I'm not convinced that Rivers of Light's seating area will look good during the day, but pretty much everything else they've done to Discovery Island and Harambe looks excellent. I love the new color scheme of Discovery Island.
I asked a few questions of additional timing of things, these answers were from a front line cast member so take them with a grain of salt:
- The Okapis sleep 5 minutes a day and they're testing having them be able to move from their Pangani Forest exhibit to the Kilimanjaro Safaris exhibit, in theory giving them a bit more free range as an animal that would be out longer due to Nighttime Safaris
- Nighttime Safaris are expected to debut in April.
- The fence issues around the new hyena/wild dog exhibit should be addressed
- The hyena/wild dogs aren't on a set schedule yet.
They were moving quite a few pieces of those wire mesh chips today. I really think it's possible that this land looks to be finished by the end of this year and is actually open in early 2017.