Big changes coming to FASTPASS in March

Do you agree with the changes to the FASTPASS enforcement policy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 544 58.5%
  • No

    Votes: 233 25.1%
  • I'm going to wait and see how it works

    Votes: 153 16.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
But I certainly don't see how this will help anyone relax and enjoy the parks more.

This is the part I agree with/have the most concern with. I am afraid the NextGen may make things a little TOO regimented in terms of where you have to be and when. Same goes for ADR's. I'm the type of person that wants to just be able to walk around, enjoy the day at will and do whatever I am in the mood for at THAT time.

Granted, I am a frequent visitor and a FL resident so it's not a MAJOR deal, but for will take that spontaneity factor out of it. :/


Well-Known Member
The problems with this is that it's going to cause more double backing in the parks. That's a problem for a lot of people.

I certainly took advantage of the late return times, and for selfish reasons I'm sad to see it go. One advantage of this though is that in conjunction with xPass we will likely see an increase in the number of unused fastpasses so hopefully that aspect of the xPass addition will be minimized. I wouldn't be surprised to see them tweaking the distribution numbers while they do this.

The other thing I would like to see are Fastpass booths throughout the park for all attractions. This could help minimize the double backing. Centralized Fastpass locations will certainly help with this.

Additionally, if the return times are going to be enforced, you should be able to get a later return time than the current return time if you so desire. For example, if the current distribution is 40 minutes out, but you have a meal planned, you should be able to get Fastpasses for 2 hours out if you want. The system should be smart enough where the Fastpasses that you acquire can just be deducted from the system 2 hours out as opposed to 40 minutes out. Considering that they're allowing guests to schedule their trips, this should also be available in the park to all guests.

^This. I think being able to choose your fastpass time would help a lot along with a centralized FP station (though I can see the lines for this now... YIKES!!) But say you know you have a FP for Space valid from 11am-12pm, you know you have a lunch at 1:00pm and want to watch the parade at 3pm.. why not be allowed to choose a FP for Splash Mtn from 5-6pm? I think it would work out fine. Then when one time frame is sold out, bump it out 5 minutes (using the same 5 minute incriments they use now)


Active Member
Marketing spin wins the day:

"Helpful Tip bubble: Did you know that if you miss you Fastpass window on your ticket, it is still good for XX minutes after the printed window?"

You have now spun it as a positive. Most people did not even know you could use it that way before. So for most people, it now looks like an added benefit and not something taken away.

:sohappy: Very good, you're hired!


Well-Known Member
Additionally, if the return times are going to be enforced, you should be able to get a later return time than the current return time if you so desire. For example, if the current distribution is 40 minutes out, but you have a meal planned, you should be able to get Fastpasses for 2 hours out if you want. The system should be smart enough where the Fastpasses that you acquire can just be deducted from the system 2 hours out as opposed to 40 minutes out. Considering that they're allowing guests to schedule their trips, this should also be available in the park to all guests.


Agreed. This would alleviate a lot of concerns (as would centralized distribution).


Well-Known Member
This is fantastic

I think this is great!!!!:lol: I have always followed the time schedule even though i hate the fast pass system to begin with. This will help speed lines along later in the day I think!!!!

1987(Contemporary),89'(Grand Floridian),90'(Carribean Beach),92',94',96'(Contemporary),98'(Cornado Springs),2001'(Port Orleans),03',11'(Pop Century)


Well-Known Member
OMG! Don't people know that there are standby lines too? The world won't end if you have to use it. If you know you won't make it back in time time give your fastpasses to a family you see with the same # of people, you'll make their day!

If your kids absolutely must ride that ride and your fastpasses are expired they need to... wait in line. I waited for every ride I rode as a child because there was no fastpass and I survived to tell the tale! Amazing!!!

Thank you! Too bad this bit of sanity won't be enough to quiet all of the madness here. The same can be said to those who say now everything will have to be planned. Wrong! It doesn't, you can still go and enjoy the parks without using FP, without a reservation, without a touring plan!


Well-Known Member
As I mentioned in my previous post, we had an hour and 45 minutes to eat lunch before our FP expired... we thought that was plenty of time. Well guess what, by the time we were seated which took 20 minutes and finally ate, our FP's had expired. So what if someone has been on the same attraction 1231415252 times before? Whats the point of going to Disney then if not to ride the same attractions you've ridden before?

My point is just because none of the above circumstrances have ever happened to YOU doesn't mean it doesn't happen to other guests, because it does, as I've pointed out from personal experience.

point being...if you end up missing your FP window for whatever reason even though you have an 80 minute's really not the end of the "world".


