Blackbeard added to pirates


Well-Known Member
35% on Rotten Tomatoes.


Well, by all means, don't see it! If rotten tomatoes says it's bad, it must be bad, right?:brick:

For the record, OST is amazing.... I've seen it twice already and it keeps getting better.....

Someday, critics will join tax collectors in the deepest pits of hell.....

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Well, by all means, don't see it! If rotten tomatoes says it's bad, it must be bad, right?:brick:

For the record, OST is amazing.... I've seen it twice already and it keeps getting better.....

Someday, critics will join tax collectors in the deepest pits of hell.....
I intend to see it, but I doubt I've ever seen anything that universally panned that I ended up liking.

What did you think of the third movie?


Well-Known Member
I intend to see it, but I doubt I've ever seen anything that universally panned that I ended up liking.

What did you think of the third movie?

I like them all....I think anyone that has panned the third movie doesn't have enough patience to appreciate the intricate plot lines and threads. I felt the movie did an admirable job in tying together the three movies and closing almost every thread that was intended to be closed.

I just don't subscribe to the mindset that a movie is to be viewed or passed on based on the judgment of an idiot like Roger Ebert, Gene Siskel or the like. Do your own judging. If you need to use their reviews to determine what movies you want to see and what you don't want to see, you might as well go out and buy a handful of Justin Beiber moves.

Critics have raised up boiled pots of human excrement masquerading as motion pictures to grammy status.....while panning excellent movies. It's all about who's scratching who's back in hollywood.

I think, if you appreciate the pirates franchise for what it'd see the movie and give your own assessment of the movie.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I like them all....I think anyone that has panned the third movie doesn't have enough patience to appreciate the intricate plot lines and threads. I felt the movie did an admirable job in tying together the three movies and closing almost every thread that was intended to be closed.

I just don't subscribe to the mindset that a movie is to be viewed or passed on based on the judgment of an idiot like Roger Ebert, Gene Siskel or the like. Do your own judging. If you need to use their reviews to determine what movies you want to see and what you don't want to see, you might as well go out and buy a handful of Justin Beiber moves.

Critics have raised up boiled pots of human excrement masquerading as motion pictures to grammy status.....while panning excellent movies. It's all about who's scratching who's back in hollywood.

I think, if you appreciate the pirates franchise for what it'd see the movie and give your own assessment of the movie.

Apparently not, considering Gene Siskel has been deceased for well over a decade now, and movies aren't elevated to grammy status. That's reserved for records and albums......

As for the movie, it wasn't bad in the least, at least not Rotten Tomatoes bad. I still prefer the first one, but I didn't have any qualms paying full-price to see OST....

Mansion Butler

Active Member
I like them all....I think anyone that has panned the third movie doesn't have enough patience to appreciate the intricate plot lines and threads. I felt the movie did an admirable job in tying together the three movies and closing almost every thread that was intended to be closed.
It couldn't be that it was a poor movie that you just happened to like? It has to be that I don't have the patience for intricate plot lines?

There are some bad movies I like, but I'm not about to insult peoples' patience, intelligence, or whatever for not liking them.

an idiot like Roger Ebert
As a long time reader of Roger Ebert for reasons entirely apart from his reviews (which are also good), and a fan and friend of two people who have been helped immensely by Ebert and his friendliness, this is way off the mark, and tells me a lot in this conversation.

There are certainly reviewers who are idiots. Roger Ebert is not one of them.

I think, if you appreciate the pirates franchise for what it'd see the movie and give your own assessment of the movie.
But that's kind of the thing. I gave money to two Pirates movies I hated. I'll probably still give this one a shot for whatever reason, but going in to movies blind is a good way to waste your money.

Or, you could like anything you see (great) and insult everyone who doesn't (not so great).

Mansion Butler

Active Member
After seeing it again today...

1, 3, 4, 2.

That's my order from favorite to least favorite.
This is a far more productive way to have this conversation than insulting people over taste.

I hated three. I was okay with it the first time, and it's become laughable the couple times I've seen it since (most recently today). If people liked it more than four, I can probably bet I won't like four, and it would probably be a waste of my cash to see it.

I probably will, anyway, because I'm an optimist. . .


Well-Known Member
*Raises flame shield and puts on troll armor*

Let me begin this by saying- If you love On Stranger Tides, i'm happy for you and respect that opinion. My opinion is not intended to invalidate yours. If you disagree and enjoyed it, more power to you. I'll give my semi-review and thoughts below.

I saw OST yesterday. My verdict was that it was somewhat average. Not great, but not bad. Kind of tethering on the edge of being just ok, though it's a fun enough summer flick. Mindless enjoyment. My biggest issue is that it doesn't feel like a POTC movie. I might applaud it for feeling different and trying to be its own story without being tied to the other 3, but i didn't like how it was handled. No sea battles either, i miss the large-scale battles at sea.

