bad language in the parks


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
on out last trip, we got to see other tourists getting angry dropping "f-bombs" about anything, or arguments, or people just swearing out loud in general.
I'm no saint either at times, but keep it to myself thinking if kids & other tourists around the parks trying to enjoy themselves.
not surprisingly, most of it was at the F&W festival, lol.


Beta Return
on out last trip, we got to see other tourists getting angry dropping "f-bombs" about anything, or arguments, or people just swearing out loud in general.
I'm no saint either at times, but keep it to myself thinking if kids & other tourists around the parks trying to enjoy themselves.
not surprisingly, most of it was at the F&W festival, lol.

Were you on Tower of Terror? If so, that might have been me :oops: :cautious:


The Epcot Manifesto
Just as much as in normal society in general. "Bad" words have been used more and more frequent in public as the years pass. As one who tends to use words the networks define as profane (and who can trace back his children's first in context F-bombs to before their 2nd birthdays), it's not surprising that you'd hear this type of language in the park. I hear it in the grocery store, public transportation, work, pretty much everywhere.

I will say that I do tend to try and watch my mouth around children, but I'll bet I've dropped a few choice words while visiting the Happiest Place on Earth.


Well-Known Member
Just as much as in normal society in general. "Bad" words have been used more and more frequent in public as the years pass. As one who tends to use words the networks define as profane (and who can trace back his children's first in context F-bombs to before their 2nd birthdays), it's not surprising that you'd hear this type of language in the park. I hear it in the grocery store, public transportation, work, pretty much everywhere.

I will say that I do tend to try and watch my mouth around children, but I'll bet I've dropped a few choice words while visiting the Happiest Place on Earth.

And we wonder why kids are the way they are these days.


Beta Return
Just as much as in normal society in general. "Bad" words have been used more and more frequent in public as the years pass. As one who tends to use words the networks define as profane (and who can trace back his children's first in context F-bombs to before their 2nd birthdays), it's not surprising that you'd hear this type of language in the park. I hear it in the grocery store, public transportation, work, pretty much everywhere.

I will say that I do tend to try and watch my mouth around children, but I'll bet I've dropped a few choice words while visiting the Happiest Place on Earth.

99.9% of my on-property swearing on our most recent trip was regarding Disney Transportation.

Walking out of Epcot and the monorail is down: "What the ?"

Finding out that they didn't replace said monorail with a direct bus to the MK, even though the Resort and Express monorails were already down for maintenance: "You've got to be kidding me."

Getting on a bus to a park, only to find out it was headed 10-15 minutes away to pick up at another Deluxe Resort or the Campground first: "[too many words to censor here]"

Seeing the price of a cool retro Epcot tee shirt I wanted at Mouse Gears: "***** ** **** ** * *** * *****.....and I'll take this other cool one too."


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately civility in Public is a dying attribute for many people these days.
I have a complete repertoire of all of the foulest language imaginable, but I never use F bombs, or other gross language, when children are present.
My Dad was a DI after WW II and he never got the hang of keeping foul language to himself.
Besides learning all of the foul language that he knew, I also learned that using it freely in Public just makes one look like an idiot.


Le Meh
Premium Member
True, It's all my fault.
It does lead me to question though how I got this way. I never heard my parents utter a single swear word.
Oh, that is right, TDO. I forget. Always blame TDO.
Because as a society we have been conditioned to be tolerant or risk being accused of being a bully, an extremist, racist or the like.

There is such a thing as right and wrong and 2+2 does equal 4.


The Epcot Manifesto
Because as a society we have been conditioned to be tolerant or risk being accused of being a bully, an extremist, racist or the like.

There is such a thing as right and wrong and 2+2 does equal 4.
I guess I tend to fall more in line with the idea that most words are just that, words. It's the intent behind them that make them "right" or "wrong".
And I will always err on the side of tolerance.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know no one is a saint but they are in the happiest place on earth and there are kids around they shouldn't be cussing in public (at least do it quietly).

It's the most Magical Place On Earth... Get it Jk.. Sometimes some people slip up, myself included, but I always try to watch my mouth, no matter how frustrated I am ..


Well-Known Member
My mother, daughter (7 years old) and I were riding It's a Small World last Sunday night and as luck would have it 3 teens sat down behind us on the boat. Not only did one of them talk the ENTIRE ride, she cussed like a sailor. Fortunately my daughter was all caught up in the song and the dolls and did not seem to notice. It took all I had to keep from saying anything, but I figured it just was not worth the drama it would have caused.


Well-Known Member
i have never paid attention to other's mouths. i cuss, though so maybe it's just normal for me. i, honestly, could care less about cussing. it's context and what's being said. for example, someone saying ''that's..... awesome!'' wont catch my attention, but someone screaming at their five year old saying, ''you **** little ****! Get your a** over here!" would definitely catch my attention

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