Beware of the "New Trimmed Down" Disney


Original Poster
Just returned from 4 days (23rd-26th). Hmmm.... Things are changing... and not for the better.

First, as has already been posted - prepare for the park hours to change at any time during the day. We went on Tuesday 3/25. The hours changed after we got to the park. Some cast members were telling us one thing and some telling us another. They were in the dark too.

Now a moment to be negative, This slimmed down Disney may save them some money in the short run, but i believe it is going to hurt them down the road. I love Disney. LOVE It. But even I came away from this visit dissapointed.

The hours are shorter and the crowds weren't. So they get the same full price admission and shorter hours to pay their cast members. Next, I felt totally maniuplated this time. Without exception the posted wait times were double the actual time you spent in line. I kept wondering if this was to discourage people from standing in line, which keeps them in the park "buyin' ice cream & such". Additionally, there seemed to be a lot of stacking going on. The line would be well out into the park and then you get inside the building and they weren't utilizing very much of the queing space there. Again, to discourage people from getting in line?

Went to e-ride on 3/25 , my first time. Wait times of 20 minutes were common. My Opinion - even with the hour they HAD to extend the Parks, & I mean HAD to. IT was jammed - They still closed at 8 and charged 5,000 of us suckers $12 more to stay in the parks as long as they should have been open to start with, only without all of the attractions being open and no Spectromagic.

Finally, I noticed many attractions with items in various states of disrepair. Various things do not light up, or don't move, or sound .
At Fantasmic one of the Speakers in the center was hissing all night. They had all day to replace that speaker. there was a time when they would have. Not anymore. They have cut the use of fireworks tremendously. It's mostly cute little fountains. Illuminations is 10 minutes of boring music and sprinklers. Attractions look dirty - Star Tours in particular. Additionally, I encountered several cast members from the hotel to the parks who were beyond rude and short with guests. There were pockets of the traditional Disney Service, but, there has been a change. It's palpable.

This change might be saving them $ in the short term but it is making me think about not coming back until they get their house in order. AND I LOVE DISNEY. But lets face it, the only thing they had left over their competition was scrupulously clean parks and exemplary customer service. They have fallen behind on the technology and cutting edge attraction side and we all know it - Go to Islands of Adventure, look around.

Here's hoping they stop bailing out the entire corp. on the backs of the theme parks



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JasonCajun
"Here's hoping they stop bailing out the entire corp. on the backs of the theme parks"

Agree with ya there.

I completely agree here!! I think they need to get rid of ABC and ABC Family both ok stations but in the long run it's really hurting them. I also think that they need to get to the basics. I mean I would love to see some of the WALT Disney classics not the eisner classics or anything like that stuff that walt himself produce/directed/dreamed. Disney could really profit from bringing back the classics from when many of the parents grew up and share it with their kids. This could also result in them remembering the disney "magic" and take a trip.


Well-Known Member
Go look at Islands of Adventure!! I've been to Islands of Adventure, twice, and it was five times too many. I don't know what possesed me to go back after the initial visit but it was a HUGE mistake. In short Islands of Adventure SUCKS with the minor exception of the Hulk and Spiderman, but once you ride those the excitment is gone and doesn't warrant a repeat visit. Not to mention that two rides is hardly worth the price of admission. There is no way you can even begin to compare Disney Parks to the Universal Parks, the most important thing is missing ... the magic. Universal doesn't have it. I'd rather have a dirtier and less friendly Disney Park than a perfect Universal park anyday.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tomman710
Go look at Islands of Adventure!! I've been to Islands of Adventure, twice, and it was five times too many. I don't know what possesed me to go back after the initial visit but it was a HUGE mistake. In short Islands of Adventure SUCKS with the minor exception of the Hulk and Spiderman, but once you ride those the excitment is gone and doesn't warrant a repeat visit. Not to mention that two rides is hardly worth the price of admission. There is no way you can even begin to compare Disney Parks to the Universal Parks, the most important thing is missing ... the magic. Universal doesn't have it. I'd rather have a dirtier and less friendly Disney Park than a perfect Universal park anyday.
Hmmm... seems a little strange that you would visit a park 5 times that you hate so much?? Also it is strange that you are bashing a park that has was won nearly every Best Theme Park of the Year Award there is. You only liked the Hulk and Spider-man? What happened to Jurrassic Park River Adventure, Bilge Rat Barges, and The Cat in the Hat?


Well-Known Member
And as for the other rides ... number one they are boring and unoriginal, oh wow another water ride, we've never seen that before. The Jurassic Park ride has some of the worst animatronics I have ever seen. Pirates in MK is over 20 years older and still is more advanced.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tomman710
And as for the other rides ... number one they are boring and unoriginal, oh wow another water ride, we've never seen that before. The Jurassic Park ride has some of the worst animatronics I have ever seen. Pirates in MK is over 20 years older and still is more advanced.

