Big changes coming to FASTPASS in March

Do you agree with the changes to the FASTPASS enforcement policy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 544 58.5%
  • No

    Votes: 233 25.1%
  • I'm going to wait and see how it works

    Votes: 153 16.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
If you choose to come back within your window that's how you vacationed and did it. And coming back when it's convenient to me is how I vacationed and did it. Nothing "premium" about it, it's just taking advantage of the fastpass and utilizing it to it's full potential. And I'm nowhere near 30 years old.


Premium Member
As much as it cost to go to WDW, and as someone who frequented the parks a lot, we/I should be able to vacation how I want. Sorry, but this change totally ruins my way of vacationing and I'm scheduled to go next month for spring break and this may be my last time there for awhile.

Are you planning on turning in your self-important crown during that trip since you won't be needing it anymore?

Frequency doesn't make you above other everyone else.


Uh, did you read the article? They're not enforcing it until the 7th of March, hence it is still possible to show up 4 hours late for your FP window. And how is the "excuse" of Disney PROMOTES their CM's to allow it is ridiculous? You say you've never seen a CM do that, well I've posted a picture on here before of FP's that some DVC CM's gave me for TSMM. They gave them to my son and I around 8:30pm and the FP's were for like 7:30AM-8:30AM. How do you explain that one, considering the park isn't even open until 9am, or 8am on a EMH day?

Did you read my post? Where did I say they were enforcing it prier to the 7th? :hammer:

And you miss understood. I said the "excuses" people are giving as to why this is a bad change. Not excuses Disney is coming up with, or whatever you conjured up in your mind.

I don't care about your personal experience because it is hear-say. I was stating in my personal exerience in a very long time of going, I've apparenetly heard it once now, on video, in the comfort of my home. Other than that, I've never heard a CM say it. As you may go back and read, and understand (it's not hard I promise.). You'll see I said "I'm not saying CM's don't tell people they can come back, but I've personally never heard it".

Learn to comprehend or I won't even bother replying next time.


Well-Known Member
Have you been reading a different source than I have for the next gen info? From what I've heard they are talking about letting a very limited number of folks plan their days way out in advance and no across the board but in terms of very specific instances.

Ya know, you can make just about any point you'd like if you take the facts and information about something and distort it to a ridiculous extreme, it doesn't make your argument valid though.

I don't think ANY of us really know what's going to happen. And if any of us do, they're not sharing with the class.

I'm simply making the point that if you don't "keep up with the Joneses" and use every possible angle available to pre-plan your days in the parks, you'll pay for it in longer lines or potentially not being able to experience something completely. We've already seen that with the DDP and restaurants. During most times in the year, it's virtually impossible to walk up to most sit down restaurants and get a table. Whether I like it or not, 5 months ahead of time I have to sit down and figure out where we're going to eat dinner every night of the trip and when, or else my family won't get to experience the things they want to experience.

I don't believe it's much of a stretch to believe they'll extend the same sort of thing to attractions. Why wouldn't they?? It's proven to fill all their dinner tables all night long every day, so it's gotta be good for them, right??

I'm not distorting anything. Those are the facts. And it's a fact that if you go to the parks without working the FP system, you'll experience less than those that do. The more Disney allows for extreme planning ahead of a trip, the more those that don't do so will suffer. Tell me where I'm distorting ANYTHING there.


Well-Known Member
Are you planning on turning in your self-important crown during that trip since you won't be needing it anymore?

Frequency doesn't make you above other everyone else.

And I never said it did, but if that's what you think and if it makes you feel holy and righteous, then so be it.


Active Member
I have to say I am shocked how many people never return during the window.

Then again I'm in that group sitting outside the entrance on the bench waiting until the clock hits my time so I can finally ride. I don't have children but not sure how that can be swayed by an hour.


Well-Known Member
As much as it cost to go to WDW, and as someone who frequented the parks a lot, we/I should be able to vacation how I want. Sorry, but this change totally ruins my way of vacationing and I'm scheduled to go next month for spring break and this may be my last time there for awhile.

You know, I was just thinking the same thing. Even more than that, I hate screaming children and if I hear one, it ruins my vacation, so Disney must do away with them so I may enjoy myself. Also, I dislike stupid and rude people with an extreme vigor and for the amount of money I pay on my many trips, Disney must keep them a fair distance away so I can have my vacation unfettered. I am so glad we are on the same wavelength with this issue!

I am scheduled to go in three weeks, and if I see or hear rudeness, I will sit and cry and throw a tantrum until I get my way. After all, my ticket says 'magic my way' - and this is what magic I want!!!!


