Best Week Ever: Disney Edition (My Sept. 6-13 Trip Report)

Well kids I just got back from "the most magical place on Earth" and I'm here to tell you all about my little travels. We left at the butt-crack of morning on Saturday, Sept. 6th and sadly had to leave on Saturday, Sept. 13th. Well this will be my first trip report, so strap yourselves in and bare w/ me. The trip was filled w/ laughter, happiness, and maybe even a little unecessary drama for good measure. Here we go!

First of all let me introduce myself and the rest of the "cast":


David (Me)- Yup that's me ya'll. I'm 24 and a major Disney dork. I haven't been to the "world" in 4 years and when my mom asked me to "tag along" on their upcoming trip she didn't have to convince me twice to go along. They really had to twist my arm to go...*:animwink::animwink:*


Dad- He's a 47 y/o baby who happens to look like a grown man. :ROFLOL:He may look big and mean, but he's a big softie at heart. Remember the drama I mentioned? Well it was probably started by him. He's a type-A Disney commando who takes no prisoners. If you happened to see us you would see him 5 miles ahead and me yelling to "slow down". :lol:

Mom- She's 45 and a total blonde if you know what I'm saying. ;) I shouldn't say anything because we are practically the same and we were always trying to go the wrong way to exit rides and the whole mess. Fun times! Anyways she was the type who wanted to stop and see the parades, but of course "you know who" wanted to go, go, GO! :lookaroun

Well anywho, that was my "short" little introduction to bring everyone up to speed on who you are dealing w/ on this TR. :wave: See you all soon for more.


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Original Poster
We didn't enjoy Boma either. My DH loves to try new and spicy food, but even he didn't like the food there. I tried lots of things, but I ended up eating chicken strips with the children! Also, it was so noisy there, that we could not hear what our server was saying, and she was standing right next to us!

Yeah I was NOT impressed w/ Boma. And I agree, it was really loud, although nothing compared to the loudness that is Coral Reef.

:ROFLOL: this is the funniest TR ever, you sound just like me! I love the pics, thanks for sharing! Looks like you and your family had a great time!

Why thank you, although I believe Gary Hoove has the funniest TR's hands down. Thank you for reading, we did have a great time! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Omg!!!! I love your mom's shirt!!! I have a poster of that.
Next we visited jolly ole' England.

I'm stuck!

:ROFLOL:Love this- we did a crazy pose in this too

Day 3- Sept. 8th (Cont.)

So before I told ya'll about my trip to AK, and now I can tell you about our visit to the Animal Kingdom Lodge and our dinner at Boma. Let me tell you that the AKL is awesome! If I ever get rich I will definately be staying here. It kind of reminds me of the WL, but only w/ an African theme.

Here are a few pics I took of the Lodge:






I love how the animals were on property. Very cool. I also loved the outdoor camp fire, and the huge window in the back of the hotel. So after looking around for a bit, we headed downstairs to Boma for dinner.

Let me start off by saying that Boma was the place I was most excited about eating at. It was pretty much the only place that I insisted that we eat at. BIG MISTAKE! I'm sorry, but I thought the food was disgusting. Oh and before anyone starts scoffing at me, I will say that I tried EVERYTHING that they had to offer. I started off w/ this soup that tasted like pure sugar. Then I had this watermelon rind salad stuff that was horrible. I also had some of that dip stuff w/ the pita bread, and only could really tolerate one of the 3 kinds I sampled. :hurl: I also tried stuff like the folofal and cous cous which I'm sure I misspelled, but none of it was my cup of all. Even the prime rib and chicken they had tasted wierd. But then came the good part....THE DESSERT! Wow, now we're talking. They had the best desserts there. I swear to you that the things called "Zebra Domes" are the best creation known to man. I didn't even know what was in them or what they were, but they were freakin' good. Anyways, my mom and I were NOT impressed w/ Boma although my dad claimed to have loved it. Well I guess 1 out 3 isn't too bad I suppose.


I really enjoyed boma last year, this year we were disappointed. The flavor was way off, just not balanced at all. It was just off. I love couscous and and make it all the time, loved it last year at boma but this time it was soggy with too much liquid added. I can make similar dishes better at home so it wasn't a treat at all. Don't know what is up there this year?? :shrug:I was still pleased with the Zebra Domes - they are to die for!
Love your report!


