Beware of the "New Trimmed Down" Disney


New Member
ok, hes just twisting my words, so just to clarify; im not trying to turn anyone here anti-disney, and pro universal.

(lol that could never even happen.... i'm such a disney freak!!)

GO DISNEY!! *yes, that would be a positive remark towards disney, so if certain someone's could refrain from twisting that into somethng like GO away DISNEY!! it would be greatly appreciated. thanks!:cool:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
Can we stop using phrases like "you have to admit" or "we can all agree."

I disagree that IOA is currently or has ever been a better overall themepark in ANY way shape or form than ANY Disney park. Therefore, I don't "have to admit," and we all can't agree.

Just because you think something doesn't mean you're right, and it doesn't mean your opinion is more important than the next Joe Shmoe off the street.

To say that IOA is more technically advanced than Disney is a complete joke in my opinion. One example is Test Track, which in my opinion remains the most technically advanced and complicated ride ANYWHERE. Is Spiderman at IOA a better ride? Some might think so, and they might be right, but it IS NOT more technically advanced. This is only one example, and I have several more, but I'm going to leave this thread, probably for good, because this is going to turn into the same discussion we've had 1000 times on these boards.....Universal vs. Disney.

And I'd rather not come back and read 1000 more opinions stated as fact.

Bandman, I'm sorry to hear you had so many bad experiences while down in WDW. My most recent trip was in December, and while I can say there were a few cutbacks, none of my experiences were near the extreme you explained them. I enjoyed my visit as much as ever, and will most likely continue to do so as long as the magic remains for me, and I must say, it's as strong as ever.
There is no way Test Track is more advanced than Spider-Man. Just because it breaks down constantly doesn't make it more advanced, it just makes it poorly engineered. Spider-Man was a massive undertaking and if you have ever scene the travel channel shows on IOA, they spend about a half hour on this ride alone talking about how they had to invent an entire new way to show 3-d because the ride is constantly moving. It combines amazing special effects, with an amazing ride system, with 3-d animation. Test Track is just basically a complex ride system and nothing else. The ride system might be more complex but the attraction itself certainly is not.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
There is no way Test Track is more advanced than Spider-Man. Just because it breaks down constantly doesn't make it more advanced, it just makes it poorly engineered. Spider-Man was a massive undertaking and if you have ever scene the travel channel shows on IOA, they spend about a half hour on this ride alone talking about how they had to invent an entire new way to show 3-d because the ride is constantly moving. It combines amazing special effects, with an amazing ride system, with 3-d animation. Test Track is just basically a complex ride system and nothing else. The ride system might be more complex but the attraction itself certainly is not.

Please...Spider-Man is simply a mix of ALREADY EXISTING theme park technologies--might I add theme park technologies that DISNEY came up with--3D technology and DINOSAUR type ride vehicles. Test Track was completely novel as nothing remotely like it has ever been done before.

As for the original poster, while I admit you experienced some problems, I also think you are mixing blatant pessimism in with your post. You call IllumiNations! a show with crappy music and fountains. Spare me. It is the best firework show in history with incredible music, and I'm sure just about everyone here will agree with me (even if you don't think it's the best nighttime show, I'm sure most of you think it's the best firework spectacular). As for Fantasmic! having fewer fireworks, it doesn't. It never had many because it's not a firework show--it's a nighttime show that utilizes a great variety of pyrotechnic effects. Cast Members heading downhill? Yes. But, I'd like for you to try to hire over 50,000 cast members, pay them low wages (but, if they paid them much more, park tickets would also cost more), and expect them all to be up to Walt's standards. It is not going to happen.

The decreased hours are NECESSARY. Open your eyes; we are at war; the economy is not all that fabulous! You cannot expect hours to be as they were during the economic boom that ended about 3 years ago! As for the E-Ride Night, I know not every line was 20 minutes long, while some were, and is that not better than the normal hours, when lines were up to two hours long? The lines are no longer than they have been every other year during Spring Break, capacities are just lower because ATTENDANCE IS DOWN. If you don't believe me, check the (unofficial) yearly park attendance trends. Disney posts wait times longer than the actual ones so people don't if the waits every actually approach those times, and the lines are more outside now to persuade people to buy drinks in line, which I think is smart. Disney is a business, out to make money, and the company always has been working toward profit--it was Walt's idea to pump smells from eateries around the parks into the walkways to make you want to buy stuff...are things perfect in the parks? No. But, are things perfect anywhere in the world right now...not quite.

I think we need to stop about the parks and be happy they are both open and $100+ million projects are still being built.

