Boo to you and you and Whew... It’s too hot for a Halloween parade - A September TR

Hello friends and welcome to my September Trip Report! I’ve only been home a few weeks and I already miss Walt Disney World like crazy! I’m already going through withdrawals and searching for the possibility of any excuse to get back down to central Florida and to my favorite place on earth. Realistically, I’m thinking February or March 2013, but I would love to squeeze a trip in between now and then... Anyway, my last two Disney trips have been one extreme to the other - weather wise. I absolutely froze in December of 2010 and turned right around and melted in September 2011. But you know what? I LOVED every minute of it!

Click here to read my December 2010 trip report

Now, on to the details of this trip...

When did we go? September 15-25, 2011
Where did we stay? Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge - Jambo House
How did we get there? We drove 8 and 1/2 hours
Who all went? Just me and my beautiful bride
Why did we go? Our 3 Year Anniversary! (Not that we need a reason to go to WDW)
Any other details to offer up? We had 9 day park hoppers and were on the dining plan

I started planning this trip before we even went on our December trip! Talk about excitement! Planning and thinking about two Disney trips at the same time was awesome!! Of course, with every trip to the World, our plans changed many times... but here is my pre trip report/itinerary so you can see what I planned and compare it to what we actually did.

We actually stuck to our plans, for the most part, at least until the end of the week. I was proud.

Ok, I stated earlier that on this particular trip, it was just me and my wife. Here we are...
First up, we have myself, Jon. Tar Heel born and Tar Heel bred. The planner and over the top WDW fanatic.


Next we have my better half, my gorgeous bride, Brittany. The WDW veteran who loves Disney but doesn’t obsess about it 24/7 like her hubby...


Man, she’s hot!!

Anyway, we had been looking forward to this trip for a long time for many different reasons. Since we walked out of EPCOT on that last night in December, we had been longing to get back! I was so pumped that I packed like a week before our trip! I NEVER do that. I’m normally a last minute packer. I was so excited because, yes, I love WDW, but also this trip was going to allow us to experience a lot of firsts. This trip would be our first trip with “just us”; this trip would be our first staying at a deluxe Disney resort; and this trip would be our first time being on the Disney Dining Plan! Wooo Hooo! We were excited! So excited, in fact, that I was up at the crack of dawn 180 days before our check in date to schedule ADRs! Needless to say, we got all the restaurants and times that we wanted. Our departure day couldn’t come fast enough!

Thursday September 15, 2011

This day started like any other day. I got up, did my normal morning routine, and was ready to go to work. The only difference (besides my heart racing from excitement and anticipation) was the fact that we were leaving for vacation in just a few hours...
Having packed a week early and having stayed on Brittany to make sure all of her packing was finished on Wednesday night to avoid feeling rushed or stressed on Thursday morning, we were all set to go the second I got home from work around noon. As I left for work that morning, this was the sight I saw as I headed out the door...


The time crept by at work that morning as it seemed to take forever for lunchtime to come. I was like a kid on Christmas Eve... Finally, it was 12:00 and it was time to start our journey! I flew out of the office and minutes later into my driveway. I ran through the door, changed clothes, and finished packing everything into our Jeep Grand Cherokee. Brittany had most of our stuff loaded up already. God bless her! We jumped in the Jeep and were ready to roll! Brittany wanted to drive because she said she had an anniversary surprise for me... I went along with it.
Our traditional in the vehicle, pre-departure photo...


We were on our way! Brittany immediately handed me a thick envelope and told me to open it. When I did, I found a letter and a CD. The letter got mushy (I’ll spare you guys the details...) and instructed me to put the CD in. Each song on the CD had a special meaning which she explained in detail in my letter. It was the sweetest thing EVER. I love my girl! When we had listened to all of the songs, we pulled off the interstate and swung into a Chick-fil-a to grab a quite bite and got right back on the road. Now, it was my turn to take the wheel... and I had it for the rest of the trip.

