Bob Iger at WDW now ... BoD to Follow?


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I believe the Spirit covered this before, but, apparently Universal's expansion is not impacting Disney's decision to invest in Orlando nearly as much as some would believe.

See, this is all that was needed for some. A simple answer to a not unreasonable question. Without the "getting one's shorts in a knot".

So let's move on. Any idea when Disney will release what expansion plans may have been discussed at the BOD meeting? We can speculate all we want (and I realize some of y'all have inside info) but until something official is released, it's all conjecture.


Well-Known Member
@Lee do you feel like Disney shoots themselves in the foot when they announce things early knowing full well that their time horizon is 5+ years? When they announced Avatar, I believe 2017 was always the plan, but there was such a gap from announcement to opening that people assume it's due to incompetence rather than a deliberately drawn-out pace.
Avatar was announced in September of 2011. Just under a year later, Jay Rasulo stated it would open in 2015-2016.


Well-Known Member
Now is the time.

Now is the best time.

Now is the best time of our lives.


I'm gonna enjoy it.... It's like the happiest Celebration on Earth announcement.... But 100x better.

Makes sense. After all, when the company as a whole is doing well, the parks do well as... uh... well. WDAS has been on fire, Pixar is apparently back now with Inside Out, Disney Television Animation is getting a lot of acclaim with shows like Gravity Falls and Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Marvel Studios has been killing it, etc.


Well-Known Member
I don't post here often but this train wreck of a thread made me remember my password.

Let me help with a reasoned response.

"Dave I feel that what is being done at universal at least in some way has an effect of the decision making of iger/bod.

Although it may not be a leading or major factor I'm sure it must play at least a small role in the planning process.

I appreciate your opinion and although we don't always agree I look forward to your thoughts and to your valued input on the subject at hand. "

Im probably wrong but that sounds so much better to me than the last 3 pages I just read, that sound like someone here is 5 years old and Dave just took away your favorite toy and spanked you.


Well-Known Member
I'll take this to mean either Degobah or they're filling in Echo Lake.

and i thought he meant the swamp in the bottom right corner..


Premium Member
Oh dear. This will cost the company a lot of free cash flow. Too bad that dividend boost wasn't re-allocated to capital expenditures in the swamp. Shareholders have done well the last few years, and now they're doing even better I guess ...

Always find it fascinating the Chairman of the Board who approves these dividends, directly benefits from this stuff in a massive way, because he is paid heavily in ... company stock! What a tangled web capitalism weaves.

Onward and upward.

Dividends are what most stockholders want... Returning profits to the SHers. Better than endlessly artificially boosting the stock.


One Little Spark...
I know this is just armchair imagineering fodder, but the HKDL expansion most assuredly did not cost 1.25 billion... 2 E's and TSPL.
No. What HS needs is a DCA style makeover. Even more so, as it is largely unfunctional aside from Sunset Strip and a few offerings. It's about the saturation of experience. What will make you stay, and not hit just the headliners.

The ride closings are actually a good sign, though I wish Disney would move faster to construction.

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