Someone said something about Disneyland being dirty. I will say that having been there only one week ago for an entire week, while I did notice a small amount of paint peeling, I would by no means characterize the parks as dirty at this point; I thought they were in good condition--maybe they just finished painting everything, or something...I don't know, but it looked fine. I swear, you expect Disney to be perfect, when Disneyland was by no means perfect when it opened through the entire time Walt was in charge of it. Read some of the opening day reviews of Disneyland back from the 50s...


Well-Known Member
Disney won't be getting our time this May or June...
We were originally doing a split vacation....but not nemore...

were heading for the Hard Rock for the week....and spending our money at SW, US, IOA...and maybe a day at disney....

I think...for the age of our group....IOA is better....even if its not the cleanest....or has the best CMs....

I just tired of comparing every vacation to Disney World and there standards!! :mad: :mad: and I know most people feel the same way...

IOA combined with the hardrock appeals to us more...then a Disney hotel ( which is overpriced for the time you spend there)....
I'd rather get fron of the line access....4th night free...and exoerience other rides besides SM and RRC....

"No one does it like it Disney"----> but people are getting close...

No the theme is not better...there not the cleanest...or best staffed....but from what I am hearing....Disney is slipping on those aswell...

and I'm not going to pay +$200 on a 4 day pass...when I can pay -$100 for a 5 day universal one....

just my 2 cents....


For me, going to Florida means going to Disney and thats how its going to be for rest of my life. I have never been to IOA and never plan on it. I go to Flordia to be with Mickey :D


Well-Known Member
>>>DINOSAUR type ride vehicles.<<<

The Scoops are absolutely NOTHING like the EMV. Yes, it is a motion simulator, but the way it goes about doing it is absolutely nothing like an EMV. Universal Creative holds a patent on it.

>>>The decreased hours are NECESSARY. Open your eyes; we are at war; the economy is not all that fabulous!<<<

If they were so neccessary then I doubt they would be making extensions because of the current hours not being enough to justify demand.

>>>Disney is a business, out to make money<<<

Yes, and to do that you please the customer in every way that you can so that feel the need to hand over your money. Cutting costs faster than revenues fall will do nothing but begin a company's long path of "circiling the drain," and ultimately that leads to a bunch of theme parks sold to Anheuser Busch at a fire sale price.

If Disney wants to cut costs knowing that there is a (ever-decreasing) group of people that will hand over their money at the first sight of a Mickey pin, then so be it. As a consumer I'll take my business to companies that are doing everything they can to earn my hard earned cash.

Looks like it's off to Tokyo for me...


Active Member
WDW 12/29-1/5 and 3/2-3/8 (going back 5/17-5/24:sohappy: )

Rude CM's? Didn't see any and have never experienced that in over 30 trips to WDW.:D Of course I treat CM's the way I like to be treated.:) Maybe that is why I have never experienced rude CM's.

To me what makes WDW special is not the rides etc but the special magic the CM's provide:animwink: So to all CM's a very big and heartfelt thank you from Becky:wave: :sohappy:

Mission: SPACE

New Member
You know, I think we Disney freaks have come to expect Disney to be so much more above the others in the industry. Now, don't get me wrong, I think Disneyland, which started it all, was founded on the idea that it would be kept better than the amusement parks and other facilities during its time. And it was, and IMHO, WDW still is... now, it might not be as we remember it being in the years past, but with the current war and economy, they must cut back somewhere. I'd much rather see the park hours cut than see ride greeters cut as they were at Epcot... this is what is bad... I was at WDW a couple weeks ago, and I didn't notice the parks in DIRE need of repair. I think that when the economy improves Disney will come back with the old hours and start spending on the little things again. But, right now, they really have no choice but to cut back somewhere.


Well-Known Member
I think this thread started off mostly complaining about how the hours were too short and the crowds were too high making for what seems an unenjoyable trip. I think Disney made a mistake on projecting attendance. I would have to agree with their initial assessment though. Who would have thought with the U.S. at war that people would still "flock" to the parks after the decline they saw when only an Orange alert was given?

I think Disney did the best they could in their situation and by even extending the hours on a particular day shows that they ADMIT to their mistake. You can't expect them to extend for more than an hour or so because cast members are assigned to work for a certain amount of time earlier and you need the CMs to run the park. They made a mistake and are trying to solve it to their best of their ability. I think we should applaude them for recognizing their mistake. Hopefully, they won't fall into this trap again in April. (I think the hours already look better for April)

As for "poor maintenance", I would have to disagree. Look around, there is always something they are "rehabbing for your future enjoyment". You can't expect them to do everything at once and all the time. I wish (and expect :) ) that everything be 100% perfect, but with 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, over 20 resorts, a huge nightime district, golf courses, WWofS, etc. and with over 38 million people annually, there is going to be some things that are scuffed. (Maybe they got too big for themselves, I don't know). In my opinion, I think the resort as a whole is in fantastic shape! During my Christmas vacation there I was presently surprised at how everything looked great, despite what I had heard to the contrary. Maybe I just got lucky, but my trip was very happy and magical.