77 South...


I don’t mind road trips. They are fun for me. I think the anticipation makes my excitement grow higher and higher as I near my destination.
We were making great time! I was only stopping if we had to - for gas, food or bathroom and I had packed a couple of empty water jugs. Just kidding about that last part. For the next several hours, I looked like this...


And Brittany looked like this...


Typical. You get this woman in a moving automobile, and she instantly transforms into an infant. She was out, so I listened to a couple episodes of WDW Today and the Be Our Guest Podcast and of course I had to pop in The Eagles - Hell Freezes Over album. Britt doesn’t like The Eagles, so I have to take advantage of her slumber when I can...
It was around 7:30pm or so when we both started to get pretty hungry. I spotted a sign for our favorite road trip restaurant at the next exit, so we pulled off, fueled up, and filled our bellies...


Love some Cracker Barrel!

We got back on the road and only had a couple more hours of driving ahead of us for the night until we reached our first destination.
Weeks before I had booked a room for $71 at the Holiday Inn Express in Orange City, Florida, which is only about an hour from Walt Disney World. Our plan was to stop there for the night, get up early the next morning, and have just a short drive to WDW so we wouldn’t feel like we were wasting a day of our precious vacation! The more time in the parks, the better, right?!? We pulled in to the parking lot of the Holiday Inn Express at exactly 9:30pm.


It had been a long day and we were tired (although I don’t know how Britt was tired considering she slept 90% of the drive), but I still had trouble sleeping because of the excitement of knowing that in the morning we would be at Disney World! I went to the restroom and when I came out, Britt was out again already. After catching a few highlights on SportsCenter, I finally drifted off to sleep...


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Saturday September 17 Continued...

There was one thing I was looking forward to checking out inside the Muppets waiting area. Again, this was something that I had read about on these message boards and I wanted to check it out...


Sure enough, the key was under the mat...


After sitting through some of the longest pre show at WDW (and the worst as far as I’m concerned), we decided to leave and see if we could check in early for our dinner reservations since it was just around the corner at the Sci-Fi Dine In Theater!


I had heard and read a lot about Sci-Fi and really wanted to try it on this trip. You see, since it was our anniversary trip, I planned all of our ADRs and Brittany had no clue about any of them until we got to Florida, so I tried to pick cool, different places that I thought we would both like. Needless to say, Sci-Fi was a hit!




There was a nice family in the front two seats of our car that offered to get out of the car and take our picture and we returned the favor for them. Ever notice how everyone seems to be more friendly at Disney World??


For dinner, Brittany ordered the steak and mashed potatoes with a coke.


I ordered the double bacon cheeseburger with fries and a coke but I also got our waiter to bring out a vanilla milk shake (not pictured) with our meal and counted it as my dessert.


For her dessert, Britt ordered the chocolate and peanut butter cake with ice cream...
It was delicious!


Sci-Fi was a success! We were stuffed as we left, so we took our time walking up the hill towards Star Tours. I wanted to ride this again, but Britt’s not big on simulator rides... She told me she didn’t mind if I rode and she would sit outside a wait on me. She’s so sweet...

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Saturday September 17 Continued...

There was one thing I was looking forward to checking out inside the Muppets waiting area. Again, this was something that I had read about on these message boards and I wanted to check it out...


Sure enough, the key was under the mat...


After sitting through some of the longest pre show at WDW (and the worst as far as I’m concerned), we decided to leave and see if we could check in early for our dinner reservations since it was just around the corner at the Sci-Fi Dine In Theater!


I had heard and read a lot about Sci-Fi and really wanted to try it on this trip. You see, since it was our anniversary trip, I planned all of our ADRs and Brittany had no clue about any of them until we got to Florida, so I tried to pick cool, different places that I thought we would both like. Needless to say, Sci-Fi was a hit!




There was a nice family in the front two seats of our car that offered to get out of the car and take our picture and we returned the favor for them. Ever notice how everyone seems to be more friendly at Disney World??


For dinner, Brittany ordered the steak and mashed potatoes with a coke.


I ordered the double bacon cheeseburger with fries and a coke but I also got our waiter to bring out a vanilla milk shake (not pictured) with our meal and counted it as my dessert.


