Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

WEll Everyone i'm back from my 6 nights in WDW and I will introduce the cast of this TR as they come into play.It begins actually 2 days before I leave with a note I wrote in my trip journal( I brought 2 books with me #1 my disney planning book and #2 my trip journal)

On the inside cover I wrote the park hours just incase


Here is the in exactly 2 days I will set foot in the most magical place on earth,In the meantime... while some of my friends are are in The Magic Kingdom at this very moment....I'm doin my stinkin laundry.UGH!!!Need to pack those last minute necessities,do my dishes,vacum and all that jazz(stuff I won't wanna do when I get home)
This will be my 10th trip to the world and I'm hoping it's a good one.This morning I called All Star Movies to talk to my friend and the Cm's name was "Pollyanna"so I had a mini freak out to her about how much I love that movie!!!"let's play the glad game"
here is the section of the resort my friend staye


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I'm interested to know what flavor other people like the most so leave a comment below and let me know which one you like best.My girls like the Fanta While I prefer The Watermelon one from China.

here's a pic I took as we left club Cool,I like how it looks


i looked at the time and saw we had enough time to duck into Innoventions and fight fire,and we made it just in time for the last game of the day.





I won the game for our team and we had fun.I love that Epcot has so many things that I can use to help teach my kids things that they might not learn on other vacations.

oh and it looks like I left just in time


around the corner there was another large part of that group .

I took this pic because we thought it looked like something and I forgot what that was either way these clouds are cool


we went back to the resort for a swim and i got a text from my beloved jess saying she wanted to come see our Royal room,the first 3 nights I had made sure that I did everything in my power to keep it clean but everytime I would tidy it ,someone who knew better would mess it back up GRRRRRRR so by this point I gave up n just explained n asked her n momma to bear with us.They were very sweet about it.While I knew they were on their way I tried to tidy it up more as best I could in a short time.I was so happy to see them again.
Poor Jess was sad ,read her TR to find out why.I'm in it yay!!!!!!I felt horrible for her:( I hate feeling helpless because i don't like when someone i care about is upset and i can't make it better.Anyways I was glad they came and i got to introduce jess and Momma diane to my babies.WE left the room at the same time and said our goodbyes again(or so we thought) and I took my kidlets for a swim.On the way we saw a snake,it was so neat I had never seen a snake so small.My kids hadn't all the other nights H made a friend at the pool cutest little spanish girl ever!DEspite the language barrier they played quite well together,but i felt bad because hailey talks so fast she sometimes meshes words together and it can be hard for others who do speak English to understand.All the little girl kept saying to her was "My am sophia my from is Mexico I play mermaids"but that was good enough because Hailey loves Mermaids.Then my mom came by to let us know she had locked herself out of our room,so we got out and headed back to watch duffy bedtime stories.

I see a face in the clouds and it looks like it is wearing goggles.


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I lost my Dad two years ago - every once in awhile I see something that reminds me of him and get choked up.

Backyard BBQ looks like a lot of fun!

It is alot of fun but it drags on quite a bit,and lacks structure no one knew when we were supposed to do what but its worth doing once ,but then for that kinda cash I'd rather do the fireworks cruise again :D

and yep everyday Something reminds me of my Daddy I know it'll get easier in time but it's gonna take a loooooooonnnnggg time.


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OKay so when I last left off we were about to eat lunch at 50's prime time and hailey's milkshake had just arrived.i've eaten here quite a few times and although it's no Le Cellier I've never really had anything I didn't like that is until this day.I ordered the sampler


and you can bet i ate all the veggies,yum I loved it all except the meatloaf eek YUCK!!! I took one bite and i didnt even wanna chew or swallow it ,grossness!THe rest of it was awesome though especially the pot roast next time i'll order just that.

we were undecided on what to do and Haileys tummy was icky so I decided to keep her in the stroller and just walk around a bit and give her a ride( I didn't wanna push her to do anything other than relax,I was worried she might have a seizure) the ride did her some goos she was back to her regular self in no time. So here are some pics from our stroll......



