[0007] The present invention addresses the above problems by providing a ride that provides cable-suspended passenger vehicles that may be moved through a ride environment within a variable work space. Briefly, the ride includes one or more tracks that define a path(s) for a ride, and each vehicle is suspended by two or more winches or cable drives that can selectively adjust the length of a cable attached at a support/attachment point on a body of the vehicle (e.g., two, three, or more spaced-apart cable-attachment locations on each vehicle body). The winches may be fixed in place or mounted on individual carriers or mounted on a single carrier, with each carrier being motor or otherwise driven on the track to allow the carriers and the anchor points for the suspension cables to be moved during the ride. By selective operation of the winches and positioning of the carrier(s), the vehicle can be positioned at numerous X-Y positions within the facility (e.g., looking downward on the ride) as well as in numerous Z or vertical positions relative to the track. As a result, the vehicle may be moved through a large work space or volume, and, through the use of differing cable lengths (which may be dynamically set) the orientation of the vehicle body may also adjusted during the ride (e.g., to provide pitch, yaw, roll, and the like).
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