Blackbeard added to pirates


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Depends on what you interpret as the critics objective. If it's to assess the movie to give the public an objective opinion on which to base whether a person will attend the feature....he most certain was wrong.

Listen, at the end of the day, a movie is designed to bring in the dollar that or not, the success of a movie is measured on that....and that is why, for the most part, oscars are doled out in the ensuing year....

Let's face it, based on the fact that this opening weekend, internationally, is a record is very clear that Ebert and others ate so out of touch with the public that they really don't belong in the positions they are in...

I'm fairly certain a critic's objective is to be critical, with varying degree. Kind of the name of the game....

But in the end, what they write is purely subjective. Neither Mr. Ebert nor Rotten Tomatoes impacted my decision to see OST or any other movie.

And the critics don't vote on the oscars.....


Active Member
I have yet to see the film but I loved the first three (although I will admit the 2nd and 3rd got progressively weaker) but they were all fun. As for the ride, I have mixed emotions when they swap out things like this. Personally I thought the Jack Sparrow overlay was overdone, I would have preferred one Jack woven into the ride, completely noticed but not changing out the entire ride itself. Throwing Blackbeard into a projection over the water isn't a lot but I'd rather things to be more subtle.


Well-Known Member
I think it should alternate between Blackbeard and Davy Jones. The first boat would get Blackbeard while the second boat would bet Davy Jones and so on.


Well-Known Member
my point was that third movie, plot-wise, Was a very complex movie....and most people I meet that complain about it do not take that into consideration before they blast the movie as being the worst of the three.
The complex plot lines is what really does in Dead Man's Chest and At World's End. Such complexity invites thinking, which becomes problematic because not everything actually ties together properly.

Those same people are generally the same people that go "the first one ruled, the second and third sucked" Your Roger Ebert types are also the first to come out and lament the fact that none of the POTC movies hold a candle to the first.... Including the new one...what they fail to recognize is that the second and third outgrossed the first significantly. Worldwide gross of dead mans chest was 1.065B....worldwide gross of At Worlds End was 963M....Curse of the black pearl took in 655M. I don't know....if I were a movie exec, I'd be going "hey our model needs to be more like dead mans chest and at worlds end" Movie Critics don't pay the bills, movie goers do...
Seems more like Curse of the Black Pearl generated a lot of excitement that was tempered by the less than stellar Dead Man's Chest.

As for the ride, I really don't think Blackbeard fits in the location they have him at. He *spoiler*uses voodoo*spoiler* but doesn't have any other real powers beside that. why would he be appearing in a mystic waterfall?
And it is not even him that has the powers, but his sword.


Well-Known Member
The complex plot lines is what really does in Dead Man's Chest and At World's End. Such complexity invites thinking, which becomes problematic because not everything actually ties together properly.

I think the problem with the two movies is that they tried to fold in too many story lines. The ones that either needed to be eliminated or modified were as follows:

Tia Dalma/Davy Jones:
I understand the need for Davy Jones to be lovestruck, but overall this was bad execution. Does anyone know if Tia Dalma was intended to be Calypso when Curse of the Black Pearl was written? I assume the sequels were not really conceived at that point so I'll forgive any references to Calypso not being in the first movie.

However, in Dead Man's Chest there needed to be more foreshadowing/a better explanation of the Calypso character. This was an important part of the movie, yet there wasn't enough build up for it, nor was the payoff particularly good (the attack of the 50 foot woman that just disappears).

Captain Sao Fang/Pirate Lords
Was there a need for another person that Jack wronged in Singapore - Chow Yuen's Fat character was completely unnecessary. The only purpose of the pirate lords was to set a stage for a final battle. I understand the need for this, but ultimately the focus was on Barbosa and Jack. The existance of Captain Sao Fang was a horrible attempt to throw people off the Calypso trail (thinking Calypso was Elizabeth) and a means of deciding that the Pirates would go to war with Cutler Beckett.

