August Role Call


New Member
I'll be there Aug 29-31 (Labor Day Weekend) with my husband and his parents. It should prove interesting considering we're having to plan our meals around the fact that my father-in-law is a vegan.


My wife and I will be making our triumphent return to WDW, following a 9 month absence, on August 21-28. It was a spur of the moment trip, but our anniversary is on the 24th, so it kind of works out.
I just booked three priority seatings and two backstage tours.

Is it time to go yet?:sohappy:


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Original Poster
Originally posted by CrisKennedy
I'll be there Aug 29-31 (Labor Day Weekend) with my husband and his parents. It should prove interesting considering we're having to plan our meals around the fact that my father-in-law is a vegan.

Hi Chris, :wave: Haven't seen you around lately. Hope you are enjoying your new home. Have a good trip. You should start a thead to see if any other vegans reguraly go to WDW and see if they have any advice.
well my b-day is august 1 and ive been hinting that id like to go down there for a 16th b-day present and they have been hinting a litlle back to me. hoopefully it will come true. Keep you fingers crossed :D :p


Well-Known Member
I was just at for my daily check of August park hours (what? me obsessive?). Anyway, hours for the Animal Kingdom have increased by one hour every day (from 9:00-5:00 to 9:00-6:00).

There are still a few days without Fantasy in the Sky fireworks scheduled, but hopefully that will change too!


New Member
Checking the hours is not obsessive....I sent Disney an e-mail asking them to explain their hours during this time of year. I mean, with the FTP, I'm sure there will be an increase in crowd size.

On a daily basis, more then once I will check the discussion boards, surf Disney, check and recheck my intinerary, check the discussion boards, surf Disney, check and recheck my intinerary,check the discussion boards, surf Disney, check and recheck my intinerary.....Besides, who determines obsessive compulsive behaviour anyway? :D

Only 49 more days!:sohappy:


New Member
I will be going Agust 10th-17th with my mom and sister as a 'girls trip' before she starts her first year of college and I start my first year of law school-although our dad may come down for a few days.:kiss: I can't wait for Mission:Space and we're going to be there for my sister's 18th birthday:sohappy: We are hoping to do the Fantasmic Dinner package too!
Happy Annerversary everybody!


My family and I are leaving the 15th for WDW. Can't wait, we'll be there just after the M:S soft opening! We'll be staying at POR for our stay at Disney and then we're going to Clearwater Beach for the rest of our vacation.

Just think, a bunch of us will probably run into one another and never know it.

No worries TiggerBite, it'll be here before you know it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BigNorm
My family and I are leaving the 15th for WDW. Can't wait, we'll be there just after the M:S soft opening! We'll be staying at POR for our stay at Disney and then we're going to Clearwater Beach for the rest of our vacation.

Just think, a bunch of us will probably run into one another and never know it.

No worries TiggerBite, it'll be here before you know it.

Maybe we could all wear a special button/pin or something.
I've noticed a few people staying in the same resort (WL) at the same time we are (Aug 2-9).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bkw86
My DW, DS and DD will be there 8/3 - 8/10 at WL. Less than 4 weeks. Can't wait. Our 3rd year in a row.

See you there! (8/2-8/9)
Just love the WL!:sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by tigsmom
Maybe we could all wear a special button/pin or something.
I've noticed a few people staying in the same resort (WL) at the same time we are (Aug 2-9).

I know another discussion board says to were a lime colored ribbon or such in order to identify other people. When there last I keep my eyes open, but didn't see any. I haven't heard any ideas of how to spot other WDWMagic members. Any sugestions?


if any of you are going to be at the M:S soft opening , i'm most likely going to be wearing MY Rob Van Dam T-shirt .. so you'll know its me lol


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of our log in names on a shirt (maybe across the back of a tee). Or how about one of those Hi! My Name Is tags.:)lol: )


New Member
We'll be there July 25th - August 4th! We have been going to Disney World for years, but this is the first time we are going with a child. Our daughter will be turning 6 months old when we are down there.

BTW - DisneyDPH, congrats on your anniversary. Our second anniversary is August 18th. I also noticed that you are from Michigan too. Also - thanks for all the info (from many other forums) about traveling with a child - it has been really helpful in preparing for our upcoming trip.

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