I was in the doctor's office with DS17 when this happened today. We had gone back into the exam room for the 2nd time after X-rays. The doc was telling us the results when my phone vibrated in my lap indicating a text. I glanced down, saw my mom's name & the word "bombs". I think I forgot I was supposed to be paying attention. That's how I found out about the 9/11 attacks: Mom called me as it was unfolding. I read the text and interrupted the doctor. "There were explosions at the Boston Marathon?!?!" She told me yes. Very sad expression. Then I got the report on the kiddo. Took my breath away. I went out for a run this morning thru the walking/jogging path in the neighborhood we just moved to. Haven't run in so long with so much going on. Those people were at the finish of such an incredible personal accomplishment. All those bystanders were there to support their loved ones and share the personal triumphs. Then there's this. I try not to question God and keep the faith that He has purpose for these things but there's definitely days when its hard to accept. Today is one of those days.
I just got around to watching some news, reading some articles, and looking at pics. I noticed that when the videos of the explosion played you immediately saw people sprinting TOWARDS the source. Many ran away but so very many ran to the scene. That was remarkable to me. True heroes, indeed. When the sh-- goes down they react, no thinking. I am uplifted knowing these people exist. As crazy as the world is, there's still a great deal of good to take comfort in.
I also noted how so many runners, even those behind the explosion that ran past it after the detonation, still finished. I've never run a marathon but I can imagine when the mind & body are that intent on the all-encompassing task its natural to stay in that tunnel even with the world going to hell around you. They finished. Whoever did this awful thing did not succeed in stopping them. Good.
Prayers for healing, spiritual peace, and compassion go out to all who were touched by today's events.
God Bless Boston!