Snow white with vinylmations??? hmmm ok!!


Off in the distance i could hear something and I knew exactly what it was MULCH SWEAT N SHERRS




I wanted to go see these guys but h wasn't up for it so i took a few pics anyways and finally got a shot where you cant see the face of someone elses child,although u can tell there is one.


Muppet heaven


I so shoulda bought this blue kermie shirt What was I thinking? Oh thats right i just wasn't !!!



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I love the Muppets :D



and Hailey loves ........


then we saw the fountain and H decided she was ready to go in to Muppet vision 3D


awe Sweetums!!!




and then I saw one of the coolest not so secret things in DHS,now I know what ure thinking you're gonna look at this and think huh how is that so cool.....


well it is to me but thats because it's just A NET FULL OF JELLO but it's a tribute to my fave mouseketeer ever!!!! ANNETTE FUNNICELLO love love love her!!!!

Oh and also it was very crowded n we were kinda shoved in but,I've heard somewhere theres a key under a mat can someone please tell me exactly where? Is it in the building outside the building? in the theatre? in the holding room?I wanna get a pic next time so plz fabulous ppl of the magic tell me where to go LOL well not that kind of tell me where to go u sillys!!!!

and then the 3 of us got our glasses ready,3???? WEll obviously Duffy needed a pair right? Right!!!



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forgive but this pic never turns out nomatter how many times I try


I had to get this pic since I was wearing a pink miss piggy shirt


and even though it was extreemely sunny we saw snow


Hailey felt much better,she was herself again so she was ready to do something we'd talked about for a long time but she wasn't big enough for until now







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I love the glasses here's the "cool"pic



I think I did star tours when I was younger but it was hailey's first time and we loved it,then I was texting with my special guest COURTNEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!!!! or as Hailey says "cotney" we made a plan to meet by the hat but once I got close to that area it was being sectioned off for the parade so i thought she wouldnt be able to get to me and we changed the plan to I'd just walk to the front of the park n meet her by Oscar,I saw her from far away and as I watched her coming into the park I was so excited but i didnt wanna run at her n hug her like a crazy person,plus she had a friend with her and i'm kinda shy around ppl I dont know at all
(sometimes ppl think i'm stuck up because of my shyness,but once u know me I'm totally not shy whatsoever lol)

Courtney led us to TOT and was explaining the ride to us,I was surprised that she actually got Hailey excited about it,H is quite a little daredevil but when we watched TOT on youtube she didnt like the looks of it.I took this pic on the way


and then this



and here is my Courtney/TOT collage


OMG!!!! AGHHH!!!! I totally forgot a photopass guy took pics of Hailey on a speeder,this is when I knew she felt good because she told me she wanted to sit on that thingy LOL



It was nice to meet Courtney and hailey really took a liking to her,and she was great with her THANKYOU COTNEY!!!! As a mom I love when people take the time to talk to my kids and make them feel comfortable and like what they have to say matters too!! So that was nice. Our next mission was supposed to be TSM but h changed her mind last minute,anyway we said our goodbyes to courtney and her friend and went off strolling again.


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It was nice to meet Courtney and hailey really took a liking to her,and she was great with her THANKYOU COTNEY!!!! As a mom I love when people take the time to talk to my kids and make them feel comfortable and like what they have to say matters too!! So that was nice. Our next mission was supposed to be TSM but h changed her mind last minute,anyway we said our goodbyes to courtney and her friend and went off strolling again.

I'll say it again, I ADORE your daughter! :) Tell her I miss her! And YAY I'm in two TR's at the same time since you and Jess both updated recently!