As for the speaker at Fantasmic, it is VERY possible the problem happened during the performance or right before it was to start. Instead of cancelling the show, they went on with a hissing speaker. I would expect this to be fixed by the next day, but if it is still a problem, I would admit that it is Disney's fault. Until then, I will think the problem happened that day and there wasn't time to fix it :)

On TT vs Spiderman. I think the most technologically advanced ride vehicle would be TT, considering EACH car has more computer power than a Space shuttle. Overall though, I'm not sure, and would have to see the actual technical data before making any judgement.

That's all :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by pheneix
>>>DINOSAUR type ride vehicles.<<<

The Scoops are absolutely NOTHING like the EMV. Yes, it is a motion simulator, but the way it goes about doing it is absolutely nothing like an EMV. Universal Creative holds a patent on it.

>>>The decreased hours are NECESSARY. Open your eyes; we are at war; the economy is not all that fabulous!<<<

If they were so neccessary then I doubt they would be making extensions because of the current hours not being enough to justify demand.

>>>Disney is a business, out to make money<<<

Yes, and to do that you please the customer in every way that you can so that feel the need to hand over your money. Cutting costs faster than revenues fall will do nothing but begin a company's long path of "circiling the drain," and ultimately that leads to a bunch of theme parks sold to Anheuser Busch at a fire sale price.

If Disney wants to cut costs knowing that there is a (ever-decreasing) group of people that will hand over their money at the first sight of a Mickey pin, then so be it. As a consumer I'll take my business to companies that are doing everything they can to earn my hard earned cash.

Looks like it's off to Tokyo for me...

You apparently don't watch the news--nearly every company in America, certainly all those associated with travel, are making cut-backs. And don't try to pretend with me that extending hours by one hour at one park means the cut hours are not needed. If you paid any attention to things, you would realize Disney made a mistake in underestimating the number of guests that would be in the parks. Meanwhile, no further extensions have been made, and hours have been further cut for the Easter fortnight. Some people are a bit over the top in their pessimism toward complain when the parks are empty and they make cuts because of that and then you complain when the parks are full and they make extensions...seems hypocritical to me, almost as though some of you are just LOOKING for something to about:rolleyes:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
You apparently don't watch the news--nearly every company in America, certainly all those associated with travel, are making cut-backs. And don't try to pretend with me that extending hours by one hour at one park means the cut hours are not needed. If you paid any attention to things, you would realize Disney made a mistake in underestimating the number of guests that would be in the parks. Meanwhile, no further extensions have been made, and hours have been further cut for the Easter fortnight. Some people are a bit over the top in their pessimism toward complain when the parks are empty and they make cuts because of that and then you complain when the parks are fun and they make extensions...seems hypocritical to me, almost as though some of you are just LOOKING for something to about:rolleyes:

Thank you. Couldn't have said it better.


New Member
Originally posted by Becky
WDW 12/29-1/5 and 3/2-3/8 (going back 5/17-5/24:sohappy: )

Rude CM's? Didn't see any and have never experienced that in over 30 trips to WDW.:D Of course I treat CM's the way I like to be treated.:) Maybe that is why I have never experienced rude CM's.

To me what makes WDW special is not the rides etc but the special magic the CM's provide:animwink: So to all CM's a very big and heartfelt thank you from Becky:wave: :sohappy:

HERE HERE! Thanks so much Becky, its the guest like you who make our day so special *oh, and all my other great CMs that I get to work with everyday!*:lol:


Well-Known Member
When I saw Illuminations about 2 weeks ago, there was no cut backs of pryo. I would highly doubt they would ever cut back the pryo on that show, as it's pretty much the ONLY thing keeping epcot going right now.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
You apparently don't watch the news--nearly every company in America, certainly all those associated with travel, are making cut-backs. And don't try to pretend with me that extending hours by one hour at one park means the cut hours are not needed. If you paid any attention to things, you would realize Disney made a mistake in underestimating the number of guests that would be in the parks. Meanwhile, no further extensions have been made, and hours have been further cut for the Easter fortnight. Some people are a bit over the top in their pessimism toward complain when the parks are empty and they make cuts because of that and then you complain when the parks are full and they make extensions...seems hypocritical to me, almost as though some of you are just LOOKING for something to about:rolleyes:

Can I get an AMEN!! I couldn't agree with you and Main Street USA more. AndyMagic, saying the Spider man is more advanced than TT is completely false. TT is operated by computers that rival NASA, but I do think spider man is a good ride (The only good one in that park). Illuminations 10 minutes of boring music and sprinkles? HA thats a laugh, you have to be the first person I've ever heard say something remotely on those lines. Illuminations IS the best night time spectacular ever created. HANDS DOWN. Back to the subject, The entire economy is in recession and I don't expect Disney to be perfect when people are afraid to travel. This is a tough time for the company, I honestly I think they could be doing a better job than they are, but considering the state our economy is in I think they're doing fine. I'm just waiting for the next two years when their stock is supposed to double (according to my annual report) :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by goofyfan13
Can I get an AMEN!! I couldn't agree with you and Main Street USA more. AndyMagic, saying the Spider man is more advanced than TT is completely false. TT is operated by computers that rival NASA, but I do think spider man is a good ride (The only good one in that park). Illuminations 10 minutes of boring music and sprinkles? HA thats a laugh, you have to be the first person I've ever heard say something remotely on those lines. Illuminations IS the best night time spectacular ever created. HANDS DOWN. Back to the subject, The entire economy is in recession and I don't expect Disney to be perfect when people are afraid to travel. This is a tough time for the company, I honestly I think they could be doing a better job than they are, but considering the state our economy is in I think they're doing fine. I'm just waiting for the next two years when their stock is supposed to double (according to my annual report) :)
Again, I am in no way false in saying that Spider-Man is more advanced. People just keep saying, "OOH it is just a combination of already existing technologies." Indeed, and do you have any idea how hard it was to combine these technologies with such precision as Spider-Man! I understand that Test Track is HIGHLY complex but I will say it again... the RIDE SYSTEM is complex but Spider-Man as a whole is much more advanced. Also, Test Track's ride system is far TOO complex to justify the somewhat anti-climactic ride! For a ride that you all think is so complex, it is ashame that the result just feels like your driving along on a highway. I know that the computers running the system is highly complicated but that doesn't mean anything to the guest.


Well-Known Member
As I have said previously (not in this thread) I think Disney have reacted far too negatively (and too quickly) with their vast reductions in park hours, anticipating fewer guests because of the war.
We're coming to WDW in 11 days :sohappy: and I would have to be dragged from the airport kicking and screaming to stop me coming. Yes, I am a Disney fanatic - and I am also a concerned member of the public, but lets face it - you only live once and so I want to make the most of my (expensive) holiday; war or no war.
So, come on Disney - get your act together and stop farting around and ruining peoples vacations - you're the one who will lose in the long run.
:mad: :mad:


Well-Known Member
Honestly, why does some idiot always have to make everything Disney vs. Universal? Each has positive and negative points, neither is taking away from the other, and truth be told, both companies help eachother out. They keep eachother on their toes.

Really though, other than the fanboys who really know next to nothing about the industry and what makes it work, NOBODY CARES. The creative teams, the entertainment, the regular employees... all the people involved with the places you all love so much, really couldn't care less about the entire Disney vs. Universal argument. Neither one is ever going away so just get off it already.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MonkeyHead
Honestly, why does some idiot always have to make everything Disney vs. Universal? Each has positive and negative points, neither is taking away from the other, and truth be told, both companies help eachother out. They keep eachother on their toes.

Really though, other than the fanboys who really know next to nothing about the industry and what makes it work, NOBODY CARES. The creative teams, the entertainment, the regular employees... all the people involved with the places you all love so much, really couldn't care less about the entire Disney vs. Universal argument. Neither one is ever going away so just get off it already.

Yeah, I must agree. Even though I'm 100% on Disney's side, when there's a arguement of Disney vs. Universal, it's a civil war in here! Although I must agree that Jurassic Park the Ride has some of the worst animatronics I've ever seen. They look very cartoony and they have a lack of movement. I saw a ride video of the Posiedon's Fury show, it looked quite cheep. All you see is 2 projected images "fighting" each other while some small special effects happen all around you. Also, Poseidon is not an enemy of Zeuss. But let's have no more Universal vs. Disney fights in here, OK?:)


Active Member
Originally posted by MonkeyHead
Honestly, why does some idiot always have to make everything Disney vs. Universal? Each has positive and negative points, neither is taking away from the other, and truth be told, both companies help eachother out. They keep eachother on their toes.

Really though, other than the fanboys who really know next to nothing about the industry and what makes it work, NOBODY CARES. The creative teams, the entertainment, the regular employees... all the people involved with the places you all love so much, really couldn't care less about the entire Disney vs. Universal argument. Neither one is ever going away so just get off it already.

I agree

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