Beware of the "New Trimmed Down" Disney


Well-Known Member
Merlin, I think I might have fallen into your trap of contradiction :lol: I know I've said that I haven't seen the drastic decline you and some others acknowledge while also saying they have had to cut things back due to the war. I thought I'd clarify a little my position on this :)

First, I don't see myself wearing "rose-colored glasses", but rather a more objective view on the situation. I recognize the concerns of some and think that they have all the merit to have these concerns, but I personally don't think Disney's product has rapidly declined to a point where they are suffering. What I mean is, I see occasionally some problems or cutbacks, but nothing disastrous that would "ruin" one's vacation (of course, some would disagree). That isn't to say that if more problems persist and cutbacks are implemented without cause that I won't agree that Disney has "lost its touch". In fact, if that time comes, I probably will, but RIGHT NOW, I just don't agree they have "lost their touch" (just my opinion :) )

Second, I recognize the cutbacks currently implemented. However, they are cutbacks for the CURRENT world environmet. Thus, I don't place this under the heading that the current state of DisneyWorld is slipping. I probably would, but this same type of thing happened after 9/11 and many things were reinstated as things improved. Unfortunately, we were thrown into another time of turmoil. Once we finally "liberate Iraq" and "war worries" subside, these cutbacks will be removed, restoring Disney World. Are all of these cutbacks necessary? Well, that is definetely up for debate, but I don't think they can be classified as Disney slipping. That is why I agree cutbacks are necessary during this time, but continue to say that "overall", Disney quality is still there.

I hope that makes some sense :)

Jedi Osborn

Active Member
I usually try to avoid the "Disney is going downhill" discussions. It may or may not be. And if it is, I don't want to think about it. But one thing caught my eye from the original post

"Illuminations is 10 minutes of boring music and sprinklers"

I know GE pulled their sponsorship, but is it really that much different now? Illuminations was the highlight of many of my Disney Days.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tomman710
The way I would judge "improvements" for Universal is that if they are making advancements to keep up with Disney, and this is not the case. They are not keeping up with Disney in any respect. So I don't think they are improving at all. In scope, themeing, innovating, rides, and sheer number of visitors and anything else you can think of Disney is about three steps ahead of Universal. If you use the argument that Universal is advancing in rides more so than Disney, than obviously your forgetting Mission Space or Test Track or pratically any ride or attraction from Disney in the past few years. Disney has not declined since 1990, they have grown. I respect your opinion but in my opinion no one comes close to matching Disney. Disney is in a category by itself. Universal is on par with Six Flags or Busch Gardens, now in the likes of that group that are dominating. But in the end, frankly Universal doesn't belong in the same sentence as Disney, the numbers prove that.
You completely missed my entire point. I specifically said that as of now, Disney IS without a doubt better in all aspects to Universal. What I was saying is that Universal is steadily IMPROVING, which I don't think anyone could argue with. And no, I didn't forget about Mission: SPACE or Test Track. But maybe you forgot about Men In Black: Alien Attack, Spider-Man, T2:3D, and The Mummy. All of these attractions, with the exception of The Mummy which hasn't opened yet are amazing attractions that I think beat out the closest competition at Disney.
Men In Black vs. Buzz Lightyear
Spider-Man vs. Any ride at Disney
T2:3D vs. Any 3d effects show at Disney
Popey and Bluto vs. Kali River Rapids

I'm pretty sure most would agree that Universal wins over Disney in all of those categories. My point is, and has always been that Universal is improving in leaps in bounds. I never said that they are better yet, but they are certainly getting close. If anything it just makes Orlando a better place for everyone. Competition is good, I don't know why everyone gets so defensive about Disney, it isn't going anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Zippa D Doodah
Although Michael Moore was prissy and self-aggrandizin at the Oscars the other night, I will paraphrase him now: ahem.. "SHAME ON YOU DISNEY CORP.! SHAME ON YOU!" (OK I feel much better now :drevil: )

Disney should immediately sell ABC and ABC Family. Does it burn anyone else to know that the short park hours and drastic drop in service and maintenance are going to help keep "Are You Hot?" on the air. What a retarded waste of money! The problem now is the Disney does not know what they believe. What is their corporate Mission Statement? Could one of you CMs post that for us, or could somebody provide us with a link?