For her dessert, Britt ordered the chocolate and peanut butter cake with ice cream...
It was delicious!


Sci-Fi was a success! We were stuffed as we left, so we took our time walking up the hill towards Star Tours. I wanted to ride this again, but Britt’s not big on simulator rides... She told me she didn’t mind if I rode and she would sit outside a wait on me. She’s so sweet...

Agree with you about the Muppets attraction. Overrated as heck IMO. Maybe if this new Muppets movie is a hit, it could be improved, but I really think the Muppets have had their day and CAN'T be improved. You either still find them entertaining or you don't. For the most part, I don't.

I'm glad to hear you had a good meal at Sci-Fi. I had one of my worst ones there about 2 years ago (before they changed the menu). Worst ribs I've ever had in my life - they were like rubber! :P But the food in the pictures you took looks yummy. I'll have to give the Diner another try.


Well-Known Member
great trip report so far! that was quite a successful first day you all had! we absolutely love mnsshp! we are going again this year and i can't wait. isn't the parade one of the best parades you have seen?! we liked the parade so much that we actually watched both showings of the parade when we went to the party.

i am glad you all liked the sci fi dine in theater. it is one of my favorite restaurants because the atmosphere is just so amazing. i know it gets a bad rap because the food isn't anything stellar but i just love this place.

can't wait to read more of your trip report! and happy belated anniversary! :D


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Agree with you about the Muppets attraction. Overrated as heck IMO. Maybe if this new Muppets movie is a hit, it could be improved, but I really think the Muppets have had their day and CAN'T be improved. You either still find them entertaining or you don't. For the most part, I don't.
I'm glad to hear you had a good meal at Sci-Fi. I had one of my worst ones there about 2 years ago (before they changed the menu). Worst ribs I've ever had in my life - they were like rubber! :P But the food in the pictures you took looks yummy. I'll have to give the Diner another try.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. The Muppets get a lot of love around here, and I guess it's sentimental or something. The guys on WDW Today talk about wanting Disney to build a Muppet Land!?! That would BLOW! I don't get it... :shrug:
Sci-Fi was great! The food was good, but you don't go there for the food. You go there for the atmosphere!

OK-really wanting your Sci-Fi favorite!!!! I really enjoy eating there.:slurp:

It was glorious!

That's an unfortunate shadow.:lol:

I noticed that as well (after I posted the pic)... I thought he had peed his pants! Poor, unfortunate shadow... :lookaroun

great trip report so far! that was quite a successful first day you all had! we absolutely love mnsshp! we are going again this year and i can't wait. isn't the parade one of the best parades you have seen?! we liked the parade so much that we actually watched both showings of the parade when we went to the party.
i am glad you all liked the sci fi dine in theater. it is one of my favorite restaurants because the atmosphere is just so amazing. i know it gets a bad rap because the food isn't anything stellar but i just love this place.
can't wait to read more of your trip report! and happy belated anniversary! :D

Thank you!!


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Saturday September 17 Concluded...

When we got to the entrance to Star Tours, the wait time for stand by was listed at 5 minutes! Sweet! Brittany said she would meet me at the exit, so she headed that way and I jumped in line. Well, I jumped in the queue because there wasn't a line!


Well, it wasn’t a 5 minute wait... it was a complete walk on! I was able to snap a few shots as I quickly maneuvered through the queue.



The new Star Tours is so much fun! I wanted to ride it over and over again, but I knew Britt didn’t want to ride it, so I gave up on that idea really quick.
As I exited the gift shop that every attraction empties in to, I spotted Britt sitting on a brick wall talking on the phone. I walked up and motioned to her, asking if she was ready to go. She looked up at me and said she was talking to her mom and then said that I could ride it again if I wanted to. Well, she didn’t have to tell me twice! I was back in line in a flash!
When that ride was over, she was still on the phone, so I got to ride it for a third time in a row! It was great!
After my third consecutive ride, she was off the phone when I came out, so I didn’t press my luck. She offered to wait while I rode again, but I declined and we headed toward something else we both could/would ride. I’ve got the best wife in the world!!

