None taken.
Simply because I think that the current Imagination ride is unattractive, does that mean I will stop going to Disneyworld and riding it? <grin>
I do it to keep up on the progress of the Avatar development. If it happens, I surely can't stop it, and I hope WDI does an amazing "blow my socks off" job with it and 15 years (being facetious...perhaps) from now when it opens after 2 more sequels have enthralled a generation and a half of movie goers I am eating humble pie as to how amazing it is.
But, as it stands, I am not a fan of the concept, the movie, or the idea. But, I can respect those who are, and am curious as to what is coming down the pike.
My comment reflects my opinion (hence my note at the end), and shouldn't be construed to imply that I look down on those who are enthusiastic about this experience coming to the parks.
Make sense?