Beware of the "New Trimmed Down" Disney


New Member
Originally posted by MonkeyHead
Honestly, why does some idiot always have to make everything Disney vs. Universal? Each has positive and negative points, neither is taking away from the other, and truth be told, both companies help eachother out. They keep eachother on their toes.

Really though, other than the fanboys who really know next to nothing about the industry and what makes it work, NOBODY CARES. The creative teams, the entertainment, the regular employees... all the people involved with the places you all love so much, really couldn't care less about the entire Disney vs. Universal argument. Neither one is ever going away so just get off it already.

Its about time that was said. I haven't been on these pages long but I can fully see that this sort of thing happens all the time. I have never been to Universal and don't really plan on going so I don't really have much to say either way... But I love the company I work for and I support it whole heartedly!


Well-Known Member
I think we are being a little bit melodramatic saying that Disney is ruining people's vacations. If it were that bad, the parks wouldn't be packed and we wouldn't still be going. You know as well as I that once you enter the parks, regardless of the hours, you will have a fantastic time. If you were in the position of any of the higher-ups (stop spending so much money or get fired) you would be doing the same thing. The Walt Disney Company does not live in a vacuum; its expenditures are dynamic, moving with the economy. Be happy they are still playing IllumiNations! and Fantasmic! nightly, because you won't find that ANYWHERE else. Considering Universal, Sea World, and Disney charge roughly the same price for park tickets (1 Day tickets, as I could not imagine spending more than one day at Universal), the nightly fireworks, alone, put Disney ahead in my mind.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
Again, I am in no way false in saying that Spider-Man is more advanced. People just keep saying, "OOH it is just a combination of already existing technologies." Indeed, and do you have any idea how hard it was to combine these technologies with such precision as Spider-Man! I understand that Test Track is HIGHLY complex but I will say it again... the RIDE SYSTEM is complex but Spider-Man as a whole is much more advanced. Also, Test Track's ride system is far TOO complex to justify the somewhat anti-climactic ride! For a ride that you all think is so complex, it is ashame that the result just feels like your driving along on a highway. I know that the computers running the system is highly complicated but that doesn't mean anything to the guest.
I guarantee you it was still easier to make Spider-Man's components work together than it is to make the tens of thousands of factors playing into making Test Track function properly work together on a daily basis. We are talking high tech here. In case you didn't know, the tech stands for technology. Using already existing technology in a new way is in no way more hi tech than creating an entirely new ride system with entirely new technology never used before. Mission: SPACE will be much the same. Creating a NASA style centrifuge that holds 40 people, creates zero-g, and doesn't make them throw up is no easy feat. Finally, will people stop saying Test Track is just like driving a car?! It isn't! That is the fun in Test Track--you can drive like you NEVER would on the road, flooring it up a hill, going way to fast over rough road, flooring the car and slamming on the brakes, not braking nearly enough around hairpin turns, almost slamming into a semi, driving your car into a wall, and flooring your car through heavily banked turns (more than any road I've ever been on...more like a race car track) with your hands in the air the whole time! If you drove at ALL like that, you would be dead; that is why it is fun; you CAN'T drive like that. Test Tracks test how cars can handle extreme conditions that we don't normally experience, as does this Test Track.


New Member
We have never been treated rude at WDW and I dont think the management would allow it.also maybe the reason the parks seems dirtier then normal and more crowded then normal was because of spring break.most people know that the majority of visitors to WDW are middle aged to older folks with small children or grandchildren.and they tend to be more likely to throw trash in cans,ect.when you have alot of teenagers hanging out with friends they will drop things where they are and go on with their day.Im not cutting down teenagers but we all where young once and we know what we did.WDW has been clean every time we have been there.dont go there to look for problems,go there to have fun and everything will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Having read through these posts it saddens me that some use the excuse that crappy service is warranted because of the war.

This is the biggest load of BS I have ever heard.


Active Member
Originally posted by Catch 22
Having read through these posts it saddens me that some use the excuse that crappy service is warranted because of the war.

This is the biggest load of BS I have ever heard.