Where did we go, you ask? Well back to Hollywood Blvd of course! Our night wouldn’t be complete without a couple more rides on Rock’n’ Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror!
After we had our thrills, I wanted to do one more thing before we left for the night. I had saved this for the very end of the day because I didn’t want to have to carry my paper around with me and get it all bent up. By now, you can probably guess I’m talking about the Magic of Disney Animation!
I love to draw and used to do it quite a bit as a kid. I don’t have much time for it now, but when I do, I still enjoy it.



There was a lot more to this attraction (I guess it’s an attraction) than I thought! When we finished with the little “show”, it was time to go draw! We were hoping for a classic Disney character like Mickey or Minnie or (really stretching it with) Steamboat Willie, but we ended up drawing Tigger. Not out favorite, but it could have been worse.
Mind didn’t turn out too bad, I didn’t think...


When we got out of our drawing class, we decided to head for the exit, as the park was closing. We had completed another productive day in the parks and confirmed our love for Disney’s Hollywood Studios!
As we slowly made our way toward the exit, we were taking in all of the sights, sounds and smells and just trying to soak in that magic that you can only find at Walt Disney World. I also was able to get a couple of shots as we exited the park...



Goodnight, Hollywood Studios... Don’t worry; we will be back soon!


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Sunday September 18, 2011

Finally, we got to sleep in a little bit! If you can call sleeping until 8:00am sleeping in... The park we planned on going to today didn’t open until 9:00am and we didn’t really care about getting there right at rope drop. That’s the beauty of going to WDW in September!
Since we were in no hurry this morning, we decided to check out the view from our balcony and check out the resort a little bit...
Good morning, Animal Kingdom Lodge - Jambo House!

The view from our balcony...




No animals roaming this morning. Maybe next time...
We finished getting ready and headed down to the lobby to take some pictures there and outside. AKL is a beautiful place!!








I love this place! I can’t wait to go back and stay there again one day...
Ok, enough of the resort, it’s time to head to our park for today! I’m going to be mean and make you wait for my next post to find out where we went.
Stay tuned...
Loving it!

I am actually a HUGE fan of Muppets in general, but I think the Muppets 3D attraction relies too much on the Waldo character and not enough on what makes Muppets great. I think they can do more with it.

I may finally make an ADR at Sci Fi for our Dec trip. I always thought the idea was so so cute, but I've been hearing how terrible the food is. Good to know you had an enjoyable meal there!


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Loving it!

I am actually a HUGE fan of Muppets in general, but I think the Muppets 3D attraction relies too much on the Waldo character and not enough on what makes Muppets great. I think they can do more with it.
I may finally make an ADR at Sci Fi for our Dec trip. I always thought the idea was so so cute, but I've been hearing how terrible the food is. Good to know you had an enjoyable meal there!

I don't hate the Muppets or people that love them, they're just not for me.

Sci-Fi gets a bad rap, but it serves basically the same food as the majority of the restaurants at WDW. Some people just think they are too fancy to relax and have a good time. Every meal is not going to be the California Grill - and honestly, who wants that atmosphere and dressed up, miniature portions for every meal?


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Sunday September 18 Continued...

Did you figure out what park was on today’s agenda? I’ll show you a shot of us waiting on the bus at the Animal Kingdom Lodge - Jambo House bus stop while you think...


Alright, enough suspense (if there was any)... Today we are going to EPCOT!
EPCOT is definitely a favorite park of mine because it is much different and unique than the other Disney parks. Brittany doesn’t like it near as much as I do, but she’s a good sport. Don’t get me wrong, she likes EPCOT, just not as much as the other parks. She likes most of Future World but doesn’t really care about World Showcase... I, on the other hand, LOVE World Showcase! I like history, architecture and different places (and food), so naturally I’m drawn to WS.

So, we arrived at EPCOT and Britt offered to wait in the long line to get our bag checked so I could go take some pictures. How sweet is she?!?
Is there any other structure in the world like Spaceship Earth? It is awesome and I always stand there in awe the first time I see it on each trip. Other than Cinderella Castle, nothing says Walt Disney World to me like the Spaceship Earth structure.
As I mentioned before, the bag check line was pretty long, so I went a little crazy with the SE pics...