New Member
Love your reviews. You seem to have a good time doing whatever you are doing. Commenting on one comment you made about AKL. You definately don't have to be rich to stay here. Hubby and I stayed 3 nights there in June and it was wonderful and believe me we are far from being rich. LOL You could always do a 1/2 and 1/2 and stay at the ASM the first half and AKL the second half. Just make sure you stay at the best one last.... oh yea........

ZEBRA DOMES ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I starting eating those things. I even got some from Mara and put them in the fridge for later when they were closed... :p It is worth going to AKL just to get those dang things. They have coffee and some kind of liquer in them and chocolate. It ought to be a sin for anything to be that good..... My mouth is watering just thinking about them..... To make a 8 hour trip to Disney more enjoyable I kept chanting Zebra Domes, Zebra Domes during the trip.. Hubby thought I had lost my mind.... (shhhh, don't tell him I have)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Omg!!!! I love your mom's shirt!!! I have a poster of that.

Love this- we did a crazy pose in this too

I really enjoyed boma last year, this year we were disappointed. The flavor was way off, just not balanced at all. It was just off. I love couscous and and make it all the time, loved it last year at boma but this time it was soggy with too much liquid added. I can make similar dishes better at home so it wasn't a treat at all. Don't know what is up there this year?? I was still pleased with the Zebra Domes - they are to die for!
Love your report!

haha Thanks, I am really not that crazy in my real life. Oh and yeah I heard so many good reviews about Boma from the past, but it was just a pure disappointment.

Love your reviews. You seem to have a good time doing whatever you are doing. Commenting on one comment you made about AKL. You definately don't have to be rich to stay here. Hubby and I stayed 3 nights there in June and it was wonderful and believe me we are far from being rich. LOL You could always do a 1/2 and 1/2 and stay at the ASM the first half and AKL the second half. Just make sure you stay at the best one last.... oh yea........

ZEBRA DOMES ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I starting eating those things. I even got some from Mara and put them in the fridge for later when they were closed... It is worth going to AKL just to get those dang things. They have coffee and some kind of liquer in them and chocolate. It ought to be a sin for anything to be that good..... My mouth is watering just thinking about them..... To make a 8 hour trip to Disney more enjoyable I kept chanting Zebra Domes, Zebra Domes during the trip.. Hubby thought I had lost my mind.... (shhhh, don't tell him I have)

Thanks! Oh and yeah maybe one day I will stay at the AKL, just not anytime soon. Oh and I literally laughed out loud about your "ZEBRA DOMES" chant! :ROFLOL:
Who dresses you!!!:eek::ROFLOL:

I got LOADS of compliments on my shirt that day thank you very much...

loving the report!

Thanks. Glad you are enjoying it. :wave:

:pCan't wait for more :wave: Be there in 3 days :sohappy::lol:

JEALOUS! :fork: Have a great time! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Your mom on Soarin reminds me of mine....she says she wants to ride it every time, but as soon as we go up she flips and starts demanding to get off...I don't think she has made it 5 mins with her eyes open.


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Day 5- September 10th, 2008

So after a fun filled day at Epcot, it was now the day to visit Hollywood Studios and Downtown Disney.

We were ready and rarin' to go first thing in the morning!


Everybody smile big!


We made out way to the Tower of Terror, which wasn't as fun as our previous time, but still great none-the-less.


Next we did RnRC. Remember last time my parents freaked out, so I was surprised to hear them wanting to ride this one again. Like I said before, this is one of my faves. I love the blasting music! After the ride we got our picture taken by the photo-pass lady. In one of the photos she told us to stick out our toungues and give the "rock-n-roll symbol".

Um yeah my dad had no clue what that meant...:lookaroun:lol:


Next up we did the Great Movie Ride. The lady who was our tour guide was not really in "character" all. She was so monotone. We had a really great "gansta" guy though who was really into it. Also I just love the Wizard of Oz scene, it really emerses you into that world.

After that we did our last ride before going over to Downtown Disney for lunch, which was Toy Story Mania again. My dad challenged me to see who would get the most points, and of course I demolished his score. My arm was sore as heck though.

Mr. Potatoe Head!


Oh and ANOTHER 3-D glasses shot, but this time I was taking it by myself just as soon as a CM came up to put my seat bar down. I was kind of embarassed at that point...:lol:



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Ok before we left I took my Mickey ears to the emroidery shop to have my name put on the back. When you do it you have to drop it off and pick it up later, and that was no problem w/ me. On our way to the busses we found out that they don't take you directly to DTD, so you have to take a bus to another hotel and then get on another to go to DTD. What a pain, but whatev.

