It's up to you whether or not you want to believe the insiders on the forum, for me I see no reason why they would lie. They might well be wrong, equally I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are correct in this instance taking into account the players involved in this particular projects.
I never said they are lying, or have lied... But, they could very well be getting played, or used... And maybe they know more than they are letting on (which is very possible)... Maybe, just maybe, someone is feeding them negative information to turn opinions against Avatar so their pet project gets the go ahead instead of Avatar... Maybe, just maybe someone is feeding them incomplete information to help set expectations lower and then BAM we are blown away by something great...
I love reading the information they bring here... But I also take it with a grain of a salt... Hell, I even take Disney's announcements with a grain of salt.. LOL..
It's a start but for me it's taken too long to get here and I worry it will take just as long to reach the next point. I've said that I won't go to Avatarland when it opens and I 100% stand by that but I'm still interested and somewhat invested in it despite my dislike of it because I want it to show that Disney is still serious about adding quality attractions to WDW and for it to be the start of improvements right across the resort.
I agree it is taking too long to get this thing moving... And I do feel it is fair to mock and bash Disney for dragging their feet in this... I think it is fine to call purchasing the theme park rights to Avatar a knee jerk reaction (it was)... Their actions aren't helping to put out any of the negativity about this either... Disney management is 100% to blame here...
You increase capacity by adding things for guests to do and that will keep them coming back. The Fantasyland expansion looks lovely from what I've seen of it but it's a lot of style over substance; having two new rides is great but there was potential for more and I think the Snow White building is being wasted as another M&G. It is what it is, I just think it's sad that it's reached a point now where we as guests are so welcoming of something new that we don't expect or demand more than we should and I include myself in that.
I don't disagree with you about Fantasyland... Yes, it could have been so much more... I think they failed with the meet and greet with Belle.. They should have made it a dark ride, especially since we lost Snow White (and no, I am not going to miss it) for a dedicated meet and greet for the princesses... Belle could have been included in the line up there, giving us that dark ride...
I'm not welcoming of just anything new... I do expect more from Disney... I do demand it... I am also a realist and I know I cannot force Disney to live up to their own standards... If I do not like what they give us, I can either never visit again or just skip the additions I don't feel are worthy of my time...
The thing is, people always go back... No matter how much we complain about how stagnant the parks are becoming (and yes, I am a critic), that doesn't change the fact that people visit over and over and over... Not everything can be for everybody, and I think we tend to lose sight of that... Some don't want Avatar in the parks... Some are looking forward to Avatar in DAK... I'm not a Cars fan, I don't want RSR in DHS... But, if they built it, I'd give it a chance... My preference is more Star Wars in DHS, not more Pixar... I hate Twilight... But if Disney added a mind blowingly awesome Twilight attraction into one of the parks, know where I would be? Yep, on line waiting to give the ride a chance instead of preaching on a message board how I hate Twilight, how this is a failure on Disney's part, and making myself try to appear holier than thou... I'd give it a chance and then make an informed opinion about the experience instead of letting blind hatred fuel my opinion of something I haven't seen yet...
As always, it is fun discussing this with ya...