I also was very underwhelmed at Blackbeard. He was underdeveloped and bland with way too little meaningful dialog. His ship and voodoo power over it was cool, but it never explains it properly as far as i can tell, like how he got ahold of such power and became such a menace. Also, after experiencing Barbossa and Davy Jones from the other movies, they were far more creepy and fascinating villains IMO. Davy Jones in particular felt like the epitome of a threat you could create. And for "the pirate that all pirates fear", i didn't really grasp or feel that sense of fear myself. All other villains in the series felt much more interesting and creepy, even the minor ones like Pintel and Ragetti from the first movie. Heck, i was more interested in Lord Beckett.


I also find myself missing the now dead or gone characters. And find myself uninterested for the most part in the new ones. Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann are no longer a part of the story. Pintel, Ragetti, Cotton (and Parrot), and Marty are apparently all dead by the time the movie begins. Tia Dalma is obviously not there anymore (fair enough of course, but would have been neat to see her in a temporary form again). Governor Swann is dead, as is James Norrington. So Jack Sparrow, Gibbs, and Barbossa are the only remaining characters from the prior films (nice to see Captain Teague, but he's gone before you know it). All returning characters do well as usual, though i feel Gibbs was under-played.

I do want to mention- it's interesting to see Jack more open about being a nice guy now. Several times during the movie, he takes an altruistic route and helps his friends/companions without a second thought. Or he'll give them advice on situations to better benefit them. He's much clearer with his moral sense than he was in previous films. His manner hasn't changed, but he's a little more outwardly caring this time.

In terms of new characters, mostly very bland. I actually disliked Angelica outright. Attractive though she may be, she feels useless and doesn't really contribute anything besides present a swashbuckling love interest for Jack. On top of that, she comes off as very unintelligent, simple minded, and childish in the end. She's Blackbeard's daughter and constantly tries to soften his heart and convince him that he has good in him, an effort that is obviously going nowhere from the beginning (and a fact Jack constantly reminds her of). She even offers to die for him in the end. He takes her up on that offer without a bit of remorse, and she STILL thinks he's worth saving. I'll also mention that in the following scenes with Jack, she comes off as very weak and childish towards the one who saved her. I detest her character. For a so called "tough female lead", she acts weak minded and never really contributes much to the story. I'd say she degenerates and gets worse as a character over the course of the movie, starting out decent and getting horrible. Elizabeth Swann, whatever people may think about her being annoying (and her actress), was at least a strong character who proves herself to be very useful and clever minded when the need arises.

As for other characters, i sort of liked the missionary guy Philip. Nice to see a different sort of character in the film. Though his character was severely underutilized and his development a bit too sudden. His fate was pretty neat. The mermaid Syrena is uninteresting, i didn't feel she contributed much beyond a plot device and love interest (she shows no emotion and has barely any dialog). No development. Scrum i also felt bland and useless, a poor replacement for the supporting pirates in the previous films (Cotton/Marty/Ragetti/Pintel). I didn't care for the zombies, how they looked or acted. As the evil henchmen, they're undewhelming after coming off invincible skeleton pirates from Curse of the Black Pearl or the sea creature mutants from the other two movies.

So as for the story and action, average. The action was much better in previous films. Fight scenes were sub-par and choreography in sword fights was severely lacking. The best i can say about the action was Jack himself. His fights weren't great, but he himself remains the same and he always steals the scene with his antics. His escape scenes are always fun, and he's still as mad as ever with his complex plans. The story isn't bad, but it could and should have been far better. I feel the journey was lacking interesting locations. The highlight of the locations was a scene with the skeletal remains of Ponce de León in a bed, a tribute to a famous scene in the Disneyland version of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. I also enjoyed the mermaid attack scene and Blackbeard's control over the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Overall, i found this movie kind of bland with some fun highlights. For me, i'd say it's the worst. Not terrible or bad, just average. A great concept with promising characters, the movie feels rushed. It lacks the great fight choreography of the previous ones, the interesting supporting characters, the awesome locations, and the sea battles (or any epic battles). The execution feels lackluster. Heck, i even feel the music isn't as good. I'm throwing my hat in with some of the naysayers. I'm no critic either. Just a random fan. The ride is among my favorites and i like all the previous movies (some better than others). But i'd have to say this one is a step down from previous ones.

Anyways, my two cents. If you liked it, that's just fine by me. I will watch it again when it comes to bluray or DVD to give a second opinion. I'd not recommend anyone stay away from it just because of my opinion to be honest. Though i had issues with it, fans seem to really enjoy it so it may just be that i'm weird that way.