Well-Known Member
The same can be said to those who say now everything will have to be planned. Wrong! It doesn't, you can still go and enjoy the parks without using FP, without a reservation, without a touring plan!

... And with extremely magical long stand by waits everywhere because you didn't plan your day out months in advance like everyone else!

That sounds GREAT!



Active Member
amazing how people react when they are forced to follow the rules. what's so hard to consider. get the fast pass, return at your scheduled time. If you can't make it the world is not going to end. Is your trip going to be a good time whether you ride toy story or not? seriously people. This will probably make the stand by lines quicker too. just enjoy your time on vacation and don't sweat the little stuff.


Well-Known Member
Guide maps, times guides, resort TV, on the tickets themselves, at the machines, unofficial sites such as this.

The biggest problem they are gonna encounter is from forum posters who have taken advantage of the system over the years and who don't want to change their touring habits now. Those folks will push and push in hopes of getting a CM to give in. The general populace won't be affected much at all by this.


Active Member
I do not understand why everybody is complaining that you cannot game the system. They are only making it work they way it is supposed to.

The only way disney can change the system is to make it like six flags reservation system. This would require people to pay for fastpass though .

I just do not understand why people are getting upset at not being able to game the system anymore.

Is it so hard to follow the rules?


Well-Known Member
... And with extremely magical long stand by waits everywhere because you didn't plan your day out months in advance like everyone else!

That sounds GREAT!


Have you been reading a different source than I have for the next gen info? From what I've heard they are talking about letting a very limited number of folks plan their days way out in advance and no across the board but in terms of very specific instances.

Ya know, you can make just about any point you'd like if you take the facts and information about something and distort it to a ridiculous extreme, it doesn't make your argument valid though.


Well-Known Member
That's caused by fastpass in general... Not necessarily FP late arrivals.

If we were talking about removing FP completely, that would make sense.
I really don't think so. There are a limited number of fastpasses given out for each time slot, but when multiple groups of ,say 40 to 50 *coughTourGroupscough*, saves theirs all together for a later time, that increases the standby wait time tremendously. Hence a standby line might look short, but when it has to accomodate more than the planned amount of FP's, the standby wait times at that particular time suffer. Granted, they were probably shorter earlier in the day when those FP's were not used at their appointed time, but that doesn't help the person waiting in standby now.


Well-Known Member
I do not understand why everybody is complaining that you cannot game the system. They are only making it work they way it is supposed to.

The only way disney can change the system is to make it like six flags reservation system. This would require people to pay for fastpass though .

I just do not understand why people are getting upset at not being able to game the system anymore.

Is it so hard to follow the rules?

People are getting upset because they aren't thinking about the greater good, they are thinking about themselves and their own families and how THEY tour the parks. Overall this new policy will work better for a vast majority of guests. Folks just don't want to see the change because they are used to touring the parks at the pace they like while mom or dad runs around and grabs fast passes all day so they can then ride the e-tickets a 2nd or 3rd time at night while everyone in the stand-by line watches them stroll right up.


Well-Known Member
The issue I have with this is that there are some things during your day in the parks that can't really be worked around. Reservations... The time you have to leave the parks for the day... My littlest one taking an afternoon nap, etc...

So my issue will be this: Say it's noon. I'm at the MK, over by Space Mountain. My littlest one will be needing a nap soon, exactly when I'm not sure. I've got 5PM ressies at Liberty Tree. We can get fastpasses currently because we don't hold any. My older girls want Splash FP's.


Do I walk all the way from Space Mountain to the Splash Mountain FP distribution and hope that just by chance the FP return time will NOT fall in the 2-4 window (nap) or 5-7 window (dinner)?? That's a LOOOONG walk to take to get there and find out the return time is 5:15 to 6:15 and I can't use them.

Do I tell the kids I don't care if they want to ride Splash because it's too far to go just to find out we can't use them?

Centralized FP distribution would help alleviate this, I think... But it seems to me that they would have planned for this and had this up and going before limiting use of the system, for the very example I use above.

Also, a FREE and ACCURATELY updated app created BY Disney (not some 3rd party reliant upon user updates) available across multiple mobile platforms would solve the issue above. That would help most people, but not necessarily foreign visitors that don't want to pay crazy data roaming fees.

Even accurate info boards in each land would help. But again, I'm sure these won't be in place before March.

