Bed Bugs at WDW


Original Poster
Anybody read about this on An increase in reports of bed bugs at WDW Resorts. A family staying at All-Star Movies complained about bed bugs and supposedly got $5000 and a free trip. I think I would endure a few bed bugs for $5000 and a free trip if that's true.


New Member
Anybody read about this on An increase in reports of bed bugs at WDW Resorts. A family staying at All-Star Movies complained about bed bugs and supposedly got $5000 and a free trip. I think I would endure a few bed bugs for $5000 and a free trip if that's true.

Yikes, ain't no amount of money that could convince me that was a good thing. I think that'd ruin Disney for me forever.:eek:


Original Poster
Yikes, ain't no amount of money that could convince me that was a good thing. I think that'd ruin Disney for me forever.:eek:

Now, I never said it was a good thing or that I would enjoy it, nor would I ever try to defraud Disney out of anything. I dont know what the consequences of getting bitten by a bed bug are but $5000 and a free trip seems worth it to me.


Well-Known Member
Even 5 star hotels get bed bugs every now and then and there seems to be an epidemic at this time. I think Disney was more than generous to this family...who knows if the bites even came from a WDW hotel. Were they the only guests that complained? Bed bugs infest an entire hotel, not just one room. The bites are very uncomfortable and can become dangerous if they get infected.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
For the most part bed bug are harmless. The have been known to carry human blood born diseases but there has not been to my knowledge a single case of disease transmission due to a bed bug bite. The big discomfort is caused by the allergic reaction at the bite site which can cause a burning or itching sensation similar to a flea or mosquito bite. All the same I do not want them in my bed.


Well-Known Member
My bro-in-law's last trip with his family for Spring Break last year they stayed at All-Star Sports and found a big ol' fat roach crawling across the bed beneath the sheets one morning after waking up. Woulda been better to find it before going to sleep...or maybe not...all in perspective. They didn't get $5K or a free trip. They don't like Disney the way I do, tho. Poor dears.... :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Bed bugs at Disney?! :eek: Please tell me this is not true.
Bed bugs can happen anywhere. They can travel on your luggage even and infest your own home. There has been an increase in infestations the past couple of years, and in 5 star hotels as well as others. They are very difficult to get rid of once an infestation starts.


New Member
Now, I never said it was a good thing or that I would enjoy it, nor would I ever try to defraud Disney out of anything. I dont know what the consequences of getting bitten by a bed bug are but $5000 and a free trip seems worth it to me.
"worth it"??!! No way!


Well-Known Member
I HATE bed bugs!! I got them once at a motel in Wildwood. Needless to say I have never stayed there again. They got into my teddy bear and the arm that I held him with at night got bites all over it. My fingers all the way up my arm. And they hurt! It was terrible.:cry: I'll be on the lookout next time I go to Disney! :lookaroun


My bro-in-law's last trip with his family for Spring Break last year they stayed at All-Star Sports and found a big ol' fat roach crawling across the bed beneath the sheets one morning after waking up. Woulda been better to find it before going to sleep...or maybe not...all in perspective. They didn't get $5K or a free trip. They don't like Disney the way I do, tho. Poor dears.... :hammer:

We had a roach in our room a few years ago at the Port Orleans French Quarter. It ran across the room and crawled under the bed. I called the front desk right away and they sent an exterminator to spray the room while we were out at the park that day. We didn't see anything again after that.

I'm staying at All Star Music in April/May and I now plan on examining the beds throroughly. I hate bugs.


Well-Known Member
Bed bugs can happen anywhere. They can travel on your luggage even and infest your own home. There has been an increase in infestations the past couple of years, and in 5 star hotels as well as others. They are very difficult to get rid of once an anfestation starts.

I think I am going to be sick.:hurl: I am sure Disney will take care of it but GROSS OUT!!


Active Member
If you bring them home with you, it's serious. Major expense to try and get rid of them. Many people can't get rid of them.


It was on the news from one of the Tampa TV stations.
Board of health says it's not just disney, seems to be an epedemic in Orlando area.


Well-Known Member
It was on the news from one of the Tampa TV stations.
Board of health says it's not just disney, seems to be an epedemic in Orlando area.

It is not just the Orlando area, there is a world wide epidemic right now. These things go in cycles, just like the cicadas and locusts.

The best thing to do is to carefully examine your bed before you get in, if there is a problem call the front desk and ask for another room if possible.
You can be the cleanest person in the world and the hotel can be top notch, but nothing stops these bugs from hopping from place to place.


New Member
Anybody got a pic or description of what a Bed Bug looks like? I hope to never see one but I want to know in case I see something! :lookaroun

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Here are some images that will make your skin crawl to go along with this thread.




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