So when we arrived at DTD we were all super hungry so we headed over to Earl of Sandwich for our CS lunch. We all three got the sandwich which I think was called the Full Montague. Anyhow, it was REALLY good, although I can't remember all that was in it. I also had a Powerade to drink and an AMAZING brownie w/ ice-cream in the middle. This was the best dessert ever. THe only problem was that they didn't count it as a dessert credit, which was really lame IMO. I will definately be eating here the next time I visit. It was so good. :slurp:

After lunch we vistited all of the shops and looked around. I saw another shirt that I liked which I later purchased at Mouse Gear in Epcot.

A pirate's life for me!


More crazy hats...


After shopping, my parents wanted to go to Cap'n Jacks for their strawberry margaritas. I've never had them, but they were raving about them from their previous trips. When we got there the waitress seemed ticked that we were just eating there for drinks and an appetizer. Whatever... We all 3 got the strawberry margaritas and then some kind of chips and dip, which I thought was good, but my mom thought was disgusting. Anyways the margaritas were not good, they were really watery and tasteless and there wasn't any alchohol in them at all. Needless to say we were all very disappointed in Cap'n Jacks as a whole and we cancelled our reservations that we had there for Friday because of it.

Here we are at Cap'n Jacks:


After that, there was yet another disagreement. Ok at the beginning of the day we all 3 said the top thing that we wanted to do, and for me it was to see the LMA Stunt show. Well my dad was saying that he was "tired" and wanted to go back to the hotel. Um yeah I wasn't really having that since we did everything that he wanted to do for the day, and the one thing that I wanted to see he wanted to pass up. Anyhow I had to go back to pick up my hat. So after much pouting from my dad, we headed back to DHS.

I picked up my hat, which looked awesome btw and then we headed for the Indiana Jones stunt show to see before we were going to head for the LMA show. So pretty much right after the "rolling ball" scene, a huge downpour started and they announced that the rest of the show was cancelled. So yeah at this point I was sure that the other show was going to be cancelled as well, and there wasn't going to be another chance to see it due to it being closed for refurb the next day.

So we headed over to the other show to ask if they were still going to do it. They said as long as it is a light sprinkle it would still go on. Yay! So we then headed to see the Muppets 3-D show. I love this show, although it definately is showing it's age. Also it was a nice attraction to avoid the downpour outside.

After that we went over to the resteraunt area near the back-lot tour to wait until the show opened up.

I told them to look sad because of the rain.


So the time finally came when they opened up the line for the LMA show. When we sat down the bleachers were really wet and gross and it was really slippery. Oh and the funniest thing ever was going on during this time. They play this really bad techno music there and the older lady CM, who was directing the crowd, was like busting all these dance moves. It was so hilarious! People were cheering her on and this guy from the crowd ran down to show her some "moves". :ROFLOL: Let's just say that was the most entertaining part of this show. I'm sorry, but this show is just not worth it. It was really boring and long. It seemed like all they did was talk and there wasn't much action. We all vowed that we would not be seeing this one again.

So yeah, it was STILL raining, and we made our way back to the busses to go back. When we got to the hotel we decided to use another CS for dinner. I got a cheese pizza w/ an orange popsicle for dessert. It was good, but everyone knows what pizza is like at Disney so there really isn't anything else I can add to that one. After dinner I went to bed because it was raining and gross out and there was nothing at all to do. I think my parents tried going to the pool for a bit, but that didn't last long due to the rainy-ness.

In the next installment- I meet Mickey :sohappy:, more Magic Kingdom, more RAIN :mad:, a brief stop at Epcot, O'hana dinner, and MK again. Once again thanks for reading! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You suck! :fork:

I'm really enjoying your TR - your sense of humor is just great! It's been a pleasure to read!:wave:
Wow thank you so much! :D
Your mom on Soarin reminds me of mine....she says she wants to ride it every time, but as soon as we go up she flips and starts demanding to get off...I don't think she has made it 5 mins with her eyes open.
:lol: Yeah my mom pretty much pulled that crap the whole time after I made her ride RnRC. :rolleyes:
YAY!...Love you!
Awww thanks! :)

Todd L

Well-Known Member
My God you are funny..........
Being The Dad on these trips I can relate to your Father .
I promise I will slow down on my trip this year and take it all in.
You should make a "rent a smart alec son for your Disney trip" Business.
Too Funny . I speny my entire Lunch hour reading this.

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