But you are doing so by abusing data.
How did Wakanda Forever do? How shall we compare it?
I know! Let's only look at the top movies that have done better than it. And, oh, look... it doesn't fare well in that comparison.
Of course it doesn't. You just abused data. I demonstrated how that abuse is done by deciding to compare Maverick to all the other movies that did better than it. Of course that then makes Maverick look unremarkable.
If you want to stop abusing data by cherry-picking only those data points that fit your narrative/agenda, then look at the box office receipts of *ALL* the wide-released movies from all the studios in the time frame you want to look at. Do that, and Wakanda looks darned good.... compared to all the data, and not your cherry-picked data.
Wait a minute, I looked at the box office results of all four Marvel films from 2022; Spiderman, Dr. Strange, Thor 4, and now Wakanda Forever. With Top Gun Maverick also shown as the biggest hit of 2022 in a year where panicky execs like to blame
"Covid!" for bad box office even though Americans are happy to pack theaters since last Christmas if it's a movie worth spending money on. And then, because it's a Black Panther thread, I included the original Black Panther from 2018 that was more successful than its 2022 sequel.
And that's cherry picking to you?

Comparing the four Marvel movies of the last year and the biggest hit of the last year? This was the chart I created that seems to have set you off (again).
You would rather I also included Bros and Minions and The Menu and West Side Story in that tale of the tape?
That makes no sense. We're talking Marvel hits of 2022 and their most direct competition.
Do you really think you can get away with such fallacious arguments by sprinkling in your haute cuisine lifestyle of appletinis and soirees in Victorian mansions as you keep hammering away at every Disney content repeating yourself over and over again?
There you've lost me entirely.
Appletini? Who the hell drinks an Appletini? Do you think I'm a sorority girl who uses a fake ID at a crappy TGIFriday's?
Soirees at Victorian mansions? That sounds incredibly dull. And dusty. And things I'm allergic to. Did I mention dull?
I can't barely imagine such a lifestyle, let alone write about it. Now, if you want to talk Rye-forward cocktails set to a Motown beat with a swinging mixed crowd in mid-mod homes, I'm there!
Now if you excuse me, my can of Diet Pepsi is getting warm and I still have some Cheez Whiz left in the can and some Ritz crackers that won't eat themselves.
I love me a Pepsi-Cola, although I don't bother with the Diet stuff. Life is too short for that.
But just do me a favor and put the Diet Pepsi in a proper glass with some cracked ice, and place the Ritz crackers on an appetizer plate, and I wouldn't mind joining you! As a hostess gift I'll bring some sharp Tillamook cheddar to slice, instead of the Cheez Whiz.