Well-Known Member
How about the possibility thought that by enforcing the policy, the attractions will operate far more efficiently, which will mean that using standby lines once again become a viable alternative to FP.

I understand, but I also think that it is hard not to make allowances for any of the legitamate customer-service defaults that I mentioned above, especially when they tout fast-pass in all the promotional material. (Not to mention the cost of tickets to begin with.)

I think you are overstressing the "Disneyphile" aspect while ignoring the "in the know" aspect. That is, that many posters on these boards are aware of the current flexibility in the policy and therefore take advantage of the way the system currently works, much more so than the general populace. So while they may be some extra positivity from those who are big disney fans, there is also some extra negativity from the in the know gung ho, get every little trick in types.

I can agree to a point, although I still do not think that the number of "gung ho, get every littel trick in types" is (a) not worth worrying too much about, and (2) a set of people who are usually among Disney's best customers. As any marketing type knows, your loyal customers are among the most important. They not only return themselves, but in Disney's case, they usually might bring friends.


Well-Known Member
You know, I was just thinking the same thing. Even more than that, I hate screaming children and if I hear one, it ruins my vacation, so Disney must do away with them so I may enjoy myself. Also, I dislike stupid and rude people with an extreme vigor and for the amount of money I pay on my many trips, Disney must keep them a fair distance away so I can have my vacation unfettered. I am so glad we are on the same wavelength with this issue!

I am scheduled to go in three weeks, and if I see or hear rudeness, I will sit and cry and throw a tantrum until I get my way. After all, my ticket says 'magic my way' - and this is what magic I want!!!!

Good for you!! Do you want a golden ticket to go along with those unreasonable expectations. :D


Well-Known Member
point being...if you end up missing your FP window for whatever reason even though you have an 80 minute's really not the end of the "world".

point being.... no one said it was the end of the world. People are just concerned that there are circumstances that arise that could prevent making their window. People get FP's for attractions they WANT to see. And if you're someone who only takes trips to the world every 2-3 years, or maybe this is their first ever trip, and this is their one chance to ride Space Mtn and you miss it because the monorail breaks down on the way back from your lunch at the Poly, then it's definitely a bummer.


New Member
I, for one, am happy to see this finally happening.I hate showing up to Disney, going to a FastPass machine, and hearing people 'complain' about the fact they have to wait 3 hours until they can actually get on the ride because they don't want to have to wait. YOU'RE AT DISNEYWORLD!!! WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING!?!?!?

On top of that, I've seen people show up at restaurants within EPCOT without a reservation, demanding that they be seated immediately ahead of others because if they don't, they will go complain to customer service. WHY!?!?

It's called a rule, you show up between the hours listed on your fast pass. That's just the way it is. If you really don't like it, DON'T GO!!!


Well-Known Member
As much as it cost to go to WDW, and as someone who frequented the parks a lot, we/I should be able to vacation how I want. Sorry, but this change totally ruins my way of vacationing and I'm scheduled to go next month for spring break and this may be my last time there for awhile.

WRONG. You do not get the vacation however you want if the way you choose to vacation impacts on my family's ability to enjoy their vacation. This is precisely the mentality that causes people to make poor decisions at WDW. If you sincerely feel that you should be able to vacation however you want, and this policy change is making you consider not going again (which we all know you will) then I applaud the change if only for that fact.

But come now, surely you recognize that you can't just vacation however you want, that there MUST be limitations or people would just go crazy.


Well-Known Member
I don't think ANY of us really know what's going to happen. And if any of us do, they're not sharing with the class.

I'm simply making the point that if you don't "keep up with the Joneses" and use every possible angle available to pre-plan your days in the parks, you'll pay for it in longer lines or potentially not being able to experience something completely. We've already seen that with the DDP and restaurants. During most times in the year, it's virtually impossible to walk up to most sit down restaurants and get a table. Whether I like it or not, 5 months ahead of time I have to sit down and figure out where we're going to eat dinner every night of the trip and when, or else my family won't get to experience the things they want to experience.

I don't believe it's much of a stretch to believe they'll extend the same sort of thing to attractions. Why wouldn't they?? It's proven to fill all their dinner tables all night long every day, so it's gotta be good for them, right??

I'm not distorting anything. Those are the facts. And it's a fact that if you go to the parks without working the FP system, you'll experience less than those that do. The more Disney allows for extreme planning ahead of a trip, the more those that don't do so will suffer. Tell me where I'm distorting ANYTHING there.

First, we haven't seen how the new credit card check system will impact DDR's availability. Secondly, you don't HAVE to book that far in advance. You could be sat at a variety of places, maybe just not the ones you want. You choose to tour the parks in a way that includes a sit-down meal per day, that also means you choose to use the DDR's. That's a choice, Disney isn't forcing you.