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I'll say it again, I ADORE your daughter! :) Tell her I miss her! And YAY I'm in two TR's at the same time since you and Jess both updated recently!
Awe she misses you too,and i know because she's always talking about n jess n then she always says and then she says she wants to see my pretty blue friend again too (that's @derelicte19 because she had blue in her shirt,and Hailey said she's prettier than Belle)


Well-Known Member
Awe she misses you too,and i know because she's always talking about n jess n then she always says and then she says she wants to see my pretty blue friend again too (that's @derelicte19 because she had blue in her shirt,and Hailey said she's prettier than Belle)

Prettier than Belle?!? I don't know about that!! Belle is quite pretty!! lol and she looked adorable in her white dress! :) I'm so bummed we didn't get to see you more! :(


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OK so I finally was able to catch up on yours and Jess's TR's tonight (Courtney you're next!!!!) and I must say it was SUPER awesome to finally meet you in person!! And can I just say that I laughed so hard at the picture you took and I'm just off in the corner getting my water from Sleepy Hollow!! lol Too funny! And if you look at the pic on the left side, Ashley and my Mom are standing off to the left of the bridge :)

Looks like you guys did so much awesome stuff!!! A Tea Party and the Pirates League and a Backyard BBQ... OH MY!!!! :)

I love my pin. It's right next tp my medal from the race and when I go to Disney again, I'll put it on my camera bag, that way it's like you will be there too with me!!

And let me just say, if you do go visit Jess, I'm only a couple hours north of her. I'm up he-ah in Maine, bub so she ain't too fah down the road! (Thank god I really don't sound like that!! lol)

Your kiddos are adorable!! So sad it' the last day :( Can't wait to read the rest!!!!! xo <3


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OK so I finally was able to catch up on yours and Jess's TR's tonight (Courtney you're next!!!!) and I must say it was SUPER awesome to finally meet you in person!! And can I just say that I laughed so hard at the picture you took and I'm just off in the corner getting my water from Sleepy Hollow!! lol Too funny! And if you look at the pic on the left side, Ashley and my Mom are standing off to the left of the bridge :)

Looks like you guys did so much awesome stuff!!! A Tea Party and the Pirates League and a Backyard BBQ... OH MY!!!! :)

I love my pin. It's right next tp my medal from the race and when I go to Disney again, I'll put it on my camera bag, that way it's like you will be there too with me!!

And let me just say, if you do go visit Jess, I'm only a couple hours north of her. I'm up he-ah in Maine, bub so she ain't too fah down the road! (Thank god I really don't sound like that!! lol)

Your kiddos are adorable!! So sad it' the last day :( Can't wait to read the rest!!!!! xo <3

OMg Darolyn,first off let me just say I don't know what's gotten into me because I never used to be this way but I think having kids made me into the biggest sappity sap ever!!!1 You are such a doll ! I just teared up n giggled at that.funny you should mention Maine ,because that's a place I've always wanted to go9hubby and I have this plan to do a triple D road trip LOL...aka diners drive ins and dives)Omg YESSSS ure right i see ur mom n ashley in that pic too lol too funny.So when u going back?I'm officially going back in May,just booked flights yesterday.


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Oh my goodness in the past little while I have been everywhere but here okay so Hailey had changed her mind from Toy Story Mania and now her plan was HISTK Playground so I thought sure Why not.



this rope /net maze thingy was her fave part,I can't tell you how many times she zipped through there.HOORAY for feelin better!!!!


haha she looks super tiny


and i feel super tiny



Hailey wasn't too sure about this part


here she goes again......


I like this pic


Oh here's a happy girl....yup she found water



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Here's my cute little bug on a big ugly bug


then Duffy wanted to go for a car ride


I was looking for something cold to drink but i didn't want a really sugary syrupy kind of thing and when I asked I was told sweet spells(where the slushies were the sugary sort that I so didn't want) I forget what i got instead,I think I might have went somewhere else n just got a coke,but H wanted a slush so ok.

took this pic to sho my brother the jack apples


then this one just because I can


OH MY !!!!


