I remember when Spain was added to the FaWF, and after three years of exhaustive research and market studies, logistics reports, and ground surveys, a big sign went up proclaiming to the world (no pun intended) that Spain was going to be the next country added to World Showcase. Alas, for all the years and time and money that went into bluesky designs and market research and R&D, the large sign was taken down, and Spain is only around sporting a delicious wine at the FaWF. My source for that? My own two eyes
If a new country were to be added to WS, there would be studies and reports, ground survey teams, and a whole bunch of other fun stuff before an announcement will be made.
Disney has been embarrassed in the past three or four times by making announcements too early for additions to WS, and they will never make that mistake (those mistakes Israel, Russia, Egypt and Africa) again. And those were announced AFTER all those silly R&D and budgetary items showed up in reports. Spain ACTUALLY had some ground cleared behind the construction berm, but the plus was pulled on that after no corporate sponsors came to fruition.
I hope that I'm wrong, by Morocco may be the final addition to WS...