Well-Known Member
I, for one, am happy to see this finally happening.I hate showing up to Disney, going to a FastPass machine, and hearing people 'complain' about the fact they have to wait 3 hours until they can actually get on the ride because they don't want to have to wait. YOU'RE AT DISNEYWORLD!!! WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING!?!?!?

On top of that, I've seen people show up at restaurants within EPCOT without a reservation, demanding that they be seated immediately ahead of others because if they don't, they will go complain to customer service. WHY!?!?

It's called a rule, you show up between the hours listed on your fast pass. That's just the way it is. If you really don't like it, DON'T GO!!!

So... Welcome to the boards, then? :shrug:


Premium Member
point being.... no one said it was the end of the world. People are just concerned that there are circumstances that arise that could prevent making their window. People get FP's for attractions they WANT to see. And if you're someone who only takes trips to the world every 2-3 years, or maybe this is their first ever trip, and this is their one chance to ride Space Mtn and you miss it because the monorail breaks down on the way back from your lunch at the Poly, then it's definitely a bummer.

Except you won't miss SM.. you just can't use your FP. You are certainly free to get in line for the attraction.

Disney isn't going to kick you out of a line as long as you are in line before park closing.

So no.. there is no 'I won't get to see my favorite XYZ' drama because someone couldn't get a FP. It just means they might have to wait a bit longer or give up something else.


Well-Known Member
WRONG. You do not get the vacation however you want if the way you choose to vacation impacts on my family's ability to enjoy their vacation. This is precisely the mentality that causes people to make poor decisions at WDW. If you sincerely feel that you should be able to vacation however you want, and this policy change is making you consider not going again (which we all know you will) then I applaud the change if only for that fact.

But come now, surely you recognize that you can't just vacation however you want, that there MUST be limitations or people would just go crazy.

I'm writing in reference to this fastpass policy change which is the topic being discussed. It's been this way for how long, 10 years or so? And now they want to suddenly change it? Well that changes things for me and I feel it should have never been policy if they're changing it back to the way it was intended. Within those years I grew accustomed to using them when it's most convenient for me. But now they're changing something that effects the way I like to vacation and travel throughout the parks. And you all don't know what I will or won't do. I will come back after March, but I doubt it will be as frequent as it has been in the past.


Well-Known Member
I can agree to a point, although I still do not think that the number of "gung ho, get every littel trick in types" is (a) not worth worrying too much about, and (2) a set of people who are usually among Disney's best customers. As any marketing type knows, your loyal customers are among the most important. They not only return themselves, but in Disney's case, they usually might bring friends.

I believe you are adding value to the percentage of the market we're talking about in an effort to minimize the impact of my argument and over-emphasize the weight that their needs/wants should carry. Disney has much more throughout and detailed market research than either of us, obviously they must feel that the people upset by this change aren't worth NOT doing it.


Well-Known Member
That's my main problem. I don't think they are putting the guest experience first. In fact, I'm betting this is all motivated by money. Somewhere down the line, somehow, this will make them money. What if this is all just the beginning stages of getting a system prepared for some sort of optional PAY-FOR-FP system? I'll be interested to see how happy all you folks welcoming this change are THEN. :lol: I picture you folks as the cows at the end of the line, perfectly content to be in that line, because that's where you were told to be. But then when you get closer to the front of the line you realize you're in a line going into a meat packing plant, and THEN you freak out.

Of course it is. Disney is a business. If they weren't, I could probably still get a $99/night passholder rate at the Grand Floridian. I'm actually surprised it has taken this long to move towards such a system. Tons of changes are done for money. For a few summers, the MK closed at 11:00 instead of the historical midnight to save money and push Magic Hours. The whole concept of Extra Magic Hours is to bring Disney extra money for staying on property. Fastpass was put in as value added draw. It also allowed more time for shopping and eating (more money). I'll bet a Disney Dollar to a doughnut that the new system rolls out at the same time they open the new Fantasyland expansion. Makes no sense to install and reprogram the old infrastructure for the new area. New Fantasyland can be the test of the new system and then the rest of the park gets rolled into it.

When it all happens, I'll go with the flow. Will I grumble? Probably. I grumbled about Fastpass from the start and still do. Heck, I complained about Mr. Toad, 20,000 Leagues and the Adventurers Club. I'm still going. i still have fun. Heck, I miss the Catwalk Bar while I'm at it. I miss the Mickey Mouse Review. I'm to old to complain about the small stuff. Plenty of bigger fish to fry. I'm just glad Eisner is gone! :hammer:

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