Hailey's fave villain


when she was smaller she went through an obsessive phase about puppies and loved watching the Dalmatians then after a while I had to ban it,I didn't realise how many times they call people idiots in it and I didn't want her to do the same.

then I found PURPLE cotton candy WHAT???? I have never seen this in all my life!Riley loves purple so i took a pic for her although u cant really tell it's purple :(



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i gotta say I was a little bummed out that I didn't see any COH (except one Courtney pointed out) and it wasn't my fave Paige turner :( so we just moved along.It was getting close to time for possibly the worst Disney dinner of my life,I think this and chefs de France are tied GROSS!!!!We headed out of the park to go find a bus to Old Key west,dinner tonight was at Olivia's



oh so that's where my step Dad and hubby went golfing last time


it looks cute but looks are deceiving




I had wanted to try Olivia's for a long time because of a few trs that mentioned it,and I'm glad I went to see n try it because of the fact that it was something new to us and I can cross it off my list but NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!! THe food in the next few pics looks good but I assure you it was hardly edible.

THe only thing I actually enjoyed food wise was the bread


my salad was nasty I took 1 bite of it and could not take anymore,i won't go into detail because i don't want to induce vomitting

someone was hiding because she didn't want to eat her food either,and honestly I don't blame her



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H said I needed a pic of the minnie side too so eh what the heck


and more of the food I can't even think about let alone discuss because it was that bad


OKay so I basically ate bread n tried a sample of salad and pastaour server asked if i wanted anything else but I couldn't be bothered to try plus he made me feel really uncomfortable he came to our table too many times and when he wasnt standing directly over my head he was 2 feet away glaring at me with this rediculous look,it was really creepy.I wasn't getting good vibes from him at all,he seemed like the kind of nerdy guy that never has a girlfriend because he comes on way too strong,and seriously creepy.So we left and were planning to go to Downtown Disney.......which brings me to yet another fantasticly happy story NOT .....okay so for those of you who haven't been there's a boat right outside Olivia's but it said it was a DVC boat on the sign n that was pretty much it no indication of what this DVC boat does or where it goes sooooo I went into olivia's and asked and explained i was trying to get to DTD,they didn't know.Then I went into the gift shop and asked......they didn't know.THen I went into the cute looking lobby........


and guess what? They didn't know.Then I walked outside and asked a luggage services guy......he didn't know
OMg I was getting irritated and as cute as this resort looks this is when I decided that i would never ever return Ever OMG I was starting to loath this place,it has to be the most unmagical undisney place I've ever been.Honestly my corner store back home is more Magical!!!FINALLY!!!!! I asked a security guard and he said he thought it should get me where i was going although he wasn't positive but at this point that was good enough for me n I was quite ready to leave old Key West for anywhere else in the world.OKay so i was in a funk after all that frustration that is until I saw that the Balloon was back at DTD YAYYYYYYY and it had a new design(which by now i'm sure you've all seen here on the magic)


anyways that made me happy again,it's the little things ( not that its really little but u get me)




DTD was a zoo that night and I don't well in crowds like that,Hailey was so funny she was yelling at the crowd to please make way for the 2 person mickey bawoom parade LOL,we went into 1 store and only 1 store and then left I was never so relieved as this night to be back at PORS.I hate leaving Disney after having a bad day,and this being our last park day I was worried but it got better no worries.


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OMg Darolyn,first off let me just say I don't know what's gotten into me because I never used to be this way but I think having kids made me into the biggest sappity sap ever!!!1 You are such a doll ! I just teared up n giggled at that.funny you should mention Maine ,because that's a place I've always wanted to go9hubby and I have this plan to do a triple D road trip LOL...aka diners drive ins and dives)Omg YESSSS ure right i see ur mom n ashley in that pic too lol too funny.So when u going back?I'm officially going back in May,just booked flights yesterday.

Officially we are going back in may as well, the 25-June 1. We're going with my aunt and 2 cousins who never really get to go to Disney. My youngest cousin Sadie hasn't been to Epcot or AK since she was 4... She's 13 now!!! lol so we're super excited to go with them :) And we're staying at the Swan :)

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