After my mini photo shoot with Spaceship Earth, Brittany showed up with a freshly checked bag! A Photo Pass photographer was standing close by, so we took advantage of the opportunity.


And my favorite...


We were kind of smiling in this picture because a crowd of people waiting for the Photo Pass photographer were clapping and saying "Awwww"... Haha.

I love the entrance to EPCOT. It may be my favorite entrance of the four parks at WDW (although, if I really think about it, the Magic Kingdom probably is). That being said, it was time to go explore the rest of the park!
First up, Future World...


love your trip report so far! wish my husband was as into disney as you are! haha but he must be somewhat since he proposed to me there and we've been going there ever since! he's just in denial!


Well-Known Member
Is there any other structure in the world like Spaceship Earth? It is awesome and I always stand there in awe the first time I see it on each trip. Other than Cinderella Castle, nothing says Walt Disney World to me like the Spaceship Earth structure.

There are a bunch, but I know what you mean, I feel exactly the same way. I love entering Epcot and seeing Spaceship Earth.


Well-Known Member
Still enjoying your trip report, Jon! When I came to the part where you said you still had to go "check-in" at your resort, I did a double take. That was one jam-packed and impressive first day... you accomplished so much. And hooray for resort upgrades. I adore AKL and it looks like you had a fabulous room!

I can never beat Brett at TSMM... therefore, I'm gonna have to steal Britt's approach and see if switching seats will work in my favor!

ETA: And I almost forgot, those shots of you two in front of Spaceship Earth are fabulous. You totally need to frame one of 'em!


Active Member
You guys have me strongly considering renting DVC points for our trip next year. I think it's the only way we will be able to afford staying at AK and your pics of the resort are just amazing!


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Original Poster
love your trip report so far! wish my husband was as into disney as you are! haha but he must be somewhat since he proposed to me there and we've been going there ever since! he's just in denial!

Thanks! Haha, I bet he loves it more than he wants to admit...

There are a bunch, but I know what you mean, I feel exactly the same way. I love entering Epcot and seeing Spaceship Earth.

There may be, but none give me the feeling that Spaceship Earth does.

Still enjoying your trip report, Jon! When I came to the part where you said you still had to go "check-in" at your resort, I did a double take. That was one jam-packed and impressive first day... you accomplished so much. And hooray for resort upgrades. I adore AKL and it looks like you had a fabulous room!
I can never beat Brett at TSMM... therefore, I'm gonna have to steal Britt's approach and see if switching seats will work in my favor!
ETA: And I almost forgot, those shots of you two in front of Spaceship Earth are fabulous. You totally need to frame one of 'em!

Thanks, Holly! Yeah, that first day was crazy busy, but the MK was so empty, it made it easy for us to do so much.
Resort upgrades are the best! AKL was awesome!
Britt got lucky on TSMM, and I would have my revenge - just wait... :drevil:
Thanks, we thought about framing a few pics from our trip, but those SSE ones are definitely some of our favorites!

You guys have me strongly considering renting DVC points for our trip next year. I think it's the only way we will be able to afford staying at AK and your pics of the resort are just amazing!

Do it. I promise you will not regret it. How else can you stay in a deluxe for the price of a value? Only thing is, no free dining...
Thanks for the compliment on the pics!

SSE really is an amazing structure... some of the best Disney photos I've seen have been of SSE.
Cute pics of you guys! I agree with Holly... you gotta frame one! :)

I agree! Nothing but Cinderella Castle says Disney better than SSE!
Thanks... :)


Well-Known Member
Loving this TR! I love how WDW just helps the love blossom in couples more than anywhere.

And I totally agree about SSE. It's always been my favorite ride and my favorite structure at WDW. There is just something about it that makes me want to take thousands of pictures of it...and I usually do. Then my fiance proposed to me in front of it in May 2011 - so if that doesn't solidify my love for that geosphere, I don't know what does! :) Can't wait to read more!

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