone else in the park, the usual.
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Well-Known Member
:zipit:This is one of the reasons why I stay away during the summer months. Those groups drive me nuts and they are the worst in the summer. :zipit:
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Well-Known Member
any chance they'll be gone by the time I visit ... Aug 18-25?

July is a bigger month for them than August, so you may not see as many, but you will probably run into a few. Just avoid any ride you see large numbers of similarly-dressed teenagers (following one lone adult carrying a flag) heading toward. :)
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Mr Toad

Well-Known Member
We had an encounter with them a couple of years ago while we stayed at All Star Sports. They tend to stay at the value resorts more often than not. They lacked the most basic concepts of common courtesy and they were very obnoxious. When we stayed at FW, didn't see a single group :sohappy:. I think one of the main reason why they get so rouwdy is b/c they are FAR away from their parents. These are just chaparones. And mix in teenage hormones into a group of 40+ and you have issues. I think it would probably be similar if a group of 40 US high schoolers went to DL Paris.

Hmmm...maybe I should sponsor Argentian teen tour groups at the same time :lol:.
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Well-Known Member
I have posted this story here before, but I will cut and paste.

I will relay - what is in my opinon - the best Brazillan tour group story ever.

During the middle of the day I was on the bus from I believe AK, back to SSR. Well that bus makes a stop at Blizzard beach. On this bus was myself, the driver, and one other guy.

Well it had just started to rain when we got to BB. A whole troop of young Brazillian girls had decided to leave, and their proctors wanted them all to stay together, so they all jammed onto our bus. It was PACKED solid with young Brazillian girls, most of whom were in bikinis.

They got off the bus first, and the driver has this huge grin on his face. The other guy in the bus just looks at me and says "they aught to make that a regular ride, and charge extra"

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Mr Toad

Well-Known Member
I have posted this story here before, but I will cut and paste.

I will relay - what is in my opinon - the best Brazillan tour group story ever.

During the middle of the day I was on the bus from I believe AK, back to SSR. Well that bus makes a stop at Blizzard beach. On this bus was myself, the driver, and one other guy.

Well it had just started to rain when we got to BB. A whole troop of young Brazillian girls had decided to leave, and their proctors wanted them all to stay together, so they all jammed onto our bus. It was PACKED solid with young Brazillian girls, most of whom were in bikinis.

They got off the bus first, and the driver has this huge grin on his face. The other guy in the bus just looks at me and says "they aught to make that a regular ride, and charge extra"

:ROFLOL: my wife would have smacked me!
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Well-Known Member
I have encountered rude Brazilian groups before. But I had remembered good moments with them. My mum can speak Spanish...

Hu? The main language of Brazil is Portuguese...


I find the groups either are fine, fun loving groups no worse than our teens that's only major problem to me is the fact they travel in hoards, to the annoying, rude, profane, and just non-Disney like.

In Test Track once a group of them decided that it would be hilarious for all the girls in the group to flash the Fast Pass users going by in the line. Supported by the group chaperones and organizers of the group, this went on for awhile. Then, of course, some CM's found out. They got to the front, were put in a holding area, and about 10-15 Security Guards came over to talk to them, and then proceeded to walk them out of the park.

