Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

WEll Everyone i'm back from my 6 nights in WDW and I will introduce the cast of this TR as they come into play.It begins actually 2 days before I leave with a note I wrote in my trip journal( I brought 2 books with me #1 my disney planning book and #2 my trip journal)

On the inside cover I wrote the park hours just incase


Here is the in exactly 2 days I will set foot in the most magical place on earth,In the meantime... while some of my friends are are in The Magic Kingdom at this very moment....I'm doin my stinkin laundry.UGH!!!Need to pack those last minute necessities,do my dishes,vacum and all that jazz(stuff I won't wanna do when I get home)
This will be my 10th trip to the world and I'm hoping it's a good one.This morning I called All Star Movies to talk to my friend and the Cm's name was "Pollyanna"so I had a mini freak out to her about how much I love that movie!!!"let's play the glad game"
here is the section of the resort my friend staye


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the kids all hung out waiting to be invited to dance with the characters


H got right in there with the man himself





it didn't take long before some parents next to us made it quite obvious toi everyone in our area that they were intoxicated,I couldn't believe how much of this I saw and parents just not watching their kids.

at least i knew where mine were



then the characters took a break and they brought out a rope trick guy,he was pretty awesome but it drug on way too long.


then the characters came out again and there was more dancing and music that also drug on FOREVER!!!! It was a good time but it it's way too long of all the same stuff over and over.OH BOY!!! I was doing so good on this trip(for anyone who doesn't know i lost my father in the spring,and before having my kids he was my entire universe so back home I was having a rough time everyday still and thats why I so badly needed this trip)and eventhough back home i was a mess this trip was keeping me out of my funk,that is until they played a certain song and I looked over and saw this dad dancing with his daughter,being silly and making her laugh.She was a tiny little blonde girl with ribbons in her hair(just looked like I did as a kid)and I couldn't keep myself together.The kids were having fun so i tried to hide it for them i didn't want to stop their fun and dancing,then Riley noticed and came over and eventhough my mom was right beside me she somehow was oblivious until that moment.I tried to collect myself but it wasn't happening so my mom asked if i wanted to leave and i did.Riley got hailey and we were off.the whole time I was there I had been texting with Jess(another of my magic ladies)We were meeting up tonight and i was so looking forward to that.

While on the dock waiting for the boat back I got eaten alive holy bugs!!!!the ride was peaceful though.




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Loved that dessert too! One of my favorites from my last vacation! I did the same thing as you. We couldn't go to see Nemo either because of our reservation. I never seen it so I guess our next trip I will have to do some research before I make that reservation. Your girls are adorable!
Oh I have seen Nemo before though and it's my fave WDW show I love it!!!! So definitely go see it because it's really good!!! and thanks :)


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I took the boat to Mk then a bus to my resort and text jess (part of your world) to let her know I was on my way back,and would meet her n her mom soon at The River Roost Lounge to see Bob Jackson perform,yep this is where you will find out about the title of my TR.


thats Bob he plays the piano and sings and has more energy than most kids i know .He is awesome and if your in WDW and looking to have fun definitely go see him.he gets the crowd going good .


here are the pics i got with jess from the night( she likes ariel so thats the theme i chose for our collage)


and here we are with Bob


Anyway at one point in the night he sang this song and had us all sing "sarah sarah sitting on the shed house door,all day long she sits and ships and all night long she ships and sits"then eventhough he assured all of us that there were no curse words in the song,with so many people slurring their words it sure sounded differently,it was a hoot then the next part was "sarah sarah sitting in a brick ship yard all day long she ships and bricks all night long she bricks and ships" I have to say jess and her mom (hi Momma <3) were 2 of the best shedsitters I ever met.I was happy to meet them and have them be part of my world,this inspired the idea that if bob could sing silly songs so could I so now I introduce you to a song I made for them LOL

"little ditty bout jess and Diane,2 american chicks shed sitting they best they can
Jess is gonna be a run Disney star ,Diane is too but she ain't runnin as far"

anyone know what song that paralells?

we ordered some drinks (mine was gross)

They musta thought i was a total lightweight but this long island iced tea didn't taste like iced tea at all it was more like neo citran and extra strength halls ,I didn't drink much of it because it was not good at all.


i loved Jess and her mom they were great and it was nice to meet them and spend time with them but I had an adr early the next morning so I told them I needed to go n get back for bed,in the back of my mind I couldn't get what happened earlier that night out of my mind.I was missin my dad and I was a hurtin unit so i needed to go.I didn't want to meltdown in the middle of a good time so I walked back to my room and watched Stacey and the must do's until i fell asleep.

Oh and as for jess and diane,I'm adopting them as family,so welcoming and so sweet!I really hope to go visit them someday if they'll have me,I'd even skip disney for a year to make that happen they were just that awesome!!


Lol, Bob Jackson is a legend! So glad to find out about him, he's gotta be a sure booking next time i go. looks like u had a lot of fun that night:p As for ur Dad, there's gonna be little triggers as u go through life and ur entitled to a bit of private "me time" to remember him by.
looking forward to next installment!


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Lol, Bob Jackson is a legend! So glad to find out about him, he's gotta be a sure booking next time i go. looks like u had a lot of fun that night:p As for ur Dad, there's gonna be little triggers as u go through life and ur entitled to a bit of private "me time" to remember him by.
looking forward to next installment!
Thank you


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It was friday morning now and I did NOT want to wake up today.I felt like death,but somehow I crawled over to the East Depot and got on a bus to Epcot.WE were let in early because of our breakfast and went directly to spaceship earth(I now had charged batteries)we did not pass go we did not collect 200$,just directly to spaceship earth.