Cutler Beckett/Commodore Norrington
These were great characters. Beckett made a villain out of someone that was trying to stop piracy, and Norrington towed the line between good and bad better than any character except Jack. However, I think the Beckett storyline is what probably confuses most people.


Depends on what you interpret as the critics objective. If it's to assess the movie to give the public an objective opinion on which to base whether a person will attend the feature....he most certain was wrong.

On this we disagree. His job is to give an objective opinion of the quality of the movie, his opinion, not to cower to the current zeitgeist.

Listen, at the end of the day, a movie is designed to bring in the dollar that or not, the success of a movie is measured on that....and that is why, for the most part, oscars are doled out in the ensuing year....

On this we agree. It is irrelevant to this discussion.

Let's face it, based on the fact that this opening weekend, internationally, is a record is very clear that Ebert and others ate so out of touch with the public that they really don't belong in the positions they are in...

They belong in their positions because they are able to take a stand, lucidly and based on the experience of having seen a wide range of movies. Ebert certainly has never claimed the ability to influence the box office take of a movie; on more than one occasion he has noted that a movie would end up doing well regardless of what he had to say.

When I read someone for a critique, whether or not I actually intend to see a movie or a show, I want an actual opinion, not a cheerleader or a yes-man.


Well-Known Member
I think it should alternate between Blackbeard and Davy Jones. The first boat would get Blackbeard while the second boat would bet Davy Jones and so on.

I think Blackbeard should be returned to his rightful place as Captain of the Wicked Wench.


Active Member
Spoiler alert.

And the critics don't vote on the oscars.....

That's true, but the people who do vote for the awards are all critic-y TYPE folks who all expect films to be high art and don't really care about the entertainment value.

Im seeing the movie tonight. I'm looking forward to NOT seeing Keira Knightly. She was always annoying.

Kiera Knightly on the big screen can never be a bad thing, IMO.

They could have made Blackbeard so much more badass if he was a normal badass with no magical powers.

BTW, putting mermaids in the ride with them pulling your vehical over with their whips = awesome armchair imagineering idea I had mid-movie hahaha

Both of these things quoted for truth. Though I'm pretty sure that demon mermaids will never make their way into the most magical place on earth. I think Ariel has a monopoly on the princess image within the parks.

In fact, I got goosebumps at the very end of this film when Barbosa did what he did...while it was cool to see Geoffrey Rush do a different take on Hector Barbosa, it really was amazing to watch him don the old gear and go (paraphrase) 'to hell with my privateer contract, onward to tortuga' (it also creates a great possibility that Barbosa can be a true villain again in the 5th movie, provided they film decide to film it)

I'm so glad you said this. When he put on the old hat, I was absolutely giddy. The whole film builds anticipation for that moment. Barbosa dressed in the British uniform with the wig and the powder on his face was designed to drive pirate fans crazy and make them beg for a reprieve. Seeing him as a pirate again was fantastic.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a big fan of the Blackbeard projection. It's so temporary and tacked in.

While I haven't seen the new film, Davy Jones is my favorite character of the franchise, and I'm a big fan of Dead Man's Chest. I was underwhelmed when I saw it in theatres, because I felt it was overlong and overstuffed, but now I enjoy it on DVD.

My biggest complaint of the series was the multiple Jack Sparrows in At World's End. The Calypso giant portion was a bit ludicrous, and I wish they had identified the storm as part of her way of helping the Pirates. Barbossa's screaming is the only connection people make that she's causing the storm they're battling in.


Well-Known Member
I saw On Stranger Tides last weekend and loved it. The first 3 POTC films were awesome as well.

I guess having Blackbeard appear in the mist is cool for a summertime promotion, but I prefer Davy Jones myself. (They just need to take out those lines that say dead men do tell tales)


That's true, but the people who do vote for the awards are all critic-y TYPE folks who all expect films to be high art and don't really care about the entertainment value.

Depends on what you find entertaining. There are plenty out there who like some intellectual steak to go along with the emotional sizzle.

Kiera Knightly on the big screen can never be a bad thing, IMO.

Couldn't agree more.

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