Maybe they cut back Disney hours so the CM's can get home in time to watch "Are You Hot?" ;)

In all seriousness folks, Disney will always be a good time, but I myself won't be going back anytime soon. Not until Disney goes back to the "way it was"


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Becky
What crappy service? Over 30 trips and I have never seen crappy service or rude CM's. I have seen lots of rude guests.:eek:
Sorry, I should clarify what I meant.

I have NEVER experienced bad service at WDW, what I meant is that people are saying that they have had bad service and it must be because of the war.

My point being that they are all too willing to blame the war for every little problem in their lives....


New Member
Originally posted by 10021982

Dump ABC!!

Think about this, I believe ABC owns ESPN which is doing fine, if they lose ABC they lose ESPN which would mean having to change the ESPN clubs at the boardwalk and on the ships, plus Disney does a lot with ABC, for example, Wonderful world of Disney, or Who Wants to be a Millionaire at MGM, do you see sorta were I'm goin with this
Originally posted by imagineersrock
ok look, its ok to be a huge disney fan (trust me, i am one) but you haveto give credit where credit is due. islands of adventure is a phenominal themepark; its got great attractions, and tons of themeing that you find yourself completley immersed in.

now even though i am a WAY bigger fan of any disney park before a universal one... sure call it the magic factor.... but regardless, i can still admit that universal did an excellent job.

as for getting back on topic, i completley agree, and its very depressing to know what disney has been/could be and then to see it in its current state.:( its such a shame... i hope that one day, rides like M:S and FM will help bring the crowds back in to wdw..!:cool:

The crowds are there, thats for sure, it's just that Eisner and his cronies keep slashing hours, and neglecting basic maintenance on some of the attractions. Finally, look, everyone has a slump, no matter who you are it happens to the best of us. This is Disney's slump, in all likeliness, by the time summer rolls around, I am pretty sure things will be back to normal.:sohappy:


I just finished reading all these posts on this entire subject and now I am going to add my 2 cents for what its worth and maybe some people feel the same:

My parents first took me and my 2 siblings in the spring of 77, and again almost every 2 years after that until about 87. I just went back for the first time with MY family of 4 last April. Ive been to just about every place there is to go in Fl except the panhandle. I have enjoyed everywhere I went and my family will spend hours at a gathering laughing about all of our "adventures". My point being I love vacations...Busch, Sea World, Disney, Cypress Gardens, Everglades, Cape Canaveral, goes on and on. They all have been fun and 10 years later things have changed. They are going to. But not just the parks have perspective had changed. I see all this now through my Dads eyes now, and when my 8 year old daughters eyes lit up when we walked under the railroad station and saw that castle I knew what it was all about. Say what you what and make all the comparisons you want but only Walt Disney brings me back to 77.

Ill get off my soapbox now....anybody got a tissue......


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ArchiDanDisney
The crowds are there, thats for sure, it's just that Eisner and his cronies keep slashing hours, and neglecting basic maintenance on some of the attractions. Finally, look, everyone has a slump, no matter who you are it happens to the best of us. This is Disney's slump, in all likeliness, by the time summer rolls around, I am pretty sure things will be back to normal.:sohappy:
Whilst the croud numbers may rise, I think they may still be low. There is a definite worry amongst International travellers about travelling to the US right now.

We keep hearing o the news how tour companies are reducing their prices and cutting back on the number of places they have in reserve because pickup for this summer is low.

Also if the parks are being neglected then they will still be in a mess come the summer. Planned Maintenance is a nightmarew if you let it fall behind.


New Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
Think about this, I believe ABC owns ESPN which is doing fine, if they lose ABC they lose ESPN which would mean having to change the ESPN clubs at the boardwalk and on the ships, plus Disney does a lot with ABC, for example, Wonderful world of Disney, or Who Wants to be a Millionaire at MGM, do you see sorta were I'm goin with this

I'm pretty sure that the 2 channels are now independent, meaning you could sell ABC while keeping the sports channels. I'm not sure of this though.

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