There is justice in the world.
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New Member
Most foreigners ive met at WDW have been really nice and polite, but the tour groups are horrible. We have gone every July for years and it gets worse and worse. Like someone else said thank god i got DVC so i know they wont be staying at those resorts. We were riding the monorail one night and we were getting off at the contemporary to eat dinner and our car was packed full of them. We had to push our way through and onyl one of them was nice enough to tell her friends to move so we could get out. Also, we ate lunch at Pizzafari or whatever at AK and it was just rediculous and loud. I was holding a table while my mom went to get food. They tried to steal our chairs wihtout askin if someone was sitting there and so i just grabbed it from them each time and then put my feet up on the chairs. And my poor mom was being shoved around in line because they were jumping around and acting like animals, and these were the adults im talking about. She almost dropped our tray of food because of them. Now that im in college and I get out in May we are gonna plan our trips for May every year. I just cant stand it. Its fine if they want to visit, but they just act like animals. Oh, and one time at fantasmic, when we were all wainting to get into the stadium, they just ran past everyone, knocking people down. One CM in a wheelchair got knocked over and almost trampled. I though it was gonna be like the Walmart during black friday, and also a little boy got seperated from his family. This really angers me and shows me that Disney doesn't care because these people are paying them good money. But theres my rant. lol. Hopefully they arent too bad in May.
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Well-Known Member
Most foreigners ive met at WDW have been really nice and polite, but the tour groups are horrible. We have gone every July for years and it gets worse and worse. Like someone else said thank god i got DVC so i know they wont be staying at those resorts. We were riding the monorail one night and we were getting off at the contemporary to eat dinner and our car was packed full of them. We had to push our way through and onyl one of them was nice enough to tell her friends to move so we could get out. Also, we ate lunch at Pizzafari or whatever at AK and it was just rediculous and loud. I was holding a table while my mom went to get food. They tried to steal our chairs wihtout askin if someone was sitting there and so i just grabbed it from them each time and then put my feet up on the chairs. And my poor mom was being shoved around in line because they were jumping around and acting like animals, and these were the adults im talking about. She almost dropped our tray of food because of them. Now that im in college and I get out in May we are gonna plan our trips for May every year. I just cant stand it. Its fine if they want to visit, but they just act like animals. Oh, and one time at fantasmic, when we were all wainting to get into the stadium, they just ran past everyone, knocking people down. One CM in a wheelchair got knocked over and almost trampled. I though it was gonna be like the Walmart during black friday, and also a little boy got seperated from his family. This really angers me and shows me that Disney doesn't care because these people are paying them good money. But theres my rant. lol. Hopefully they arent too bad in May.

Unfortunately they are there in May, always have been every time we've been there in May.
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At one time Disney had signs up at the rides saying no more than 20 of a tour group at any one time....they were filling up all the rides and you couldnt get on the was terrible. That same time period a big group decided to sit down in a circle in the middle of Main Street between Caseys and the ice cream shoppe.....I decided I didnt want to walk around them so I just walked through them....ooops, didn't mean to step on your camera, leg, hand...oh well. That really ed them off. And then one night while we were walking out of Epcot as it was closing, a big group from argentina started chanting "argentina, argentina, argentina!!" I started chanting USA USA USA!!! other americans started in with me and they shut up pretty quick. I think they're just jealous they don't have a Disney World.....too bad, so sad!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Well-Known Member
I went two years ago in late Aug, and will again this year (I hope - trying to get rooms now). Two years ago I didn't see any TGs at all. I'm hoping for the same this year. Although last time we stayed at SSR; this time the values. I hope that doesn't make a difference.

Hopefully... *fingers crossed*
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New Member
I worked at Disney World during the summer of 1996 and learned very quickly that the Brazilian tour groups were difficult to deal with and that I HAD to be rude to them to get them to listen and do what they had to do. I was an attractions host at The Beauty & the Beast show and the seating for the amphitheatre at that time was 2,000 per show. We would have to closely monitor the amount of people that were in there and start letting smaller groups in as the theatre began to fill up. Almost daily, we encountered an issue with one of these groups when as many as 100 or 200 would show up and all want to get in at the same time. Just couldn't happen - they would get mad and storm off.

One day, I was talking to one of the "chaperones" of a junior high school age group (this girl was probably 20 or so) and I asked her what the deal was with Brazilians coming to Disney World. She told me that in America parents save their money to send their kids to college while in Brazil parents save their money to send their kids to the United States. I thought that was crazy if true.

You would not believe the amount of money that these kids are carrying on them at any time. I literally saw kids, 12 to 18 years old, carrying $3,000 to $5,000 in cash on them in the parks. I jokingly told my friends that if they wanted to make some quick money, they should hold up a Brazilian Tour Group Bus.

And to go along with this discussion - Brazilians as a whole were by far the rudest people at Disney World when I was there (cutting in line, being loud and obnoxious, etc.) while guests from Great Britain were by far the most polite and courteous.
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