Big Thunder Mountain Refurb


Well-Known Member
I say let them close the thing for a year. I don't care so long as when it opens it is in 100% (or 99.9%) show shape.

I've ridden the other four BTMRR's in the past two years and none of them have anything near the issues that MK's has had -- now, for many, many, many months (some things, years).

Just fix it. If it's going to ruin your MAGICal WDW vacations, then you really need to think about priorities ... and seeking help.


Beta Return
I disagree, Tom. Both Frontierland mountains have been embarrassing messes for years now. They need to be closed down, fixed and brought up to proper show quality. If TDO/Phil feel they can't close both (I honestly hate this excuse as I remember when WDW consisted of one and later two parks and would often close MAJOR attractions at the same time for refurbs and now they have FOUR parks and encourage park-hopping!), then I'd hope that the day after Thunder opens that Splash goes down, even if that means it is closed for the entire summer. The thought of another 18-19 months of it in deplorable condition is ... well ... deplorable.

I WILL agree that both mountains need attention, but my opinion is that they leave at least one open at a time. Taking down both, in today's world, would put the rest of the MK in a serious pinch.

I'd like to see them perhaps give Splash it's Jan/Feb makeover, but to focus on AAs, animated figures, effects, and audio. The ride vehicles, lifts and waterways are all in fine shape.

Then, take down BTMR and give it a Space Mountain overhaul. Completely re-do the queue so that it's ADA accessible (heck, if you've got a few extra pounds on your hips, you can't navigate most of the queue). Replace the lifts with the newer mechanisms uses on EE (but keep the loud clacking). Repaint the mountain. Replace antique effects with current technology. Add more on-ride audio. And liven up some of the show scenes.

If it takes a year, so be it. It's a classic, and famous, Disney attraction. It's time for it to join the 21st century and be "plussed" a bit.


Well-Known Member
I WILL agree that both mountains need attention, but my opinion is that they leave at least one open at a time. Taking down both, in today's world, would put the rest of the MK in a serious pinch.

Yep. It would now since they have removed so much capacity over the years -- and that was before they bulldozed Mickey's Tentland. ... This is just one of those situations that's been building for over 15 years now. You can't keep closing attractions, shows, entertainment venues, shops, dining -- while adding FP, a service that puts more people in the streets, and renting double-wide strollers and ECVs in massive quantities and not expect it to bite you in the behind at some point.

I'd like to see them perhaps give Splash it's Jan/Feb makeover, but to focus on AAs, animated figures, effects, and audio. The ride vehicles, lifts and waterways are all in fine shape.

Then, take down BTMR and give it a Space Mountain overhaul. Completely re-do the queue so that it's ADA accessible (heck, if you've got a few extra pounds on your hips, you can't navigate most of the queue). Replace the lifts with the newer mechanisms uses on EE (but keep the loud clacking). Repaint the mountain. Replace antique effects with current technology. Add more on-ride audio. And liven up some of the show scenes.

If it takes a year, so be it. It's a classic, and famous, Disney attraction. It's time for it to join the 21st century and be "plussed" a bit.

Agreed all around.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Much needed. From the broken show pieces (most of rainbow caverns) to the huge holes in the Walls through to backstage (bottom of lift A) to the now missing earthquake in lift B the ride needs lots of TLC. Before taking the ride system into considration.


Starting to regret that we already have our trip booked for late May. Looking like both Test Track and Big Thunder Mountain are going to be down when we go. :(

Is it common for Disney to re-open attractions earlier than they originally plan? Thanks to our dumb luck, the ride is scheduled to re-open the day after we leave...


Just fix it. If it's going to ruin your MAGICal WDW vacations, then you really need to think about priorities ... and seeking help.

Unfortunately, not all of us can go to the World that often, so closures are much more disappointing for us. I just ask that you don't talk down to us like that.


New Member
Original Poster
I found my info from the official WDW website. Seems to be different info posted there. I don't know...maybe they don't post everything on their site.:confused:


Premium Member
I found my info from the official WDW website. Seems to be different info posted there. I don't know...maybe they don't post everything on their site.:confused:

The reason is that the official site only post the schedule 6 months ahead. Once their calendar shows april and may you will see the refurb goes to march 27.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, not all of us can go to the World that often, so closures are much more disappointing for us. I just ask that you don't talk down to us like that.

more of a reason to plan a return trip.
i welcome lengthy refurbs for attractions that are in dire need such as this one. With 2 attractions down during your trip, I'm sure you will still enjoy yourself tremendously. One of the trade-offs for visiting during non-peak months (June-Aug and late December) is that you have to deal with refurbs.


New Member
The April hours are up-still says that Thunder Mountain reopens March 31. It makes sense-they want to have it up and running again in time for Easter.

Jane Doe

Well-Known Member
One of the trade-offs for visiting during non-peak months (June-Aug and late December) is that you have to deal with refurbs.

You've got no idea how sick I am of hearing that line. Could you please show me anywhere on the Walt Disney World website which states that there are non-peak months at the parks.

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