Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

WEll Everyone i'm back from my 6 nights in WDW and I will introduce the cast of this TR as they come into play.It begins actually 2 days before I leave with a note I wrote in my trip journal( I brought 2 books with me #1 my disney planning book and #2 my trip journal)

On the inside cover I wrote the park hours just incase


Here is the in exactly 2 days I will set foot in the most magical place on earth,In the meantime... while some of my friends are are in The Magic Kingdom at this very moment....I'm doin my stinkin laundry.UGH!!!Need to pack those last minute necessities,do my dishes,vacum and all that jazz(stuff I won't wanna do when I get home)
This will be my 10th trip to the world and I'm hoping it's a good one.This morning I called All Star Movies to talk to my friend and the Cm's name was "Pollyanna"so I had a mini freak out to her about how much I love that movie!!!"let's play the glad game"
here is the section of the resort my friend staye


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basically we toured world showcase right this day but it rained when we hit china,Actually I think the last time it rained we were also in the china section hmmmm weird!Knowing it was our last Epcot day(not last disney day)I had to get on Soarin again I can't get enough of it!!! Oh and I love that the soap in the resorts is now an orange scent,I stocked up good too!!!So I went to soarin and took in every smell and sight it had to offer,and next time i get disney depression i'll watch the vid on youtube n smell the soap LOL.The girls wanted to go on Nemo ....



let's name the zones the zones the zones lets name the zones of the open seaaaaaaaaaa


somewhere in this building Hailey lost the cap n goggles to her pilot duffy outfit,and she was so upset because now he's blind without them and it was a very sad time,we checked to see if anyone turned it in but no one did :(
look how I found ...BARBARA MANATEEEEEE YOU ARE THE ONE FOR MEEEEEEEE Sent from up aboveeeeeee you are the one I loveeeeeeee (what? don't you know the veggietales?)



hailey wasn't happy with me because I wanted a pic with a shark that wasn't Bruce


okay and now i can't decide what pics are the best of the sea life so I'm just gonna post a bunch okay....


everytime Dory would start swimming closer she'd turn n go the other way,I think she forgot where she was going


we go in and back out then we go in and back out



I love this fish eventhough it looks grumpy



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whatever this is it's ugly


oh hey






MR ray


Diver waving at us


there were so many divers in the tank i lost count but i think there was like 11 or something,and this shark was just hanging out as if they weren';t even there EEEEK no thanks!!!


holy moly look at them all



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we met a cm with a model of a Coral reef and I was explaining to the girls what the different pieces were and Hailey saw a sand dollar n said it was a funny star fish so I told her it was a sand dollar and she said " i know sand dollars thats what fishies and mermaids use to buy ocean diva stuff" then the cm told her thats also what sharks from the fishfairy after they lose a tooth.

When we left the Seas area i saw thumper,well sorta


I finally got pics of the nemo garden without people in them,I guess people won't climb all over them if they're wet.BONUS!




love it!!!


Mouse Gear



I want a treat pack yup i'm 5 on the inside


It was hot n we were thirsty so we stopped by club cool




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I'm interested to know what flavor other people like the most so leave a comment below and let me know which one you like best.My girls like the Fanta While I prefer The Watermelon one from China.

here's a pic I took as we left club Cool,I like how it looks


i looked at the time and saw we had enough time to duck into Innoventions and fight fire,and we made it just in time for the last game of the day.





I won the game for our team and we had fun.I love that Epcot has so many things that I can use to help teach my kids things that they might not learn on other vacations.

oh and it looks like I left just in time


around the corner there was another large part of that group .

I took this pic because we thought it looked like something and I forgot what that was either way these clouds are cool


we went back to the resort for a swim and i got a text from my beloved jess saying she wanted to come see our Royal room,the first 3 nights I had made sure that I did everything in my power to keep it clean but everytime I would tidy it ,someone who knew better would mess it back up GRRRRRRR so by this point I gave up n just explained n asked her n momma to bear with us.They were very sweet about it.While I knew they were on their way I tried to tidy it up more as best I could in a short time.I was so happy to see them again.
Poor Jess was sad ,read her TR to find out why.I'm in it yay!!!!!!I felt horrible for her:( I hate feeling helpless because i don't like when someone i care about is upset and i can't make it better.Anyways I was glad they came and i got to introduce jess and Momma diane to my babies.WE left the room at the same time and said our goodbyes again(or so we thought) and I took my kidlets for a swim.On the way we saw a snake,it was so neat I had never seen a snake so small.My kids hadn't all the other nights H made a friend at the pool cutest little spanish girl ever!DEspite the language barrier they played quite well together,but i felt bad because hailey talks so fast she sometimes meshes words together and it can be hard for others who do speak English to understand.All the little girl kept saying to her was "My am sophia my from is Mexico I play mermaids"but that was good enough because Hailey loves Mermaids.Then my mom came by to let us know she had locked herself out of our room,so we got out and headed back to watch duffy bedtime stories.