The technology isn't more advanced...the "presentation" is more advanced.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
The technology isn't more advanced...the "presentation" is more advanced.

I guess that's it, I just didn't feel it on Jurassic Park. Like in Pirates or like Haunted Mansion, it feels realistic. Compare the similar rides - Jurassic and Dinosaur. Dinosaur feels more realistic. Now that I think about it the Dinosaurs on Dinosaur don't move a whole lot more than the Jurassic Dinosaurs but the ride is more thrilling. So you're right, it's the presentation. Thanks for making what I was trying to say more clear.


New Member
ok look, its ok to be a huge disney fan (trust me, i am one) but you haveto give credit where credit is due. islands of adventure is a phenominal themepark; its got great attractions, and tons of themeing that you find yourself completley immersed in.

now even though i am a WAY bigger fan of any disney park before a universal one... sure call it the magic factor.... but regardless, i can still admit that universal did an excellent job.

as for getting back on topic, i completley agree, and its very depressing to know what disney has been/could be and then to see it in its current state.:( its such a shame... i hope that one day, rides like M:S and FM will help bring the crowds back in to wdw..!:cool:


New Member
I been noticing on my last couple of visits that the parks were getting run down....I agree with most what is being said in this thread. I have been to IOA twice and personall think it second best only to the Magic Kingdom. Dueling Dragons has one of the best queues that I have ever seen. Not to mention that I love the coster itself. I agree that the Jurassic River Adventure is a waste of time.. My family and I waited about five years before we got to ride it and the best thing on the ride was the attractive woman in the seat in front of me. The animatronics are horrendous! This can be said of other Universal parks as well. The Animatonics in E.T's ride are even worse. But I have ridden Spaceship Earth and come out totally depressed on how bad it looked. The Walt Disney Company is no longer about Walt Disney's goal of good Family Entertainment they are about how to seperate those familys from as much money as possible as quiclky as possible with as little expenditure as possible.

They should be ashamed of them selves for what they have done to a great mans life work.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tomman710
I guess that's it, I just didn't feel it on Jurassic Park. Like in Pirates or like Haunted Mansion, it feels realistic. Compare the similar rides - Jurassic and Dinosaur. Dinosaur feels more realistic. Now that I think about it the Dinosaurs on Dinosaur don't move a whole lot more than the Jurassic Dinosaurs but the ride is more thrilling. So you're right, it's the presentation. Thanks for making what I was trying to say more clear.

(When JP first opened, the animatronics were really done well, the last few times I've been there, the "skin" was ripping and it didn't look like they were being "kept up")


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
The technology isn't more advanced...the "presentation" is more advanced.

I guess that's it, I just didn't feel it on Jurassic Park. Like in Pirates or like Haunted Mansion, it feels realistic. Compare the similar rides - Jurassic and Dinosaur. Dinosaur feels more realistic. Now that I think about it the Dinosaurs on Dinosaur don't move a whole lot more than the Jurassic Dinosaurs but the ride is more thrilling. So you're right, it's the presentation. Thanks for making what I was trying to say more clear.

Zippa D Doodah

New Member
Originally posted by Katherine
I completely agree here!! I think they need to get rid of ABC and ABC Family both ok stations but in the long run it's really hurting them. I also think that they need to get to the basics. I mean I would love to see some of the WALT Disney classics not the eisner classics or anything like that stuff that walt himself produce/directed/dreamed. Disney could really profit from bringing back the classics from when many of the parents grew up and share it with their kids. This could also result in them remembering the disney "magic" and take a trip.

Although Michael Moore was prissy and self-aggrandizin at the Oscars the other night, I will paraphrase him now: ahem.. "SHAME ON YOU DISNEY CORP.! SHAME ON YOU!" (OK I feel much better now :drevil: )

Disney should immediately sell ABC and ABC Family. Does it burn anyone else to know that the short park hours and drastic drop in service and maintenance are going to help keep "Are You Hot?" on the air. What a retarded waste of money! The problem now is the Disney does not know what they believe. What is their corporate Mission Statement? Could one of you CMs post that for us, or could somebody provide us with a link?


New Member
Originally posted by McArcDes
The Walt Disney Company is no longer about Walt Disney's goal of good Family Entertainment they are about how to seperate those familys from as much money as possible as quiclky as possible with as little expenditure as possible.

They should be ashamed of them selves for what they have done to a great mans life work.

