Well, after all this hate against us brazilians i'll try to show another view on the situation. Are there countless groups of brazilian teenagers who can't say even a word in english? Yes. Are those groups very rude and unpolite? Yes. But they do not represent all the brazilians who go to wdw,actually the brazilian families touring by themselves are generally polite and at least one member of the group speaks english fluently. Regarding the rude teenagers groups, I can only say that most of the members are spoiled rich kids celebrating their 15th birthday(here in Brazil turning 15 is like turning 16 in the USA, with the big parties and stuff) and pretending they are independente because their parente didn't travel with them(even though the trip was paid by the kids parents lol). Oh and about the poor people in Brazil, do you guys really think they can afford a trip to wdw?? lol To put things in perspective, a low income in the USA is considered fairly good here in Brazil! So...poor people here,the ones who can't afford a fridge,don't even think about going to wdw, they think about how they are gonna afford their lunch.