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Okay I'm gonna rewind for a sec.......OKay so I had purchased the dress that my mom wore to epcot when we did the san Angel Inn,but had to return it because it wasn't made properly( I know because my mom bought one in the same size and hers fit me properly)THen when I went to Grand Floridian the store there had one the same style but a different pattern and they had fitting rooms so I was able to make sure it fit right and I bought it.


and a close up to see the mickeys


I haven't worn it yet because I'm saving it for my April trip,and hopefully they'll still have the other one and I'll buy it then
Again lol


great pics of the marine life, i couldnt get any decent ones, coz everytime one came into shot and i clicked, it swam away, so all i got was about 20 shots of fish backsides, lol.
AND, I missed Club Cool:mad: How could i forget that? but thanks for reminding me for next time....


Active Member
Yay so glad to see a new TR, although I know I am jumping on late! Love what you did with Chip and Dale, I was doing the same with Pascal haha. I need your mom to make me one of those adorable Disney outfits she makes for the girls, they are fantastic!

The royal rooms are beautiful, I wanted to cry! I desperately need to get into one ASAP, although I am not sure if anyone would ever be able to get me back out LOL. I love that the girls dressed as the step sisters and went to 1900, pictures of them dancing with the prince are priceless! WOW! The view for the fireworks from the pirate cruise is incredible!

I loved the pictures of the princess tea party, hopefully I will be blessed with a little girl one day and be able to do this with her! Glad to hear you enjoyed the breakfast at CRT, I will be going there for breakfast on my birthday (11/24), reading your review of it got me even more excited! I’m so jealous the girls went to the pirate league; I am dying for the mermaid makeup LOL

Geez you did so many fantastic things it was hard for me to keep up, but that’s what I get for joining in late, but next time I am coming with you and the girls, I want to do all those things LOL


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Yay so glad to see a new TR, although I know I am jumping on late! Love what you did with Chip and Dale, I was doing the same with Pascal haha. I need your mom to make me one of those adorable Disney outfits she makes for the girls, they are fantastic!

The royal rooms are beautiful, I wanted to cry! I desperately need to get into one ASAP, although I am not sure if anyone would ever be able to get me back out LOL. I love that the girls dressed as the step sisters and went to 1900, pictures of them dancing with the prince are priceless! WOW! The view for the fireworks from the pirate cruise is incredible!

I loved the pictures of the princess tea party, hopefully I will be blessed with a little girl one day and be able to do this with her! Glad to hear you enjoyed the breakfast at CRT, I will be going there for breakfast on my birthday (11/24), reading your review of it got me even more excited! I’m so jealous the girls went to the pirate league; I am dying for the mermaid makeup LOL

Geez you did so many fantastic things it was hard for me to keep up, but that’s what I get for joining in late, but next time I am coming with you and the girls, I want to do all those things LOL

Awe thanks you're a doll,okay yes please come with us!!! i could use some helping hands heck i'd even chip in.Yeah it was a blast I haven't written in a bit because i've been sick AGAIN!!! grrrr,but I'm about to very soon .Thanks for your comments I hope you enjoy your b day!!! i started reading your tr too but I need to check it out again and see what i've missed :)


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Great stuff mamamouse! I love the all the pics of The Seas. :)

Hey welcome to the party!!! thanks for ridin along,funny you should comment on my tr right before I'm about to update and post pics of a friendship LOL.I told you they now scream Michael bolton to me hahaha


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BOOOO HOOO I don't want to write this update because that means I'm writing about Saturday and we go home on Sunday and this was our last park day :(
Okay so saturday it is,and we slept in a bit then took a bus to MGM yep that's right Mgm I said it and i will forever call it that kay kay :)

Oh look it's a Fractal boat oops I mean a friendship boat teehee


I had one thing in mind this day (well okay 2 things if i'm being honest,but we'll get to the 2nd soon enough maybe even b4 the first thing.Anyone feel like they are suddenly confused in wonderland?)

dun dun dun......


yep today i was gonna ride TOT for my first time ever!!! not right away though because a ride like this requires some special company so i had to hold off until I met my special in the meantime.....