I think my mom closes her eyes every time I try to take a pic of her,if not for almost poppin outta her dress I'd prove it with earlier pics,but it's truely best I don't.





Spaceship earth was not a first for me but it was a first for my mom n both girls on this trip.







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I let Riley answer all of the onscreen questions and eventhough i looked n felt really nasty i will put in some of those pics,but there will not be pics of me after this because it was so bad i barely even looked human,and poor Courtney had to see me like that EEEK sorry girl!!!


my head was backwards for some reason



I heard 2 heads are better than one but how about 1 and a half???


my neck must be broken


how crazy no wonder my head hurt so bad with all that.

Then it was time to kick it into high gear and get To Norway




oh these look good



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AKERSHUS or as my mom says asskerhouse lol



I didn't feel good so my plate wasn't all that exciting,but I did go back for more yogurt and chocolate croissant


the hot plate they bring family style i only ate some egg off of it


YIKES sumthins funky about this snow white,the CRT one was much better


a perfect Aurora


Cinderelli cinderelli.....


this ariel was so sweet ,she was the nicest of the bunch for sure



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Next on the agenda? I wanted to go get pics of Figment that i didn't get on the wednesday....

THe fun part



he's so cute!!



i know some people don't like Figment but that was my first ride at WDW ever!!! So he holds a little place in my heart always.





Hailey's creation


we sent it by e-mail but it never came :(


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We still had more to see in world showcase so we went to the Uk um I hate food and wine crowds!!!


Oh and If I didn't believe in love at first sight before I do now and here's the reason


I shoulda bought it but i was dumb and didn't.(Santa are you paying attention?)



Oh how beautiful are you?


and you too!!!


My first love


My baby boo


and then we went back to the uk to colour


thats what h wanted to do so why not .



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I want a cute little seating area like this in my house




My home



Can I just say how in authentic this area is WE are not all lumberjacks in Canada!!!


Hailey loved this hat,we have several people where we live that have huskys and she loves them.Shes always running up to them wanting to pet them and play with them so she was happy to get a pic.


how bummed am I that i couldn't find this outfit for sale anywhere



I love this pic




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goofing off


oh oh are her eyes open? just barely LOL


Lunch at Le Cellier,the place with the magical napkins ( qeue the angels)


The girls wanted glow cubes because they had seen a little girl with one at the resort pool one night so i happily agreed to get them


OH MY HEAVEN IN A BASKET(well it was in a basket but i took it out)Hello pretzel bread


I ordered this tomatoe blue cheese thingy for my starter but it wasn't great just okay


I think you all know what this is mmm mushroom filet,i coulda licked that plate!!!


Ry Ry



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the girls got the chocolate moose Mousse and I had the Maple creme brulee both were yummy



Le Cellier you have given me the breatest foodgasm of my life and I am eternally greatful!




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#1 the Snow White at CRT is just beautiful. She's perfect (like the Aurora at Aker)!

#2 How COOL was the Dapper Dans thing? Jealous!!!!

#3 Is it just me or do Pirate Goofy's eyes seem a little too open? Like he's REALLY surprised you're there? LOL!

#4 Yes I always think about the Canada I know when I walk through Canada at WS. I know the idea is to show it's heritage but it cracks me up. I suppose the same goes for the America pavilion though. Last year I would've said "we don't all dress in colonial dresses" but now it's more like "we don't all work at McDonalds." LOL!


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I love Snow White :)

I have a pic somewhere of the Dapper dans singing to my daughters one year close to christmas I'll find it and post it here .

OMG I thought the same thing!!!!!

yeah it's so funny eh,Now I wonder how many other pavillions are that far off???


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France was next on the list because there was an introduction that just had to be made,my mom had never had a grandmarnier orange slush and I couldn't let that go.I do like the lemon grey goose ones better but I wanted the orange today too.

what a beauty


then we went through Morocco




then we went in search of khaki ghori because the girls wanted something cold too so I had to explain that my drink was a grown up drink and I knew just the right place to get them something cold and yummy






and taaaa daaaaaa


Hailey got rainbow and i forget what kind riley had but in the rainbow one you can taste all the flavors,I tried it and was thinking the melon was best.I'll definitely get one for me next time it wasn't like our snow cones it didn't taste like pure sugar it was good and really fruity.


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now I don't know why but I never go into the american pavillion


UH OH look at the sky over Italy


my mom wanted to go there to get a bottle of wine for someone and i was looking for stuff for my hubbys family,his uncle likes goofy and pasta and is italian so i found him a kitchen towel with goofy dressed as a chef and the words pasta al dente on it,it was in italy colours and i bought his aunt an italy mickey head antenna topper.

seeing this kind of sky over my fave place makes me frown :(


hmmm not so bad here


OKay I don't like seeing pics of half eaten food it grosses me out so if ure like me look away,but i had to try it before taking a pic.I found this in karamel kuche of course chocolate caramel pineapple yep i'm sold for life!


oh and look at these goodies i found




I remember reading someones tr where they said how much they loved these cookies and i thought its a dry cookie how good can it be? i like my cookies to be warm and chewy normally,but i tried one and was expecting a crunchy dry sugar cookie,but it was more like a soft sponge toffee flavor(or if ure in the uk the inside of a crunchie bar but soft and fluffy)much better than expected.

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