What crappy service? Over 30 trips and I have never seen crappy service or rude CM's. I have seen lots of rude guests.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Becky
What crappy service? Over 30 trips and I have never seen crappy service or rude CM's. I have seen lots of rude guests.:eek:

I agree with Becky. CM service has never been a question. Guest manners has, and will always be. The only rude CM ive ever encountered are the ones who cut you off after a few beers, haha, and thats not rudeness, thats having some brains. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Becky
What crappy service? Over 30 trips and I have never seen crappy service or rude CM's. I have seen lots of rude guests.:eek:

I agree with Becky. CM service has never been a question. Guest manners has, and will always be. The only rude CM ive ever encountered are the ones who cut you off after a few beers, haha, and thats not rudeness, thats having some brains. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Catch 22
Having read through these posts it saddens me that some use the excuse that crappy service is warranted because of the war.

This is the biggest load of BS I have ever heard.

Well, I really have trouble accepting that Disney is offering "crappy service" either due to new war concerns or other reasons. I have had the opportunity to visit MANY places across the world and I have yet to find a place that caters to each guest the way Disney does.

I think very few of us (including myself) even know how much time, energy, work, dedication, etc. go into making even one day work correctly at Disney World. No doubt that with around 50-55,000 cast members some are not going to be Disney-holics and care about making every guest feel special, since they see it as an every-day job. True, its a shame, but I believe that a majority of cast members still know they are creating magic and enjoy it.

That said, war causes enormous economic strain on almost every facet of the work world, whether it is obvious or not. Disney had to cut back some things in light of what happened when just an Orange alert was announced. Several articles in the Orlando Sentinel (and even my home paper in PA) talked about how the parks were struggling. With a war, don't you think that affect would multiply? Well, luckily for Disney, it didn't and they tried to make up for it by extending hours, etc.

After 9/11, Disney made drastic cut-backs, and we complained. When things started looking brighter (last summer and Christmas) many of those cut-backs were lifted. It will happen again. Be patient. In comparison, Disney still offers what I consider to be top-notch service and experience. It may be scaled back a little because of world concerns, but it will come back. These cut-backs aren't solely a result of the trouble with ABC as some have suggested, but rather what appeared to be a reduction in travelers.

I would also like to point out, that when ABC was bought what came along with it. Greater expansion of the Disney channel, all of the ESPN networks, many radio station affiliates, etc. ABC surely isn't number 1, but with it came some very lucrative options and ABC isn't a complete failure. Again, give it time. They were starting to make progress last fall and stopped "the bleeding" it suffered last year. Sadly they fell into the trap of reality TV and it flopped. In my eyes, this was a blessing in disguise, as they have ordered more comedy and drama pilots than ever before to try and find a good one, like 8 Simple Rules.


New Member
I was just there on the 28th and everything seemed to be fine. Space Mountain broke which was cool to see, but that was really the only "disrepair" all day. I hope you take into consideration that crowds right now are not what they expected so they are having to make changes that they didn't think they would have to do, I hope you give Disney another chance cause the parks arent that bad.


New Member
I'll be back (when Disney changes)

You know what saddens me? That Disney is telling you on there planning DVD that on “some Magical Nights” there will be fireworks or an evening parade. Not all the nights are magical anymore!
Have you noticed that the Disney company is cutting a lot of attractions in the most loved theme park (MK) in the world and hardly replace it with anything else just because visitors will come and spent there money anyway.
I loved 20K, I loved the skyride, I loved Timekeeper, I loved Toad, I loved the Legend of the Lion King, I loved to watch the parade and the firework every night.
Hope they’ll learn and when they change into the Disney I always loved I’ll come back.:rolleyes:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Re: I'll be back (when Disney changes)

Originally posted by Tielo
Have you noticed that the Disney company is cutting a lot of attractions in the most loved theme park (MK) in the world and hardly replace it with anything else just because visitors will come and spent there money anyway.
I loved 20K, I loved the skyride, I loved Timekeeper, I loved Toad, I loved the Legend of the Lion King, I loved to watch the parade and the firework every night.
Hope they’ll learn and when they change into the Disney I always loved I’ll come back.:rolleyes:

They got rid of 20k because it didn't belong in Fantaseyland, made too much polution and everything on it was fake.
They got ride of the sky way because s matinence man died on it.
They got rid of Mr. Toad to replace with Pooh.
I liked Legend of the Lion King too, but they are replacing it with somthing much, much better. They may replace the 20k lagoon with somthing else and the same thing with Time Keeper. They're probably thinking of a replacement for them right now. Disney is still the same thing that you loved. You're just mad because they got rid of your most favorite rides. It happens all of the time. Believe me when I say that they're going to be replaced with much better things.:)


Well-Known Member
Re: I'll be back (when Disney changes)

Originally posted by Tielo
You know what saddens me? That Disney is telling you on there planning DVD that on “some Magical Nights” there will be fireworks or an evening parade. Not all the nights are magical anymore!
Have you noticed that the Disney company is cutting a lot of attractions in the most loved theme park (MK) in the world and hardly replace it with anything else just because visitors will come and spent there money anyway.
I loved 20K, I loved the skyride, I loved Timekeeper, I loved Toad, I loved the Legend of the Lion King, I loved to watch the parade and the firework every night.
Hope they’ll learn and when they change into the Disney I always loved I’ll come back.:rolleyes:

Every night is magical. At present, IllumiNations! and Fantasmic! are presented nightly, and Fantasy in the Sky is presented most nights, with Spectro on the weekends. Furthermore, Disney is in the process of Imagineering a new firework spectacular at the Magic Kingdom that will knock your socks off, with effects rivalling that of Reflections of Earth (and certainly better than Believe...There's Magic in the Stars)! Stay tuned!:D Oh, and the last time SpectroMagic! was presented nightly was during the 25th anniversary, and that was a special deal--other than that, Spectro has always been presented on "Special Nights" during the off season, and nightly during the holiday and summer seasons.


Account Suspended
Why is it that so many people defending Disney's current state will challenge the rest of us to find another theme park that even compares to Disney....but at the same time, we're not allowed to mention other parks without being accused of making this a "Disney vs Universal" discussion? Likewise, the people who are saying that nothing has gone downhill are the same ones who are making excuses for Disney's management (i.e. Constantly pointing out that it's their job to make the company profitable).

All of that aside, I've noticed quality at Disney declining in almost every area (cleanliness, cast members, show quality, etc.) and I think you'd have to be blind, or have a major Disney bias, NOT to have noticed. And I'm not comparing Disney to other parks. I'm comparing Disney to itself. Frankly, I don't care about the reasons. I think the observation still remains.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
I saw a ride video of the Posiedon's Fury show, it looked quite cheep. All you see is 2 projected images "fighting" each other while some small special effects happen all around you. Also, Poseidon is not an enemy of Zeuss. But let's have no more Universal vs. Disney fights in here, OK?:)
WOW... this is a new low for Disney fanboys. Judging an attraction based on a VIDEO of the attraction. That is beyond sad. Not to mention the attraction hasn't had anything to do with Zuess in about 2 years. That was changed in the rehab. Also if you have ever experienced Poseidon's Fury you would know that it is anything but cheap. It has 3 sets, all massive in scale with a long water vortex between them. Not to mention an ending that leaves the entire audience in awe. Please experience attractions before bashing them. Thanks.


New Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
WOW... this is a new low for Disney fanboys. Judging an attraction based on a VIDEO of the attraction. That is beyond sad. Not to mention the attraction hasn't had anything to do with Zuess in about 2 years. That was changed in the rehab. Also if you have ever experienced Poseidon's Fury you would know that it is anything but cheap. It has 3 sets, all massive in scale with a long water vortex between them. Not to mention an ending that leaves the entire audience in awe. Please experience attractions before bashing them. Thanks.

Please let other people voice their opinions (however wrong they may be) without bashing them. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Merlin
Why is it that so many people defending Disney's current state will challenge the rest of us to find another theme park that even compares to Disney....but at the same time, we're not allowed to mention other parks without being accused of making this a "Disney vs Universal" discussion? Likewise, the people who are saying that nothing has gone downhill are the same ones who are making excuses for Disney's management (i.e. Constantly pointing out that it's their job to make the company profitable).

All of that aside, I've noticed quality at Disney declining in almost every area (cleanliness, cast members, show quality, etc.) and I think you'd have to be blind, or have a major Disney bias, NOT to have noticed. And I'm not comparing Disney to other parks. I'm comparing Disney to itself. Frankly, I don't care about the reasons. I think the observation still remains.