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Man I was hungry but,fear not for I knew for a very long time just what my breakfast was going to be.POssibly the very best Disney snack ever I can't decide between this_________and the citrus swirl but inorder to get my beloved __________ I needed to go to starring rolls :)



and here right next to my daughters cinnamon bun is the most delicious snack you will find in all of MGM/DHS......Isn't she beautiful?


Dear red velvet cream cheese cupcake I love you,thank you that is all!!!

my girls were laughing because in between bites I was belting out the tunes to high School Musical and Camp rock BUT OH EM GEE what's this i hear?They added in songs from the cheetah girls "Can't keep up can't keep up no,try to keep up try to keep up yeah,try to follow watch me now,if you think that you know how,then dance me ,dance me if you can" AHHHHH I was so excited!!!!!



In keeping with the theme of firsts we had never been on The Great Movie ride so that was next on our agenda



OH MY _______

I heart him


and her too



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ya know the only beef i have with GMR is that there's just not enough Mary poppins I think they shoulda used the scene with the carousel and penguins dancing.


it is pretty cool though I liked it alot actually I think it's on my must do list



"it's a jolly holiday with Carrie,Carrie makes your 'eart so light!When the day is gray and ordinary,Carrie makes the sun shine bright! No? Okay well i tried.





awe i love wizard of oz,this area is so well done,it really does look straight out of the movie


"we represent the lollipop kids we want to welcome you to munchkin land"and yes i just sang that in THE voice!


"I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too" mwahahahahah


okay clearly i was having way too much fun on this ,and then it was over :(



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we walked around figuring out what to do next and I saw something that made me miss my friend Jess


awe I wish she was here now :( Can't we just rewind back to disney and I can be there having fun with all my magic ladies,only this time Shelley n Kenzie could be there too (they are from that clan too)

THEN oh boy look who it was again...

okay I had to go sing n dance along because,well what else do you do in Disney when you know the words better than most of the kids in the crowd right?



we didn't stay and watch though we had something else to do,we needed to wander n take pics first though



i love the displays in the stores






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okay so Hailey really wanted a balloon and she was being really good so I was like why not



and that led to one of my fave pics....


before we knew it it was lunchtime



the heat was getting to my baby girl and she wasn't feelin too great


sorry random ppl lol


the waitress didn't mess with us too much i think because she knew H wasn't well,buit I think it woulda cheered her up some.Anyways something was seriously messing with me I kept getting thrown off by this


eventhough I knew it was 12:30 that clock seriously did my head in.

Hailey coloured


and she perked up real quick when her milkshake came



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the kids all hung out waiting to be invited to dance with the characters


H got right in there with the man himself





it didn't take long before some parents next to us made it quite obvious toi everyone in our area that they were intoxicated,I couldn't believe how much of this I saw and parents just not watching their kids.

at least i knew where mine were



then the characters took a break and they brought out a rope trick guy,he was pretty awesome but it drug on way too long.


then the characters came out again and there was more dancing and music that also drug on FOREVER!!!! It was a good time but it it's way too long of all the same stuff over and over.OH BOY!!! I was doing so good on this trip(for anyone who doesn't know i lost my father in the spring,and before having my kids he was my entire universe so back home I was having a rough time everyday still and thats why I so badly needed this trip)and eventhough back home i was a mess this trip was keeping me out of my funk,that is until they played a certain song and I looked over and saw this dad dancing with his daughter,being silly and making her laugh.She was a tiny little blonde girl with ribbons in her hair(just looked like I did as a kid)and I couldn't keep myself together.The kids were having fun so i tried to hide it for them i didn't want to stop their fun and dancing,then Riley noticed and came over and eventhough my mom was right beside me she somehow was oblivious until that moment.I tried to collect myself but it wasn't happening so my mom asked if i wanted to leave and i did.Riley got hailey and we were off.the whole time I was there I had been texting with Jess(another of my magic ladies)We were meeting up tonight and i was so looking forward to that.

While on the dock waiting for the boat back I got eaten alive holy bugs!!!!the ride was peaceful though.



I lost my Dad two years ago - every once in awhile I see something that reminds me of him and get choked up.

Backyard BBQ looks like a lot of fun!

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