Well-Known Member
What's interesting to me is that as WDW performs more and more poorly in recent years, the answer from management seems only to be making the guest experience worse and worse. They see that revenue is down, room nights are down, per guest spending is down, attendance is down, etc., so their grand answer is not to step back and see the why people aren't visiting and spending like they used to (hint, hint...your product isn't as good as it used to be), but to make the product even crappier. It's a vicious cycle they've created. The less people visit, the more inclined they are to make cuts to the quality of the product while simultaneously raising prices. This is your plan to increase revenue? It's completely ridiculous and defies logic.
Um ... yeah ... ah ... I dunno what more to say as I agree.
I could tell you social media and Disney's takeover of 'independent' fan sites by providing some very 'special' people free trips/cruises/swag/party invites/brief supervised access to Imagineers and execs has played a large role because the pulse of the fan community in 2011 is akin to the people who think our country has never been better than now ... they keep pushing propaganda on their sites and fans say 'they must be telling the truth because they're one of us' ... Vicious cycle really.
The worse WDW gets, the more you read it is better than ever. Did the Commies take over our fan sites?
What did WDW do for its 40th anniversary year? If you answered almost absolutely nothing you'd win a LE Orange Bird pin.