Your right about one thing, its not about what Walt wanted any more.. But its not Disney per se.. its all about one man.. Can we guess who that one man is? Yes, he has done a lot for the company, but he has also hurt it in more ways that I'd like to admit. Being a CM and being surrounded by the park all the time... I know Disney would be just another theme park without its magic but because it has that aspect its so much more than a theme park. They can give us thrills, chills and spills... Just don't take away our magic! :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineersrock
ok look, its ok to be a huge disney fan (trust me, i am one) but you haveto give credit where credit is due. islands of adventure is a phenominal themepark; its got great attractions, and tons of themeing that you find yourself completley immersed in.

now even though i am a WAY bigger fan of any disney park before a universal one... sure call it the magic factor.... but regardless, i can still admit that universal did an excellent job.

as for getting back on topic, i completley agree, and its very depressing to know what disney has been/could be and then to see it in its current state.:( its such a shame... i hope that one day, rides like M:S and FM will help bring the crowds back in to wdw..!:cool:
I love you! :D I feel exactly the same way. I hate how most Disney fans can't admit anything other than Disney is good. I too am a much bigger Disney fan otherwise I wouldn't be here but I started to like Universal more and more as I noticed that their parks are actually improving and Disney parks are progressively going downhill. Also, Universal is more willing to shell out the cash for their parks and attractions.


New Member
Originally posted by bandman
Just returned from 4 days (23rd-26th). Hmmm.... Things are changing... and not for the better.

Finally, I noticed many attractions with items in various states of disrepair. Various things do not light up, or don't move, or sound .
At Fantasmic one of the Speakers in the center was hissing all night. They had all day to replace that speaker. there was a time when they would have. Not anymore. They have cut the use of fireworks tremendously. It's mostly cute little fountains. Illuminations is 10 minutes of boring music and sprinklers. Attractions look dirty - Star Tours in particular. Additionally, I encountered several cast members from the hotel to the parks who were beyond rude and short with guests. There were pockets of the traditional Disney Service, but, there has been a change. It's palpable.


This isn't just in WDW. My husband and I went to DL as part of our Honeymoon and that was the 1st thing I noticed. It was dirty and ALOT of things needed to be painted and repaired. Soooo many buildings has ripped awnings and paint peeling. For the place where it all began it was very depressing.

I was hoping that it would never happen in WDW. :(

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Can we stop using phrases like "you have to admit" or "we can all agree."

I disagree that IOA is currently or has ever been a better overall themepark in ANY way shape or form than ANY Disney park. Therefore, I don't "have to admit," and we all can't agree.

Just because you think something doesn't mean you're right, and it doesn't mean your opinion is more important than the next Joe Shmoe off the street.

To say that IOA is more technically advanced than Disney is a complete joke in my opinion. One example is Test Track, which in my opinion remains the most technically advanced and complicated ride ANYWHERE. Is Spiderman at IOA a better ride? Some might think so, and they might be right, but it IS NOT more technically advanced. This is only one example, and I have several more, but I'm going to leave this thread, probably for good, because this is going to turn into the same discussion we've had 1000 times on these boards.....Universal vs. Disney.

And I'd rather not come back and read 1000 more opinions stated as fact.

Bandman, I'm sorry to hear you had so many bad experiences while down in WDW. My most recent trip was in December, and while I can say there were a few cutbacks, none of my experiences were near the extreme you explained them. I enjoyed my visit as much as ever, and will most likely continue to do so as long as the magic remains for me, and I must say, it's as strong as ever.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
Can we stop using phrases like "you have to admit" or "we can all agree."

I disagree that IOA is currently or has ever been a better overall themepark in ANY way shape or form than ANY Disney park. Therefore, I don't "have to admit," and we all can't agree.

Just because you think something doesn't mean you're right, and it doesn't mean your opinion is more important than the next Joe Shmoe off the street.

To say that IOA is more technically advanced than Disney is a complete joke in my opinion. One example is Test Track, which in my opinion remains the most technically advanced and complicated ride ANYWHERE. Is Spiderman at IOA a better ride? Some might think so, and they might be right, but it IS NOT more technically advanced. This is only one example, and I have several more, but I'm going to leave this thread, probably for good, because this is going to turn into the same discussion we've had 1000 times on these boards.....Universal vs. Disney.

And I'd rather not come back and read 1000 more opinions stated as fact.

Bandman, I'm sorry to hear you had so many bad experiences while down in WDW. My most recent trip was in December, and while I can say there were a few cutbacks, none of my experiences were near the extreme you explained them. I enjoyed my visit as much as ever, and will most likely continue to do so as long as the magic remains for me, and I must say, it's as strong as ever.

Right on!

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