Well-Known Member
It's simple.However Spiderman No Way Home and Top Gun Maverick where both post pandemic and made $1,971,439,845 and $1,486,657,763 respectively so that argument about cinematic climate really doesn't hold water. People will show up for a movie they want to see. WF seems not to be that movie.
1. Neither NWH nor TGM had any streaming platform ready to show them. Everyone knew that. Every MCU fan knows that SM is owned by Sony and doesn't show on D+. TGM was not connected to any studio's streaming platform. So their only means to watch was on the big screen and that was stated everywhere.
2. NWH was a culmination of 20 years of SM movies with prominent roles from Tobey and Andrew, along with Strange and a bunch of classic villains. It was marketed as and lived up to the idea of being the Endgame of Spiderman movies.
3. TGM had nearly 50% of its audiences over 55 years old by its second week. That is an age group that doesn't do a lot of streaming. It also appealed heavily to a more conservative base which makes up much less of a streaming audience anyway.
4. When considering successful movies, comparing EVERYTHING to two of the biggest movies ever made will always put up an unfair comp. I could do the same and say that TGM and SM NWH were failures because they didn't match up with The Force Awakens or Endgame.
5. BPWF had absolutely insurmountable odds against. Negative PR (Letitia Wright issues), losing Chadwick and thus its main character, and the constant onslaught of alt-right racists and bigots who flood social media with their typical "stuff" (watching language lol) all put the movie's back against the wall. Sure, I would have liked to see it end up domestically between $475-$500 million, but eh. Just a number. It had a fresh RT score and a very high audience score. It was a very highly regarded movie by most. We're just living in a VERY different world than we did in 2018.
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