Bob Iger in HS


Well-Known Member
Yes, Cars Land is wildly popular and young boys love Cars merchandise, but people with disposable income love anything and everything Star Wars, if it's an either/or scenario Disney is brain dead if they opt for Cars Land over Star Wars Land.

Of course, the easy answer is "Why not do both?" DHS could use all the help it can get.


Well-Known Member
When acting as a source of information, long term credibility is more important than temporary popularity.

So he wanted something short term... Free stuff from Disney. I'd like to know what he gets for free. As a long term source of info, his name gets out there with crap like what happened tonight, he'll just be doing things to see himself tweet.


Active Member
He even said he hoped it drove more people to the parks.. Which aka means it drove more attention to his twitter and inside the magic site.

There's your answer.
The sad thing about that is he thinks he has so much driving force he can bring thousands of people to the parks. He thinks all his stories are true and when they end up to be false, he never reported it.


One Little Spark...
The person responsible for creating all the hoopla tonight is just a loser. Plain and simple. A scammer at his finest, so what can be done to shut him down?

The video I posted is NOT the guy who did all this tonight. It's an older video, and one of the first Boogie videos to go truly viral. I just thought it was a funny joke to add to the thread, considering the topic of getting goodies from Disney.

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