It seems to me they're putting the cart before the horse on this... Making changes to the policy without compensating what so ever for the repercussions that will most certainly take place.
I would have rode it by now since I knew of the items they may make me miss it later in the afternoon.... No running invovled ..."Honey, I want to ride SM so I am going to take our tickets over to FP as soon as we get in (I started my day here) If the kids are old eough they can go get them and meet us somewhere .. Now I have three passes and can ride it three times in a row if Mom and child do not want to go.. yahoo!! Oh and CFP locations would be horrible .. they'd been gone before 10AM daily .... We know we will not be able to use the FP on every ride so before we get to the park so I ask my kids which rides do they want to go on for sure.... I always wondered why there was no FP for Dumbo.


Well-Known Member
As much as it cost to go to WDW, and as someone who frequented the parks a lot, we/I should be able to vacation how I want. Sorry, but this change totally ruins my way of vacationing and I'm scheduled to go next month for spring break and this may be my last time there for awhile.


Well-Known Member
As much as it cost to go to WDW, and as someone who frequented the parks a lot, we/I should be able to vacation how I want. Sorry, but this change totally ruins my way of vacationing and I'm scheduled to go next month for spring break and this may be my last time there for awhile.

I must be missing the "premium park guest" badge or something that makes my wants/needs more important than all of the other paying guests that are also visiting the park too. Where can I get one?


Well-Known Member
amazing how people react when they are forced to follow the rules. what's so hard to consider. get the fast pass, return at your scheduled time. If you can't make it the world is not going to end. Is your trip going to be a good time whether you ride toy story or not? seriously people. This will probably make the stand by lines quicker too. just enjoy your time on vacation and don't sweat the little stuff.

I do not understand why everybody is complaining that you cannot game the system. They are only making it work they way it is supposed to.

The only way disney can change the system is to make it like six flags reservation system. This would require people to pay for fastpass though .

I just do not understand why people are getting upset at not being able to game the system anymore.

Is it so hard to follow the rules?

I think most level-headed people in this thread that are opposed to the change (me included) wouldn't be opposed to the change if they properly planned for it and created easy ways to avoid issues, as have been stated in the last 10 posts or so.

Just as you both can't understand why anyone would fuss over having to "follow the rules", others can't understand why Disney wouldn't put a little thought and effort into the guest experience and how to make these changes without negatively impacting it.

We have no evidence that they have done that, and I don't believe they have... We would see infrastructure changes taking place already for something happening in just a month from now.

That's my main problem. I don't think they are putting the guest experience first. In fact, I'm betting this is all motivated by money. Somewhere down the line, somehow, this will make them money. What if this is all just the beginning stages of getting a system prepared for some sort of optional PAY-FOR-FP system? I'll be interested to see how happy all you folks welcoming this change are THEN. :lol: I picture you folks as the cows at the end of the line, perfectly content to be in that line, because that's where you were told to be. But then when you get closer to the front of the line you realize you're in a line going into a meat packing plant, and THEN you freak out.

There's a Far Side cartoon out there about that. Good stuff.

I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to suggest how to apply the window restriction and not negatively impact guest experience. I don't think we should always have to "take it and LIKE it".


Premium Member
And this new system is the xpass which is picking your ride times for the 7 or 8 days of your stay? And thi$ i$ extra$$ right? And when is this supposed to come into play?

All rumor and speculation at how the final product will be packaged. If it's for on-property only, paid upgrade, etc.

Marketing spin wins the day:

"Helpful Tip bubble: Did you know that if you miss you Fastpass window on your ticket, it is still good for XX minutes after the printed window?"

You have now spun it as a positive. Most people did not even know you could use it that way before. So for most people, it now looks like an added benefit and not something taken away.

Good angle. Speaks to spinning the change as good for the 80 of the 80/20.. but doesn't give the negative confirmation needed to the 20 of the 80/20 that are used to using the grace period to their advantage. They are the ones that are going to be the noisey ones and those are the ones you need to 'cut off at the pass' so to speak.

I wouldn't be surprised to see them tweaking the distribution numbers while they do this.

[...]Additionally, if the return times are going to be enforced, you should be able to get a later return time than the current return time if you so desire. For example, if the current distribution is 40 minutes out, but you have a meal planned, you should be able to get Fastpasses for 2 hours out if you want.

For tweaking.. good news is by making the upper bound of returners per window more predictable.. they should have a better view of what changing FP distribution does to a line. But I'm not convinced Disney will use this power to the advantage people here would want. They will likely use this better visibility to be able to manage their new value-add services.. rather than focus on improving stand-by. Stand-by is always going to be a 'bend, but try not to break them' group when it comes to waits.

For the 'let them pick their window..'. That's a perfect delineation point for value-added services. I would expect them to hold that kind of power back as a paid perk as part of x-pass or similar. From a product marketing point of view, it wouldn't make sense to give that away.. especially at the start.

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