I know I am going to get crap for this because many hate when Disney just does this (I kind of do as well lol) but......
more than a fountain even, I feel like this is missing a food/beverage place. With the way the area turned out to me it gives off vibes of like the outside of Baseline Tap House where everyone sits and hangs out. I know Connections is right there, but I imagine it’s missing a place that has things like charcuterie boards or big pretzels, basically like appetizer/bar food and good drafts or fun specialty non alcoholic beverages.
Now please before everyone starts ridiculing me that this isn’t the point of this area and would create horrible bottleneck issues of people waiting in more lines to buy more beer lol, I agree with you 100%. I’m just basing this off of what Disney ended up doing with this area. There’s so many chairs and tables for friends and family to sit down and hang out, but with no reason to do that….
Maybe they are bringing something like this when communicore opens, but as it is right now, it’s a beautiful and inviting park (within a theme park) that invites friends and families to wonder around and sit down and hangout but for no reason.
That’s just how I see it. I love it and think it’s beautiful looking, but there’s all these chairs and no reason to use them, and also if if supposed to just be a way to get to the rest of the park then why even add all these chairs? It feels like Disney doesn’t really know what they want the area to be.