I'm truly sorry you feel that way. I don't try to make excuses, but things are different then when just one park and 2 hotels existed. It is much easier to find 5,500 CM's who would literally "die" to work for Disney than 55,000 CM's who feel that way and don't just see it as another job. Thus, of course, you will come across CM's that are not polite. However, don't you also notice the enormous amount of CM's that go out of their way to make your stay extra-magical? I think they would be disheartened to hear you say that their "hard work" is subpar.

I agree that somethings are "less clean". This could be because things are not held to the strict standards once held by Disney, then again maybe not? What if people are just more inclined to make mess? ( :lol: ) Alright, bad excuse, but a probable one, no?

As for show quality, I truly believe each performer is trying their hardest. Which show do you feel is not Disney quality? Some of the newer shows: Festival of the LK, Tarzan Rocks, Cinderella's Surprise, Fantasmic!, Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Parade, etc. are considered by many to be some of Disney's best. Of course, others would disagree, but again, I don't think show quality is suffering.

When I re-read what I wrote, it sounds that I am very Disney-biased. Well, maybe a little. But I hate to hear people bashing what we are all here for: Our love for Disney and Disney World. I begin to think some of us "die-hards" hold Disney to a standard that they were never really at to begin with(???) I don't mean that we shouldn't express our concerns if we notice things, but I don't think things are as drastic as some imply that we need to cancel trips or wait to "things go back to the way they were". I've noticed some things slip from time to time, but, for me at least, Disney is still everything I've ever dreamed it to be. :)


New Member
Originally posted by Merlin
Why is it that so many people defending Disney's current state will challenge the rest of us to find another theme park that even compares to Disney....but at the same time, we're not allowed to mention other parks without being accused of making this a "Disney vs Universal" discussion? Likewise, the people who are saying that nothing has gone downhill are the same ones who are making excuses for Disney's management (i.e. Constantly pointing out that it's their job to make the company profitable).

All of that aside, I've noticed quality at Disney declining in almost every area (cleanliness, cast members, show quality, etc.) and I think you'd have to be blind, or have a major Disney bias, NOT to have noticed. And I'm not comparing Disney to other parks. I'm comparing Disney to itself. Frankly, I don't care about the reasons. I think the observation still remains.

I challenge you to find another theme park that has attempted to do what Disney has done. 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, 19/20 resorts, a nighttime entertainment complex, golf courses, etc.

You can't. If Universal was to try, I don't think they would be any better (probally worse) than Disney.

Things have gone down hill. I'll admit it. I've noticed a big difference from the 80s when I was a child to the early 90s with 3 theme parks to after 2001 when there were four parks.

I think Disney has gotten too big as a corporation, as well as just WDW. I think that they are doing a good job of balancing bottom lines with what people want.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Originally posted by Main Street USA
Can we stop using phrases like "you have to admit" or "we can all agree."

I disagree that IOA is currently or has ever been a better overall themepark in ANY way shape or form than ANY Disney park. Therefore, I don't "have to admit," and we all can't agree.

Just because you think something doesn't mean you're right, and it doesn't mean your opinion is more important than the next Joe Shmoe off the street.

To say that IOA is more technically advanced than Disney is a complete joke in my opinion. One example is Test Track, which in my opinion remains the most technically advanced and complicated ride ANYWHERE. Is Spiderman at IOA a better ride? Some might think so, and they might be right, but it IS NOT more technically advanced. This is only one example, and I have several more, but I'm going to leave this thread, probably for good, because this is going to turn into the same discussion we've had 1000 times on these boards.....Universal vs. Disney.

And I'd rather not come back and read 1000 more opinions stated as fact.

Bandman, I'm sorry to hear you had so many bad experiences while down in WDW. My most recent trip was in December, and while I can say there were a few cutbacks, none of my experiences were near the extreme you explained them. I enjoyed my visit as much as ever, and will most likely continue to do so as long as the magic remains for me, and I must say, it's as strong as ever.
Oh my gosh. MSU, you are the smartest man I know.

If you need to compare Universal vs. WDW, please, go to the other 30 threads about this topic and revive them.

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