Well-Known Member
My family and I just saw it on Sat the 21st. We loved it. And in my opinion I don't think the characters Will and Elizabeth were missed. I liked all of the movies and enjoyed all the people in them. This movie is full of everything that made the other movies good. I'm glad we went and saw it and I can't wait to see it again.


Well-Known Member
^ Since this is becoming an OST review session, I'll throw in my $0.02 after seeing it tonight:

Thumbs up. I see the PotC movies as a pulp adventure serials (like Indiana Jones and Star Wars were designed to be) and so I look at them as the episodic adventures of this cast of characters set in their quasi-historical-mythological world. If I were to look at them as stand-alone films, like a Gladiator or Titantic, I'd be apt to be a much harsher critic, but I don't see them that way.

IMO, OST is certainly not a masterpiece of film-making - I have a number of criticisms (#1 being not showing the Blackbeard-Barbossa sea battle in flashback - which could have been epic), but I thought the movie was a fine, enjoyable expansion of this serial universe: far better scripted & acted than many of its big-budget, sequel peers (e.g. Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Attack of the Clones, Mummy: Dragon Emperor). Production values, as with all the PotC films, were outstanding.

It was a solid B+.


Well-Known Member
I hope its only temporary. Davy Jones fits the effect much better.

this guy

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
The TRON scene was removed a while ago, it was a temporary end-tag to the show. The new expanded Pirates scene is new this Summer and replaces Chernabog and Hellfire

Here's a video of the last 9-minutes of the show:

Hmm while I haven't seen it yet I could of sworn there was a big boohoo over the fact bob iger cut chernobog from the show before woc's debut last summer.

Thanks for the corrections although I'm upset that hellfire has been omitted now. Hope it comes back.


Well-Known Member
I intend to see it, but I doubt I've ever seen anything that universally panned that I ended up liking.

What did you think of the third movie?

Well I hated a movie, actually three movies, that anybody else seems to have loved, Peter Jacksons Lord of the Ring trilogy, so I know that my taste and public taste are quite two different cups of tea.

And I can't wait to see it.


Well-Known Member
My intention was *not* to insult appologies to those that took it that way....especially Mansion Butler.

my point was that third movie, plot-wise, Was a very complex movie....and most people I meet that complain about it do not take that into consideration before they blast the movie as being the worst of the three.

Those same people are generally the same people that go "the first one ruled, the second and third sucked" Your Roger Ebert types are also the first to come out and lament the fact that none of the POTC movies hold a candle to the first.... Including the new one...what they fail to recognize is that the second and third outgrossed the first significantly. Worldwide gross of dead mans chest was 1.065B....worldwide gross of At Worlds End was 963M....Curse of the black pearl took in 655M. I don't know....if I were a movie exec, I'd be going "hey our model needs to be more like dead mans chest and at worlds end" Movie Critics don't pay the bills, movie goers do...

I still think you need to use your own judgment when seeing movies.....and i hope you dont take offense to this suggestion. Roger Ebert's review of Stranger Tides is so far off the mark that I wondered out loud if he and I saw the same film.

And for the record, I know Gene Siskel is dead....I was merely using his name (along with Eberts) to exemplify the quintessential movie reviewing dolt....


Well-Known Member
Well I hated a movie, actually three movies, that anybody else seems to have loved, Peter Jacksons Lord of the Ring trilogy, so I know that my taste and public taste are quite two different cups of tea.

And I can't wait to see it.

You're not the only one....This is often the example I use when trying to battle the "critics said it sucked therefore it sucks" mentality....the LOTR trilogy is held up as the pinnacle of fantasy cinema and was critically acclaimed.....I thought the movies were garbage.

Star Wars got slammed when it first came out in 77....the critics were dead wrong there the movie evolved into the most successful franchises in history...


Well-Known Member
Pirates 4 was one of the few movies that i was really excited to see this summer. Absolutley loved the first one. Thought 2 & 3 were somewhat entertaining but just overly plotted and complicated. So i took my family last night to see the new one and I must say that i was so disappointed. The movie was very flat and actually boring. The opening escape scene had that Captain Jack magic but the rest of the movie was just lacking in excitement.

I know that the movie will make quite a bit of money which I'm happy for because I would love to see another one that recaptures the fun from the first three.

Just my two cents.

Yankee Mouse

Well-Known Member
I know I'm in the minority here but I wish they stopped at the first movie. I also don't really like the movie in the ride, so blackbeard or davey in the mist doesn't really matter to me. Despite my dislike for the movies, and their presence in the ride, it isn't enough for me to stop going on the ride though. :lol:

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