I think we just have a philosophical difference on the topic. You view it is being upset something is no longer on sale. I view it as being upset because they raised the price.
Well.. FP was a perk - it was never the DEFAULT way to experience attractions. I think there in lies the problem for people. They act like the way they used FP was 'the way' to do things and now it's taken away they are upset. When in reality, FP has always been a specialized way to experience the attraction.. and the ignoring the return time was never the intended way to use it. So as long as people keep holding onto the optimized way was 'the way' to do things.. they will be upset in any other method if its not even more optimized then what they did before.
It is the 'on sale' price vs normal price analogy. People want it on sale all the time and are upset with the normal price. Instead of recognizing the 'on sale' price was always a special case.
And truthfully, it's not like I was furious
But we do come back and use words like 'horrible'
or others say 'I hope the place gets flooded with complaints'
You count up how many attraction rides you 'missed' because of opportunistic loss, etc.
People are making it out as if it's a real direct loss to them, so much so they should be up in arms, storm the castle, etc etc. It's a FP.. not the winning lottery ticket.
I merely was stating the fact that because of this rule change (no matter how you describe the rule change) we absolutely rodes less FP attractions on this trip than we ever have in the past... INCLUDING before FP even existed, because standby lines moved much faster in those days.
I really don't buy that view of the parks. When we have to wait an hour+ on average for attractions like was common in the 80s.. then I'll buy into that. Reality is the wait tolerance for rides is WAY WAY down compared to what it used to be.. and that is indicative that people are accustomed to waiting way less now.
I can certainly see people getting less rides on the major attractions now than when they could by optmizing their FPs... but again, that is a specialized case, not the norm. So being forced back to the norm I don't see as a huge deal. The 'golden days' before the loophole was closed are simply behind us now.
I understand your point that getting a nap, having ressies, etc, are all things I brought on ourselves and without those things I could have more freely gotten FP's an criss-crossed parks as needed... But my point was that in the past those things didn't even have to conflict. In the past, those things were more easily dealt with.
*IF* you knowingly ignored the return times. If you were playing by the published standard.. you'd be in the same boat that you were this trip. That's why I don't see it as this HUGE CHANGE like some want to make it out to be. The vast majority of people were living in this dire world you painted already... and people did ok!
Is it that the model that allowed us "more than we deserved" is gone, or is it that they're made the parks much more difficult to tour on your own schedule...
Yes (bold) - the loophole is gone. Just like many tweaks that used to get your more than advertised.. there is no need to stomp our feet when the loophole is closed.
It's not any more difficult to tour on your own schedule.. just don't use the perk if it's not compatible with your needs.
Potentially to offer that freedom that so many of us got accustomed to back down the road at a cost?
You'll be much happier down the road if you can separate these emotions so keep them from muddling up your actual vacation experience.
Who knows.. what happens when you are the one benefiting from the XPass experience? Are you still going to be upset the old FP isn't what it used to be if the new XPass model actually gave you a better experience? See the hypocrisy there?